Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Experience Hendrix

Experience Hendrix.

Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you ? 
People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall." 
You thought they were all kiddin' you

---- Bob Dylan / 'Like a Rolling Stone'


Experience Hendrix, and what more can I say.

This entry, and in its ways and manners, and can be perceived acrimonious, and in regards, and to speak of Tolerance in itself. For it does too, now ask of one, and of whom in all, they simply truly believe, to be said Friend or Foe, or Enemy and as alike that is. That according to the Swahili too, 'Kikulacho Ki Nguoni Mwako', ones biggest Enemy, is said none other, and than ones said self too that is.

There is alot of talk, and that does still very much exist, or go on or along, and as said now too, to very much, incriminate or accuse, or simply put down, those too, simply said 'Black' that is. 'Black', for while most do associate it all, and with (skin) colour, what is actually been said here is that, the word/term 'Black', is not often used and in regards to speak of (skin) colour solely, but that in all again, those now too, simply said painted 'Black', are the kind said to be associated in all, and with certain said Experiences, inferior in their ways, and in further speak too, and of their said exposing one, and to anything said disgusting, or tainted too that is.

Where does the African Experience, lie anymore? Hopefully, this is understood, and from the very perspective of life and as said perceived, and in speak of Expectation that is. That Africans in all, are today too, believed in all, to hold not too much of Expectation, and in regards to life in itself, for that said too Western or even said White Experience so to speak, is believed said not open, and to most, said not meeting a said even historical profile that is.

Experience Hendrix, and in now saying that, for both Vic., and Bik, and including speak too of Pat., but not of Hosea truly either it is truly believed, the very belief that, that life's Experience, or Experience too, does very well speak, and of what can be termed Adoption, and if not of Fostering too, and in now saying that, the three of you, do truly believe, it can be said here, you all very well could be said too, said Africa's first Pope that is.

Hopefully, the above was understood, and in a certain said Context that is; Vic., Bik and Pat too. The very belief, and by you three, that life's Experiences, are simply even said around the Corner, and on your now regarding yourself, and as simply too, said not African that is. That to be African, is to speak too, and of being Tarnished, and for reasons, one would simply cannot be said to comprehend, or be fully aware, or be of understanding of that is.

Experience Hendrix, and in now too saying that, it is Hip-Hop, and not Rap Music truly either, and that does attempt to tell one, simply where, the said even African or Black Experience, truly is, and despite, ones name been Annan, Obama, or even, Condoleeza too. That Hip-Hop, and not Rap truly either, will tell one that, the said African or Black Experience, is simply said real, and in speak of it now perceived, and from everyday said racist, misogynistic, or even xenophibic, undertones that is (and not attitudes truly either), and in speak now of Success, Black, or African too, said perceived or defined truly, and in equating it all, and to speak of Intolerance, and not of Escapism truly either for instance.

There are those who do believe, that there does exist, an Evil in this World, and that is simply said out to get, or destroy too, and if not actually tarnish, anything said African that is. The most surprising of Evils it can be said, for it too, can be said to speak of Luanda Magere in himself, and an Evil too, and that does in all even speak of Shadows, and of the Shadowing of many a said person that is. The weirdest of Evils, and in speak too of those who would do simply even, seek to directly imitate another, and in gaining recognition too that is, but that, what is been said here too, is that, this Evil, surprisingly enough, is known too, and to reside, and in speak too now, and of African Cultural Identity, and not that said Political, or Religious truly either. 

That what is been said here is that, the very belief that, the true Empowerment, and of Africans in all, does lie, and in their reclaiming, their Cultural Heritage, and not that said Political, or Religious either, and so to say that is. That what in all, is been said here is that, the attempt to destroy, African Culture in all, is believed said even Cultural truly, and not that simply said Religious, or Political either that is. But how can one best explain this? And other than in speak, and of Shadows that is? Shadows too, and that do speak of an African Moor past, and of the very word/term/name of France too, now too said African that is, and in Cultural Heritage too. Shadows, that could in all even be the very question, and in regards to all this, but what we are actually trying to say here, is that, African Religious Identity, is actually tied, and to speak now of Genomes, Genetics, and of the Genus too, and as said even referring, and to speak of the Pyramid Builders of Egypt that is. That African Political Identity, and as versus that said too, and to speak of Islam that is, is now too, said tied down, and to speak too of Invocation, Evocation, and if not in speak of Invoking in itself too that is [and with they all too, best said perceived, and from speak now of Intolerance that is].

Experience Hendrix, and as said Experience too, and that does in all even speak, and of the African Cultural Heritage that is. Cultural Heritage, and that is said too, Religious in its ways, in that, it does now speak, and of one, and as truly defined, and in speak of Conditioning, and of the said here even 'Fear of the Black Man'  too for instance; but that in all again, it does now speak too, of a deeper Issue/Matter in all, and that does plague the World today, and that does ask of us, and in speak of the life Experience that is, does ask of us, what does pass for Impact in our lives, or for Breathe too perhaps, and simply said, and to speak of one and in Heritage/Blood, but that in speak now and of Africa, ones Cultural Heritage, now simply telling of one, what in all can be said to be the Extremes, and of the said life Experience that is [that Victory today, can too, be said African, and in speak truly and of the Race that is].

Experience Hendrix, one more time, and what more can I say, and in now asking of one, and of the very reason, why life, is said to be, and of why that is, we do in all even desire, to never die out, but keep on living, and in pain and struggle, and as if said awaiting, a Prize of a kind that is. That this Prize, is not for the deluded in all, but does in all even speak of, and of the reclaiming of ones Cultural Heritage, and in religious speak/tones too that is, for it now does speak of the African, and as said recognizing himself in all, and as said superior too, and to others, and in speak now, and of God and as said asking of one too, and in further speak here too of the African, and as said now recognizing the very said presence/existence and of God that is, and in now having God ask of one truly: 'What is said, to be your Natural Inheritance?... And thats it.

Experience Hendrix:
