Wednesday, June 17, 2015



This entry, will have to do, and with the viewing of life, and away now, and from speak of Goals/Successes in all, and towards now, and to speak now, and of Priorities too that is. That it all too, now does attempt, to place, a said even metric in all, and to it all, and in regards, and to what too, does pass for what some do in all even simply term Physical Activity in itself that is, and as said truly marking or defining in all, our everyday existences that is, and as said too, chaotic in their ways in all.

In helping one understand all this too better, is to perhaps now too, speak, and of what does pass for Physical Organization and to say the least, and as said too, defined in all, and by speak of a Work Order for instance. That everyday life now, and from a said too Physical existence, is now too, often believed said Ordered and in the very least, and in speak now too, and of the Meter that is.

Notes --- >  Tables (Type/Fit Design) --- > Formatting/Layouts/Edits (measures, gauges, pacing, timing, fillers etc.) --- > Meters (physical laws).

In saying that, life can be in all even, defined, and in manners in all, and that do not speak of the above so to say, is to now say it all too, taking a said here Binary formation to it all, and as versus that said even Numeral, Numeric, Numerical, or speak now even and of Counting in itself too that is. That this manner in all, said even Probabilistic, Statistical and Graphical/Linguistic too that is, and of viewing life, now does too, ask of one, to very much view life in all. and in speak now too, and of said Portrayals/Depictions, Illustrations, Sketches, Drawings etc. That it all too, is simply said to speak and of only one term that is: Targets

Target ------------------ >  Approximations
                                       [0, 1]

(Length)                         (Phases)

That what is been said here is that, life in all, is simply viewed as a Target, and as merely described and in speak of Length too, and that the Target is in all even met, and in speak now and of Phases, and as said defined, and in speak of Approximations truly, and as viewed too, and from a said Binary perspective that is.

That Distance, now is simply said too, Target, and in speak of Length, and that the Distance in all, and in regulation too, is met, and in speak Acceleration, Speed, Velocity etc., and which does in all even refer, and to speak and of Phases, but as said defined truly, and as said Approximations that is, and that do in all even take, a Binary formation to it all too.

This entry though, and in speak and of the Sunday Missal too, now does have those in Counter 'Nairo', simply associating the Target, and with a said Memory too that is, and that does in all even have Phases to it, Approximations, said Binary too, and that do in all speak of the past/present/future, the moment/present/now, the before/now/after etc., and in a said formation too that is.