Saturday, June 20, 2015



If one was to think Physics in all, and in Counter 'Nairo' too, then the very name of Schroedinger, would probably catch ones interest that is. This is because, the Physics of Schrodinger one could say, are very much too, African, and in Intellect too perhaps.

That the very world of Schrodinger so to say, now does in all even refer, and to the Modelling of a problem, and from the very said even, perspective, and of it all perceived, and as said an Incubator problem too that is, and an Incubator too, having to it, Time processes in all, and that can be equated, and to speak of Endothermic, and Exothermic reactions in all, but with the Problem at hand, truly said to speak, and of just whom or who in all it can be said, is believed said even, the Observer, and to such a said even Time problem that is. 

The above view though, is more or less said too, and from a said African perspective that is, to refer, and to speak too, and of Egyptian Metaphysics that is. From a said even African perspective though, speak now, and of the very world of Schrodinger, now perceived too, and from speak and of Event that is. Event too, and as said even Imaginary that is, and which does in all even lead, and to a said even resultant end, and in speak now of it all, perceived too, and from said even, or in speak of Ergodic processes in all, and if not from speak too, and of what a (Common) Cold, is simply said to be that is.