Friday, June 19, 2015



This entry, does have to do, and with the very manner in all, one does in all even, perceive change, transformation, growth, progress etc., and as said associated too, or as happening that is, and with speak of both Nairobi, and Kenya, and if not of East Africa too that is.

That what we are in all trying to say here, is that, Kenyan Identity, is still very much said Tribal that is, and in speak now, and of Kenyan lives, and in regards and to speak of change, transformation, progress, development etc. that is, now said too, said in all, associated truly, and with the said world here perhaps, and of Kenyan Tribal Identifiers/Markers that is. That in having said that though, and in speak too now, and of Kenyan Tribal Identity, and as simply said deciphered in all, and in speak now and of Introversion, and of Extroversion too, and as said defining Personality, Tribal, is to now say that, Kenya, is known to be said even, a turbulent, tumultuous, and if not volatile that is, society, and that it can too be said, a society too, where Tribal Identity is now said more or less, erased, and in speak now truly, and of Kenyans, emotionally too, identifying, and with what they do term Scars that is [they said too, physical, emotional, mental, and if not spiritual too that is].

In having said that, and in now saying too that, Kenyan Tribal Identity, and in the past, is said grounded in all, and in speak too of Ritual, and if not Ceremony too, is to now say that, speak of a Kenya today, and with Identity, said now grounded in Scars, has in all even seen in the very least, a rise or the developing in all, and of a Psychology of Withdrawal (and not Avoidance truly either), and as said coming to define many a Person/Family in Kenya, and in speak too now, and of Tribal Identity in Kenya, said even deconstructed in its ways and so to say, and with it now said too, breaking apart, and said even re-arranging itself too in all, and in a said now Counseling format that is. That Counseling, and as said to speak too of Self-Counseling, and if not of the Counsel in itself too that is, is now truly believed said even, fundamental in its ways, and in creating Identity in Kenya, and one too, very much now said centered in all, and in speak of Family/Households, and not in speak of Tribal Identity either, and which is said centered in all, and in speak of Ritual or Ceremony too that is.

In having said that, the future of Kenya, Politically, now too, does very much look, said tied down, and to speak of Family, Households, and if not Nationhood in itself too that is, is to now speak furtherly on, what is believed said, and to constitute for Family (Kenya), Households (Nairobi), and of Nationhood too ('East Africa'), for it is believed said of the Kenyan people, that despite their being said Educated in all, and in just about many a Field of Study, or Subject/Topic too, is to now say too that, the developing in all, and of society in Kenya, and as simply said African too, or as simply said even Economically, Politically, Commercially robust that is, it all too now does speak, and of Knowledge in all, and that does refer, and to speak of Trends, and Undercurrents too that is [and in comparison now, and to speak of Chaos that is].

In now saying that, the belief held here, and that does say, Kenyans seem not to be well educated, and on what does pass for Trends, and if not Undercurrents too, and as compared now and to speak now of Chaos too, is to now say that, there does appear to be a much brighter future for Kenya, and in studying Trends/Undercurrents, and in comparison, and to the studying of Chaos that is, and as with it all even now, said best associated too, and in speak of International Development that is, and with speak of the Netherlands for instance, and in Institution too, and if not in speak of Dutch Banks and as said opening up a said presence/branch, and in Kenya/Nairobi too that is. In all, in attempting to make this all to clear, Counter 'Nairo', and in Promise, said too International that is, now too does speak of Trends/Undercurrents, said Worldwide too that is, and if not of Dutch Banking too that is.