Sunday, June 28, 2015

The International Community

The International Community.

Many have heard, and of what they do call, the International Community, and in Kenya too that is. The said History though, and of the said International Community in Kenya, is not one easy in all, to document, or in all even, account for in all, for it is in all even said a History, and that does speak too and of the said term of Occupation, and not that of Political Interests truly either. For Kenya though, and in History, is not said to go along in all, and with speak of British History, and as said even referring and to speak of Occupation, and as that of South Africa does, Botswana too (and as said Protectorate), India three, and if not of the History, and of Lawrence of Arabia, and in Saudi Arabia too that is.

That the very term of Occupation, now too, does have multitudes of meaning to it all, for it too is said best associated, and with speak of the vying of Interests, and in regards truly, and to speak of Potential in itself that is. That Kenya now, is too, and from the very said perspective of the International Community in Kenya (and if not of the name of the late Smith Hempstone too for instance), is said to have lots of Potential to it, but it all said even a derailed process, Kenya, and in its manifesting of its Potential that is, and from speak too, and of a said even acrimonious History in all, and that does in all even ask, who does truly belong, and in Kenya that is. That Kenya, and from the very perspective of Colonials into Kenya, Victorian too, is said, to house no peoples to it truly, or those simply said to have a true or genuine/authentic culture to them, but that in all again, Kenyan History and as stated as such, becomes intertwined in all, and with that too said Swahili, and as with it all even now simply said colluding too, and with that said British, and in speak now, and of what does truly pass for Motive, or for Intent, and in Kenyan History that is [or speak too, and of the very manner in all, Kenya, did come to be, and as it is]. 

In saying that, Kenya, does have a complicated History to it, and from the said even perspective of Occupation, is to now too, perhaps associate it all, and with works too, and such as 'Englishness and Empire', and by one Wendy Webster too, and if not of the name too, and of G.K. Chesterton that is. That the History of Occupation, and in regards to Kenya, and in further speak of the name of Lawrence of Arabia, and of Saudi Arabia too, now too, does speak and of what they do term Englishness that is, and as said even something Coveted, for the Images in all, and if not Symbols too, associated with Englishness, don't only speak of the British Union Jack for instance, but Images too, and if not Symbols, and as now too said Coveted truly, for Englishness,  does too, have a said even African Memory to it all (or does evoke Africa and in spirit too), for these said Images/Symbols, and that do speak of Englishness, are believed truly even, to speak of Custom, and that does in all even steer towards speak of Africa, and in Custom too, and that could too best speak here, and of what one too could term, 'Kenyan English' for instance [and as with it all too, 'Kenyan English', simply said evoking the very name of G.K. Chesterton, Victorian, that is].

Hopefully, the above is understood, in a certain said context, and from speak too of Covetousness, for it too, is a term truly, and that does refer, and to the very rise of the International Community in Kenya, Post-Independence that is, and as with it all even simply said, and to speak too of the said History of Land-grabbing schemes in Kenya, Ethnic Cleansing, and in speak now and of those, and who have always truly tried to covet it simply can be said, Kenya that is, and in regards and to their truly knowing perhaps, what Potential in all, the place (and as said region too), is believed to hold that is. A History too, and that does in all even refer, and to said American Political Interests in Kenya too, and if not of the name of President Barack Hussein Obama that is, but that in all again, speak now too, and of the very term of Mortification, and in regards and to what Kenya has come to be, simply said despoiled that is, and in speak now and of the Struggle for Independence, now too, not said to speak only of Oath, Kikuyu, but in all truly, speak now best it can be said, and to speak and of Kenya's National Languages, Post-Independence, and as simply said being English and Swahili too that is [that it is in all it is said/believed here, that it is Swahili Ideology, and that is too, believed said to be at the very heart of Theory/Doctrine it can best be said, and as having to do, with the very argument of Occupation, and against said White Settlers, and in a Black Africa, and as with it all now simply put, to speak of the role/position, Post-Colonial too it can be said, and of the Attorney General in Kenya, and if it all not simply put too, in speak now, and of the very name of Amos Wako too that is].