Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Peloponnesian War

The Peloponnesian War.

In the attempt in all, and to simply track or trace out in all, the said History of Africa, and in speak now too, and of one and as simply said attempting to find their Place in all, and in Africa too, has in all even given rise, and to many a sentiment in all, and that does say, Africa, has no said genuine/authentic, and if not real History, and to it all that is.

For most though, African History, and as said even recorded, or as said even substantiated in its ways in all, now does speak too of Egypt, and of Egyptian Civilization, and if not of Egyptian Sailors, and of the 'land of Punt', and in speak now, and of the said even rise of African tribes/peoples in all, and in speak too of the Swahili in themselves that is, and if not of Carthage/Numidia too. 

There is another version in all, Italian too, and which does attempt to explain, the very manner in all, Africa, did come to be. For it does in all even speak of the very world so to speak, and of Italian Navigators, and a History too, not known to most, but believed in all even, and to speak too of African Material Cultures, and which does in all even culminate that is, and in/to speak too, and of Pirates (African), Slavery, but in further speak even and of Explorers, and into Africa too that is.

This entry though, does now purport, to claim that, African History, is said too Greek in many a way that is. That Africa, does in all even truly come into the limelight so to speak, World, and in History too, and in speak now of the Peloponnesian War, Greek, and which can best be said here, to go along in all, and with speak of anything Stereotypic said that is, and about Africa too that is [and if not in speak here too, and of the said History of Abyssinia for instance].