Wednesday, June 10, 2015

the Core City

the Core City.

A lot of Debate, does still stand or remain, and in regards, and to what a Core City in all, is simply said to be all about that is. But before we get to speak truly, and on this said even topic too, is to now perhaps, add a rejoinder in all, here, and to the previous post, and as having to do, and with speak of the Spiritan, and of Ifa/IFA too that is. That what in all, is believed even said, the highest of Powers in all, and so to speak that is, and in regards now and to speak of the Spiritan, Canon (Law), and of Ifa/IFA too that is. In speak of Canon (Law), speak now and of the Holy Spirit, but as said too, taking the very form of the Holy Ghost that is, but as also believed said too, taking a third form and to it all too that is. It is in speak of Ifa/IFA though, and simply where the name IFA/Ifa in itself, does speak now too, and of a higher Power that is, and as said to speak truly of a Medium that is. However, two other forms in all, and of IFA/ifa, do exist, and in the name of Orunmila (Link), and of Odudua too that is [and with the latter in all, said even referring and to speak too of the Spiritan, and of Artefacts too that is]. In speak of the Spiritan though, speak now and of it all even, believed said even a secret Tradition of a kind, that could in the very least, be associated, and with speak now too, and not of the Holy Ghost either, but in many a way truly, speak now, and of the Divine Mercy for instance.

In having said the above, is to now attempt to define the Core City, and as said even defined somewhat, and in the initial/first post, and on this very Blog too that is. That the Core City, and on that post (Link), is simply said defined as follows:

1. Nairobi and as said a Port, Hub or Center too.

2, Nairobi and as said a Site, Locale or Habitat too.

3. Nairobi and as said a Post, Station or Terminal too.

In perhaps attempting now, and to now make the Core City, simply said even real/realistic in its ways, is to now and in all even, approach it all, and from speak too of Monetarism (Link) that is. That it in all, can now too, be said to take, and in speak here of a hypothesis too, to take, the very forms in all, spoken of, and in the following three posts: Link1, Link2, Link3

That the first of these now does speak too, and of the Core City, Counter 'Nairo', and in speak now too of Technology that is, and as said even to define the Core City and as said as follows in all:

1. Equivalency * Filming/Animation Technologies - Port
2. Equals * Photographic Technologies - Hub
3. Matches * Scanning/Printing/Fascmile Technologies - Center

4. Equivalency * Angels - Site
5. Equals * Ghosts - Locale
6. Matches * Orac. - Habitat

7. Equivalency * Probabilistic - Post
8. Equals * Statistical - Station
9. Matches * Graphical/Linguistic - Terminal

In all, the above, and as said even truly, a matter of Conjecture, and if not Hypothesis conjured up that is, for it all even though, does truly speak and of the very fact that, no one in all, truly knows what a Core City in all truly is, and other than define it all, and from certain said Communications that is, and that do in all even speak of Political Office, and if not of many a Political issue/matter, and as arising too, and with speak of said even Key-Players in all, and in a now said too, successfully run Core City too that is.