Tuesday, June 9, 2015



In now attempting to explain Asia, and to Bik in particular too, and not Vic., or Pat truly either (and who did in all even spent some time in India, and without some said good words too, and to say about Indian people; for I was there, and when he did say these things), is to in all even now speak, and of the very manner in all, Asia, is said Charted out, and in speak too now, and of the Asian Memory that is [and in further regards and to speak too of Africa that is].

For Southeast Asia in all, is said too, Egyptian in Memory, but with India now, said African too, and in an Egyptian Sense that is [Link]. In speak of East Asia, it said now too, possessing a Greek Memory to it, and which is in all even believed best grounded, and in speak now too of Indonesia that is [Link]. Australia though, is in all even believed Italian in Memory, for the very ways/manners in all, and of Captain James Cook, do in all even speak of Italy that is [Link]. It is however, and in speak of Tibet, and of Shaolin too, and whereby in all, it can be said, that the Tibetan Memory in all, is believed said even, somewhat truly African that is.