Monday, June 1, 2015



Those in Counter 'Nairo', and 'Nairo', or speak truly and of both Vic., and Bik, and in speak too now and of 'things', and as they are said to be, is to now ask of both of you, and if and if not, either of you, have ever heard, and of the Story (His - Story), and of the Moors in Europe that is. If not, and if both of you that is, do in all wonder, just whom/who in all, Moors were said to be, is to perhaps surprise or shock one too, and by telling both of you, Vic. and Bik that is, that the Moors in all, did actually very much look, like both of you that is.

In now saying though, that the above does not mean for too much, is to now say that, the very world of Moors, is hard to explain to most, for they in all, are actually not said one, or united too, but in all truly even, each having Incentive, and as said too, and to speak of Commiseration that is. That Moor Identity, is now too, said tied, and to speak too of Portugal, Spain, Italy, Britain/Britons, Angles / Central Europe, Scandinavia / Celt, and if not in speak too of the Netherlands in itself that is. However, this entry, does not associate Moor Identity in all, and with speak of the Netherlands either, but in speak truly, and of the very History, and of France that is. For it is in the Netherlands, and where Moors in all are in all even said Great Artists that is, but in speak now of France, speak now too, and of what one could term, the Mercant./Mercantile that is [and not Mercantilism truly either]. In now saying that, the History of Mercantilism, does in all even speak, and of the very rise of Italy, and to speak of Civilization in itself that is, is to now equate it all Vic., (and in further speak here of Pat. too; or Patrick Muhindi, and who is in all simply said here to work in a Bank in Kenya that is), and to the very entry, and of Import (Link) that is [hopefully, Vic., this is undersood, and in saying that, the very Ideas in all, and that did allow for Italy to arise, are not said great Ideas actually, but those too, very much associated, and with speak of Fascism in itself, and if not of War/Warring too that is].

In speak of the Mercantile/Mercant. though, is to now say that, it does speak, and of what Ideas in all, are believed even, to shape History that is [and not Change the Course of History either, and in speak here of Italy too that is]. That Moor History in France, is easy to explain to most, and as it does in all even speak of Competition, and in Advantage, Edge & Strategy too, and which does in all even speak and of the very Ideas, and in Philosophy, Literature, Art, Science, Architecture, Society, Religion, Maritime Trade, Banking (Scottish) etc., and which would in all even truly shape a region or society, and if not shape History in itself that is. A History too, and that does in all even speak of the very name of France in itself that is, and such that, French History, does in all even become Moor History too (and not that said Christian or Catholic either), and in now saying that, the French Language, and in its fluency and Ideas too, is simply said, 'the Language of the Moor' that is [Link].

However though, the Times have in all even changed, and in speak of Europe too, for does in all even speak now and not of Philosophy either, but of Policy truly, but that in all again, the very History of the Moors Vic, and Bik that is, can in all even be said, to proceed with both of you, and in now saying that, it does in all even extend, and to speak of both of you [and with Pat. too, said to remain in Nairobi, talking Import, and with I on the otherhand, simply answering to your call, and in now replying "Ya, they did give me a Visa to the UAE"), both of you, and as now residing in Saudi Arabia and Oman too respectively, and in further speak now, and of what they do term Promo that is. That Promo, does not speak of Packaging, Advertising, Branding, Marketing or Sales truly either, but in all even perhaps, speak now simply, and of simply knowing, what said Idea in all, has its Time, come to be that is. However, all this too, now does speak too, and of the said Combinatorics post (Link), and of said opportunity seen out there, and in the region they do in all even associate, and with speak of the said Chinese races that is, and in speak now and of Combinatorics, very much said even matching too, speak of Western Religion in itself, and which does in all even speak of South Korea today too that is.