Tuesday, June 2, 2015



Those in Counter 'Nairo', might be willing to admit, and to the very said/known fact that, Kenya, and as in all even said, a Lawful place that is, and if not Country too, does still have to it, many a said a problem and in regards to this, and in speak in the very least, and of said too Garbage/Sewage Disposal that is. In having said that, is to now refer, and to speak too of Lawful Identity in all, and as said defined, and by speak of the Declaration, the Constitution, the Constitutional, and if not in speak too of Commonalism too that is. 

For the Declaration in all, is believed too, Communications Intensive that is, and in speak too now, and of a said society, having truly differing Communications to it, and in speak now of Marriage, and as said to speak too of Spouses, Mates, Halves, Wives/Husbands, the Ex-Wife etc., and if not in speak too of Co-habitation in itself, or in further speak too of terms, and such as Fiance/Fiancee too for instance.

In speak of the Constitutional though, speak now too, and of the said even, open spaces in all, and that do in all even refer and to Employment, and if not in speak too of a Corporate Profile that is, but that in speak of Constitution, speak now too, and of Lawful Identity, and as said to speak truly of Symbolism in itself that is. Africa today though, does in all even aspire or seek out, to fully/truly create Lawful Identity, and that does in all even speak of Commonalism that is (and of the AU too), but that in saying that, Kenya's attempts and in defining itself in Constitution in all, are in all even believed said futile, for surprisingly enough, Kenya, would best function, and in speak of Declaration too that is.

However, this entry, does in all even posit, that varying manners in all, and of creating Lawful Identity, do in all even exist, and in speak too now, of the Proclamation that is. That while the Reclamation too, does exist (and in speak of Church Identity in Kenya too that is), the Proclamation in all, is believed, one of the far more powerful manners in all, and of creating Lawful Identity that is, and in speak now, and if in all, those in Counter 'Nairo', have truly ever wondered, why Wildlife is said to exist or be, and in speak too of Vultures truly, and in base/basic speak here too, and of the Sightly, and if not of the Timely too that is.