Friday, June 26, 2015



The very said term here in all, and of Perjury, can best be said equated, and in regards to this very Blog, and to speak too of Propaganda that is [Link]. That Perjury in all, now too, can be best be said to speak too of Media, and as said acquainted, and with speak too of Brazil that is. That Brazil, is a place or Country in all, and which is believed even, to have a History to it, marked in all, and by speak and of what they do term Colonisation (and not Colonization either), for Colonisation, now too, does speak of Perjury in itself, and if not of the very Act, and of directly coveting, ones Neighbours goods, and in further speak too of Theft in itself, and as versus speak now of Thievery that is.

In all, what we are trying to say is that, Brazil too, is often simply said a State, unequal in its ways, for Perjury in all, and if not of Colonisation in itself too, does appear in all, to very much say it can too best be said here, that those in all, and who do hold Power today, have in all, held it in the past, and will continue to hold it, or/and wield it too, and into the considerable Future too that is. 

In all and again, the very reason why this is mentioned, is because, alot of Media out there today, and as said even targeted towards those said excluded/poor in all, and from society too, does very much have to it, Colonisation, and in mind too, and in speak now and of societies today, or of Media today truly, simply said not held to account truly, and for any News Item/Piece told, and in now asking, where the validity or proof (and in said too small amounts), can be said found, and in regards and to speak now of what in all, is said here been promulgated that is.

In all Colonisation too, and as said even best perceived, and from speak too and of the history of Capoeira in Brazil too, and which does in all even speak of Capoeira, and in its attempts to take on Colonisation that is, and in regards and to the very manner in all, Colonisation, and as said Media too, does attempt to redefine (Ritual) Spaces, Physical Bodies (Cosmetics), Land/Environments, and in regards too, and to the attempt to in all even, dominate it all it can be said, and if not simply disempower, those said associated with the above three forementioned for instance, and in speak now, and of the use of Populism, and as said to refer, and to the 'Selling-Out', and of ones said very Soul too that is.