Friday, June 26, 2015


of Enigmas.

We do live in a World today, said too, simply best defined, and by the very word/term of the Masses that is. A World too, and that does in all even attempt to define itself very much, and as said still very much standing too, and in speak and not only of World Media in itself, but in further speak too and of the said belief that, stability in our lives, does too, very much go along in all, and with many a shifting, and in opinion/views too that is.

However, there does exist another belief, and that does say, World Media, is not what it appears to be, for it in all, does ask of us, to define ourselves and in Agency, and in speak too of being Informed/Informants, but that in all again, the rise of said World Media here, and if not that said too National in all, has very much led to a said even general belief, and that does say, such Media, does in all even, invalidate, most of our said experiences, everyday too, in that, such Media, does in all even tell of us, which and which not, and of experiences, we should be seeking out, and in now too saying that, it does invalidate our said experiences, or feelings too, and by simply categorizing us, and by names too for instance.

In all though, what we are trying to get at here, is that, the creation of the Masses, and the rise too of World Media, has in all even led, and to a Psychology, and of what they do term Individuation that is [and not Individualism either]. For Individuation in all, now too, does directly even, infer, that our said problems today, to be in all even directly linked, and to speak too of Mass Psychology for instance, but that in all again, World Media, now too, does offer us, said even, Symbols in all, and by which we can in all even learn to free ourselves, and from a said even, Mass Psychology, and that does too define the World today, and if not from the Masses in themselves too that is. In what they do term the Western World though, such Symbols, are too and in all even said to speak, and of Sex Symbols that is, and in further speak here too, and of Neo-Colonialism that is, and in Africa too. While the Middle East, does very much continue to proclaim, Islam, and as said even the answer to all these said problems, and as dealing with Individuation too, and of the name of Mohammed too that is, in Asia, Mass Psychology, does in all even take the very form and of what they do term Affluenza that is, but with Asia though, still very much said struggling to define itself, and in Symbols too that is, and a struggle too, very much even equated here, and to speak too for instance, and of the said known, Afrocentric/Eurocentric Debate that is.

In now saying that, Africa, is very much like Italy in all, is to now too, state that, in a World driven by a World Media, and in regards to speak too of Taste, Monetary Rates, and if not in speak of the Luxurious/Luxury, and as said defining Modernization/Westernization too, is to now say that, Italy, and as said even a member of the G8, has in all even attempted to define itself in Success, and in speak now and of what they do term the Enigmatic [or in speak too here, and of the Questionable that is]. Africa though, and as believed said even relegated to the backwaters so to speak, and if not the backyard too, should in all even realize that, the above, and in regards to speak of Africa, does truly ask too, and of Africa, and in simply defining themselves, and in speak of the Enigma in itself too that is [or of the Question Mark, ?, too].