Tuesday, June 9, 2015



Those in Counter 'Nairo'. might in all even have heard, and of the said term/word too, and of Spiritan that is. For the Spiritan, now too, does speak of a said Christian Tradition, and that does too, approximate speak too of the Ifa/IFA Religion that is. In helping make all this too clear, speak of the Spiritan, is to now speak too, and of the very problems, that Ndombolo, has in all even created in Kenya, and in speak of those, and who have no desire at all, and in creating Identity, Kenyan, and that does speak too of Ndombolo that is. That there are those, who do do in all even acknowledge that, the Struggle for Independence, is simply said Kikuyu, and not Luo, Kamba, Kisii etc. either.

What is the Spiritan Tradition though, said to truly speak of? It in all even, can best be equated, and to speak too of Colonial Religion, and in Kenya too that is. That it is in speak of the Spiritan, that one does in all even start to perceive, Kenya, and from speak too of Fundamentals, and that do in all even refer, and to speak now and of Character in itself that is. That Kenyan Identity and so to say, can be said best truly grounded in all, and in speak of Character in itself that is, and not in speak truly of Custom either that is. That this all too, now does speak of those in Kenya, said even desperate, to in all even escape, what does pass for Kenyan Identity today, and as said even having to it all, no said true Potential/Destiny that is, and in most ways truly in all [that Kenyans today, do in all even it is believed, have no Idea or Concept, and of what Potential/Destiny, is truly said to be all about].

The Spiritan world though, is not what it appears to be, for it in all, can be said too, a part, and of a larger Religious ecosystem so to say. For the Spiritan, does not in all actually speak of the Holy Spirit and as most do believe, but can be said to speak of the Holy Ghost that is. That in attempting to simply make all this clear, it is you Vic., and who is in all even said Spiritan, while I on the otherhand, A.W.G, or Bellini the Mouro too, are simply said Ifa/IFA that is, while Bik and over at 'Nairo' too on the otherhand, is simply said even 'Canon' too perhaps, for the word/term Canon, now does speak too of being a Saint, of the Law and as said  even referring and to speak too of Ndombolo for instance, but that in all again, Canon, does speak too of the Holy Spirit, and if not of the Holy Ghost too that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and in saying that, Canon Law in all, and as with it all even said not Law truly, but said too a Set of Beliefs in all that is, is part of a larger Religious ecosystem, and that does speak too, and of IFA/Ifa, and of the Spiritan too that is.

Perhaps the above, did not make for full sense to most, for it does in all even speak of the very said fact that, the Struggle for Independence, is simply said Kikuyu, and that in all again, Colonial/Victorian society in Kenya, does in all even possess Figures to it, Prominent too, and as said even, not White that is. That the above, now too, does speak of Publishing, and as seen at the Catholic Bookshop at the Holy Family Basilica that is, and which does in all even emanate truly, and in Colonial Kenyan society that is. In saying that, corrupt in all, Kikuyu Behaviour that is, is often believed even to be at the very heart of the fall of Kenya and so to say, and as versus that said Kalenjin too, is to obviously in all even, simply view it all, and from speak of Character, and not Custom truly either [for Kikuyu Custom, is known too and to have elements of it, and that does speak too of Oath taking, and if not of Devil/'Material' worship like sentiment to it all too that is][and in further speak of the very belief by some that, Kikuyu Religion, is even somewhat said Jewish too that is].

In all, in saying that, Ifa/IFA, Canon Law, and the Spiritan, are one and the same thing, and with what is believed said Spiritan today too, said to speak truly of Canon Law, and in speak too of the Holy Ghost that is, is to now say that, the Spiritan, and in speak of Vic. too, is said in all even grounded truly, and in speak of Duty in itself that is. Bik on the otherhand, and over at 'Nairo' too, and as said someone too, believed even, a Lazy Daisy in his ways that is, can be told that, Canon (Law), does in all even speak of Resource in itself that is, while Ifa/IFA on the otherhand, a Religion too, and that does have the most interesting of origins, and in further speak too of the names of Livingstone, Speke, (HM) Stanley, and if not of Richard Burton in himself too, is not actually Yoruba Religion (Olodumare), but Religion too, and that does speak too of the Congo in all, but as said too, grounded in all, and in speak truly and of what some do term 'Iwa Pele' that is [or speak too, and of Character, and as simply said African that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, there is a sentiment held by many, that Kenya in all, is said even, a Nature Paradise of a kind, and one too, now said despoiled in all, and by the 'African' that is. 

