Thursday, June 4, 2015


of Geo-Status.

This entry, will now have the difficulty to it, and of in all attempting, to define, what Geo-Status, is simply said to be. Something in all, and that will help those in Counter 'Nairo', and if not of those in 'Nairo' too, now in all even, solve or deal, and with many an issue/matter in all, and that does in all even distantly refer, and to speak too of African/Black Pride that is.

What is Geo-Status though? Geo-Status, simply does in all even say that, certain regions of the World, are simply held in high Esteem so to speak, and as with they too now, not often said equated, and to speak too of Africa that is. In all, what Geo-Status does say is that, Africa in all, and as including speak of Kenya, are not held in any said esteemable position in all, and when it does now come, and to speak too of Industry, Research, Media, Geo-Politics, Culture, Friendships, Trade etc. In all, the very belief that, and away too from speak of Geo-Politics that is, that certain regions of the World, and as often simply deemed the Northern Hemisphere and so to speak, are simply in all even, said far more affluent, and than the rest of the said known World that is. 

In helping one understand all this better, is to now speak too, and of the African/Black World (and as often termed Coloured too), and as now simply in all, said even rather backwards in its ways that is. That Geo-Status, and in regards to speak of Africa too, is best understood, and in speak of Europe, and not of North America truly either. That in saying that, it is known that certain said African looking populations, and if not simply termed too now Mulatto and in Physiognomy too, are known to exist in Europe, and in further saying that, they are now too, simply said even a part of olden European History that is. That in all, Geo-Status, now does speak too, of a said Home-away-from-home, or of Kenya too, and as said possessing in all, Dual-Citizenship Status that is, for it does now speak too, of European populations, and who do in all even possess Black skins, and as having/finding a home, and in the UK too (and not the United Kingdom truly either), and in said speak here too, and of Acceptance and Social Norms that is, but that in all again, those said possessing Brown skins in Europe, do in all even often readily find a home, and in the Scandinavia too that is. The reason why this is mentioned, and as strange as it might sound, is to now say that, certain African populations, those too often said to have Intellectual/Creative abilities to them, do in all even find a home truly, and in the EU that is [and not the European Union, or Europe either that is].

In having said all the above though, is to now attempt to explain it all too clearly, and in saying now that, the above can best be explained, and in speak now, and of viewing the World, and as said defined now, and in speak too of the African races, the Egyptian races (and in speak too now of the Middle East), the Indian races, the White/Caucasian races, and of the Chinese races too that is. 

In now attempting to finish up on all this, is to tell one that, Geo-Status, now too, does say that, Kenya, is now too, simply said somewhat a part of the History of the United States of America, and in further speak now, and of telling those in Counter 'Nairo', and 'Nairo' too, and as versus those in Anatolia specifically, that they in all, those in Counter 'Nairo' / 'Nairo' that is, should in all even view the Russian Federation, and as said sought out, and in speak of Geo-Status too, and as versus speak of the EU, and of those in Anatolia too that is. However, all that said, did not make for perfect sense, and in speak now, and of what does pass for Ineptitude/Chaos, and in speak of Africa too, or in speak even and of the said Coloured World that is, but what we are trying to say here is that, many in Kenya, might in all even find, safe passage to the United States of America, and in speak of Identity created, and as said to refer and to speak of Reliance in itself, but that in all again, and in speak now of Europe in all, or of the EU and of the Russian Federation too, speak now of the very belief that, African Talent in all, is still very much sought out, and in Europe too, and in regards and to speak of truly knowing in all, and of what Relevancy/Irrelevancy, is simply said to be that is. In all, Russian Culture, but in speak too specifically, and of Geo-Status too, and as said now to go along in all, and with speak of a Religion, and one too, that does speak too of Escapism in itself, and not of Hope truly either.

In all and again that is, it can now and in all, be and as said as of Kenya too that is, East Africa, and in a said reference and to, and to what is and in all, said as of the Geo-Status too that is, and as said now too that is, bestly, perceived, shelved under, talk, or in talk too and of, and of the said President Mwai Kibaki Presidency too that is: [Link].

Geo-Status America: