Tuesday, June 16, 2015



This entry, now does speak on, and on the said prevalence, and of Media and in our lives, and as not said truly Public or Private, but that simply said too, National, Modern, Contemporary, and if not Western too that is. That the said effect in all, and of such Media, and for most in the World, has been a re-considering in all, and of said even Identity too, and in regards, and to speak of the very term/word of Similitude that is. That Media today, does in all or often tell us that, those said Words/Images in all, and that do in all even matter that is, and in our said lives that is, do not in all, come truly, and from speak of Nature, History, Family etc., but in speak now truly, and of Media today that is.

For others though, and as including those in Counter 'Nairo' too, life now, said too perceived, and from speak of Lens/Lenses in all, and that do in all even refer, and to speak of Censorship that is. That for this said group in all, Success, and in life today, now too, simply said to speak of Avoidance, and in regards and to speak of Disgust, Taint, and if not of Tarnish too that is. That it all, now too, does speak and of those, who would wish to Oppress, Repress or Suppress one, or simply too, said now, to keep one, and in perpetual states of Depression that is.

If life and as described merely above, and in Success, is now said too, and to speak of escaping Depression in itself, and something too, not believed possible in all, and in speak of Africa, and as it is said to be, is to now refer, and to those, who have often believed, life, African, and to in all even speak, and of Exposure in itself that is [and not Censorship truly either]. That Exposure, and in African Culture too, now too, does ask of one, and of their said Perceptions in all, and of what does pass for Cleanliness for instance (and in speak too now, and of a Diseased Body/Mind that is), but that in all again, speak now, and of African definitions in all, and of the Sacred that is. That this all, now does speak, and of those who do attempt to define Success, and as said too rightly African that is, for they in all, are now too, believed said fed up perhaps, and in regards and to speak of Media today, and of what it does in all do to our very bodies that is, and in speak now, and of our said Notions too, and of Contamination, Pollution, Defilement etc.

In now saying that, the very world and of those, and who do wish to define themselves in Similitude, now does speak of Corruption or Bribery too, and in sentiment that is, those who do in all, seek a life, and that does pertain and to speak of what does pass for Exposure in life, now too, are not said to truly ponder it out, and in speak of the initial, start, begin, or of the finish or end too that is, but in all again, in speak now and what does pass, and for the first, and for the last too that is.

In all, and in speak of Africa and in Philosophy today too that is, if anything said American that is, is simply said last too, then what in all again, is now said first that is?