Kenya's History though, does have more Religion to it, and that most do believe to do. For it does in all even now, speak of Religion too, and that both you Vic., and Bik that is, do in all acknowledge, and if not of Pat. too, and of Hosea too that is, for all of us, and in speak of a said even Kenyan sentiment, and that does speak too of Potential/Destiny, were in all even said 'lucky that is', to attend, the St. Mary's School, and in Nairobi/Kenya too, and at one time or another that is. That Saint Mary's School, and alongside speak of Strathmore School in itself, and if not of the Priest/Religious Order, and at the Holy Family Basilica and in Nairobi too, are in all even organized, and in the very form of what one would term, a Chaplaincy that is. For the History of the Chaplaincy and in Kenya too, would in all tell one that, J.R.R Tolkien, was actually a Kenyan (Colonial), and not South African either. In all, the very world of the Chaplaincy in Kenya, now meeting that said Italian too, for the Chaplaincy in all, does very much hold the very belief that, the Chalice, and as now said too, taking an African Form that is, does in all even speak of Religion, and that does speak too of Catechism in itself that is (and not Katekisimu truly either, and which is in all even said Ifa/IFA that is), for the Catechism in all, does not only speak of Character in itself, but that in all again, the Chaplaincy in Kenya, now too, does in all even associate the Chalice it can be said here, and with speak too of Dream Psychology that is.

We do still though, have Pat. to reckon with, for Hosea on the otherhand, does in all even belong, and in the very world of the Chaplaincy in Kenya that is. For Pat. on the otherhand, and as I have known him to be, can be truly be said an unhappy person and about life, and just how mean it all can get, and in now attempting to pass the message over to him, and that does say, History, is in all even said/believed by some, sentiment, and if not opinion too, and in now telling Pat. that, what one could term the 'City of God', is believed even said, an African City, and not one European, Italian or American truly either. In all, Pat., and as believed even said Miserable in all (Misery, Sorrow, Sadness etc.), and in his ways/manners that is, and as said to arise and with the very fact that, he does in all even not actually live in Kenya that is, but does actually belong in the place, probably does wonder, if things do get better that is, for it can best be told, a copy of the 'City of God' (Augustine of Hippo), Penguins Classics edition, can still be found, and at the Catholic Bookshop, and at the Holy Family Basilica too that is, and as said the only copy to probably be seen there at the moment, for it was the only copy I did see, and when I did leave the Catholic Bookshop, and on my last visit there too that is. 

Finally, Colonial Religion in Kenya, and as said Victorian too, now does ask of us, and of the very manner in all, we do define Homage/Homilies that is. For it all too, does speak of Character, and in speak now of Religion, and that one could associate too, and with speak of Theology that is, and that too, and that does speak too of the very likes of (Edward) Edinger (Ego and Archetype), and if not of Paul Tillich too that is.

In all, what we are trying to say here is that, Religion in Kenya today, is still very much said grounded in all, and in speak of (Religious) Custom that is, and not Character truly either; and in now furtherly saying that, it all too does in all even speak of an African Christianity, and as said too, and to refer and to the very name of Pakenham, and of 'The Scramble for Africa' fame that is, and which does in all even speak and of the said belief that, African Custom in all, but as referring and to speak of Christianity too, is truly actually believed by some, superior, and to most out there, and in speak too of now, and of an African Civilization that is, but that in all again, Africa, and as it is today, and as said even chaotic too, or in Political Turmoil that is, is best said associated now, and with speak of Western Christianity that is (and as often said 'White African' Religion too), and as unknown to most, and as versus speak now too of Missionary Christianity in Africa, Political Turmoil in Africa, is believed said even truly tied, and to speak too of Material Identity/Culture, and as versus speak now and of Missionary Christianity that is, and which is often simply said Black-African / Worker that is.

In all again, and in finalizing all this too, Ifa/IFA, and as said to speak too, and of the Visual Arts ('the African Bible' - Paulines Publishing), while the Canon in all, does in all even speak of the Performing Arts (Link), and with the Spiritan, best associated too, and with speak of Conceptual Art that is.
