Friday, June 12, 2015

the African Mind Decolonized

the African Mind Decolonized.

This entry, now does refer, and to speak, and of what they do call the Dailies (Kenyan Newspapers), and as often referred to as Gazeti/Ngazeti too, and with they too, often said to speak, and of whether, or if not, Kenyans in all, can be said Illiterate, Stupid, Foolhardy, or even said Evil in itself too that is. That it all, does very much go along, and with talk, and that does stem from Kenyan National Figures too, and such as Ngugi wa Thiong'o that is, and in the attempt, to decolonize the African Mind, and if not De-Construct it too that is.  

In understanding all this better, is to not base it all, and in speak of Behaviour, and as many another person would, but in speak truly now, and of the Psyche, the Self, and if not in speak, and of what the Indians, do call/term, the Atman that is. That it all too, now does speak, and of the said manner in all, those said African too, do in all even view their World, and as said to speak now too, and of the Western World, 'the White Man', and if not of said Racist Supremacist Doctrine too that is.

That in speak now, and of the Psyche, that said Kenyan too, and of the Western World, speak now too, and of what they do term Symbolism that is, and of the African too, and as said even Nubian. That the Nubian in all, is believed said even, to not have to him, a History, and of Symbolism that is. That Symbolism here in all, and in regards and to speak of the Nubian, now too, does in all even say it Egyptian, Christian/Christianity, and if not that basically said Western too that is. That the Nubian, and in his said now gaining, an Image of himself, now does seek out too, Western Symbolism, and as with it all even said to speak, and of his Awareness of himself, and in Need too perhaps, and in his awakening, to whom/who in all, he is, in Image, and such that, he does in all even find/see himself scared, frightened, or even ashamed too, and truly too that is. That speak of Awareness, and in regards to Survival, is now simply said, to speak, and of Symbolism, and as said too, heralding speak of Instinct in itself, and in regards and to Survival in itself too that is.

That in speak of the Self, speak now too, and of 'the White Man' that is, and as perhaps said too, making the Kenyan/African, simply aware, and of the very fact that, 'the White Man', does in all even it is said, possess, many a said Object here, and that does in all even transfer that is, and to speak too, and of Man, and as said Aware of himself, and in speak of Esteem, Pride, Confidence etc. That the African, is now too, questioned, and by the European Colonial, and in regards, and to just what in all, many a said Object, Artifact too, possessed, or said owned, and by the African, does truly in all that is, translate to. That African Objects in all, Artifacts, are simply viewed as a Curiosity of a kind, and if not said inspiring Amusement in itself, and in speak now, and of the African, and as simply perceived, or as said even, simply Unaware, that the Larger World out there so to say, does exist, and in basic speak here too, and of what does pass for Luxury in itself that is.

In speak now though, and of Racist Supremacist Doctrine, and as said to speak of those too, simply said even African in their ways in all, it can then all be said, to speak too perhaps, and of what the Indians, do call the Atman that is. That the Atman, is not believed truly, and to speak of the Soul, or of a Higher Self, but in speak of Indian Dietary traditions, and that do in all even refer, and to speak too of Sour Milk that is, it can be said, that such talk, of Racist/Racial Supremacy, does best too, speak of the Indian, and not of the African truly either, and in now saying that, the Indian, is believed Historically, to possess, Notions of Independence or Autonomy too, and that do in all even speak, and of Valour in itself, and as versus speak now, and of Vigour, and of the British (Scum) too that is. Something in all, not easy to prove, for it does in all even merit, a proof, and of why, the European for instance, would leave beautiful Europe it can be said, and to simply walk around Africa, photographing, said naked Africans now, and in the bid, to in all even prove, their said innate Inferiority that is. Something in all, said again here, not too easy to explain, Racist Supremacist Doctrine that is, and as said even emanating from the West, and other than speak, and of those said Dying (and in their ways/manners too), or of those said developing Defeatist Attitudes in all, and in regards, and to speak too of Outreach, Outlooks, and Outcomes too that is.

In all, and in speak of an Incident, Accident or of the Unexpected/Undesirable in itself, speak now too, and of the Decolonizing, or of the De-Construction of the African Mind, and as said now, to speak, and of what it does in all even mean to be African, or Human too, and as said in all even, to speak, and of the Preservation and of oneself in Memory (and in speak here too of a said Monument that is), and if not of life, and as believed said even transcribed in all, and in speak and of one ruling in itself: the avoiding/avoidance, and of Destructive Behaviour that is.