Saturday, June 27, 2015

Freuds Id

Freuds Id.

This entry, now too, does have to do, and with our said perceptions in all, and not of History truly, but of Time in itself too that is. That Time, and from a said too, Freudian perspective, is now said acquainted in all, and with speak too, and of what some have termed, the Hunger, Humour, Sleep and Sex instincts, and as simply often said or termed, Necessities too that is.

In all, Freud it is said, did too, in all even envision it can be said, his Id, and in speak too of the above mentioned, and said Necessities too that is. However, what we are trying to get at here, is that, Time in all, and if not History too, is often perceived by many, and from a said even perspective, and that does speak too of the Id that is. That in attempting to put all this and into a clear said perspective, and as said even here, referring, and to a said Planar view of History, the belief that, History, is believed to have to it, a Trajectory in all, and that does in all even arise, and with speak of Archaeology, and onwards and to speak of Anthropology, Politics, and of Communications too. A said here, Planar view, and in speak now too, and of associating History, and with speak too of Expansionism that is.

In saying that, Man, and in speak of his said Innate Nature too, can too, be simply said defined, and by the 4 said Instinct above, and as deemed Necessities too, now too, does see to it all, History, and as perceived even, and from speak of said here Parallel forces, and that do in all even define any, and of the four said Instinct above too that is. That it is not enough, to claim or say that, History, does arise, and with the Hunger Instinct for instance, but in now saying that, all four said Instinct, do in all even interact in differing but said too, harmonizing (parallel) manners in all, is to now perhaps, attempt to perceive History, and in a manner too and that does accommodate speak of Africa, and in now saying that, the Planar view, now too, does in all even speak truly of (Ancient) Egypt that is. However, another view, and that does speak of Parallel forces, and in regards to Evolution in all, now too, does have or place a said Trajectory to it all, and that does refer, and to speak of Sculpted/Sculptural works, Music, Literature and Art too that is. Hopefully, what is been said here is that, most do in all even believe, Art, something old, and as now said even replaced, and by Science too. This view though, is not supported in all, and by the said Blogger here too, Belini, and in now saying that, Man, has always known Sculpture in all (African Masks), Music, and even Literature, but that Art, is something yet, to be truly known, and by Man that is [that Man too, is simply said referred to here, and from speak too, and of his said even, Individual Nature that is].

In all, in now saying that, the above does speak of Egypt and Africa, a third view here, and that does too speak of Spain, now does associate speak of the Id, and with speak of certain said Symbols in all (for they are in all even believed more than that), and in speak too now for instance, and of the Ankh that is.

Spain and in History: