Tuesday, June 16, 2015


of Ori.

(at the Catholic Bookshop, Nairobi)

The very word/term and of Ori, often said to be Yoruba too, might be of interest to those in Counter 'Nairo', and in truly attempting to understand, the very manner in all, societies or civilization too, do arise or fall that is. That those in Africa, have in many a way been inbred, to believe, that it is Intelligence truly, and such as that said possessed by a Scientist too, and that is in all, required truly, and for Success in life, and as versus speak now too, and of Intellect for instance.

That many in all, do often too, associate Success, and in the United States of America, and with speak too of Intelligence (IQ) solely that is, while many another said form of Intelligence, the least of them been EQ (and in speak too of Italy), can be said to pave, the way, or path, and to Success in itself that is. The United States of America, can be said a difficult place, and for those too, often said to be of African descent that is. That History, now dictates that, Africans in all, do not in all even best match, Success Images/Profiles, and that do speak of IQ, or EQ (Napolean Hill) too that is. That Africans in all, are believed even, not simply tolerated, and in American Society too that is, and in regards to Success defined as such, EQ / IQ / Intellect, and despite, Africans in all, said capable too, and of developing, high levels, and of EQ that is [that Americans don't truly care to know Africans as such that is, and if it all too, not simply said too now, Sentiment, said even, Conservative, or even Republican too that is].

The History of the United States of America, and in regards to speak of the African too, is believed actually said complicated in its ways in all, and if not said difficult to place too that is. For the African in all, can simply be said too, to be of an Egyptian orientation, or simply said truly African that is. However, what we are trying to say here is that, most today, and as said traveling to the United States of America in all, and as said of African descent too that is, would in all even find themselves, simply asked in all, to define themselves, and in speak now and of Ori that is. For America too, is known to possess, an alternate History of its own, and in speak too now of American Intelligence in all and so to say, and as now said defined, and in speak too of Religion, and that does speak too of Possession/Parentage that is [and in speak furtherly now, and of the said rise, and of Chicago in itself that is].

While said descendants of Africans in the United States of America, now termed too, African-Americans, have made an impact in all, and in society, and in speak and of their now said even being Scientists too (IQ), those said African today, can be said again here, best said judged, and by most, and in speak of Ori, and not of EQ/IQ either that is. For what is Ori? It in all, does differ, and in speak of Africa in itself too, for it in all even is believed said grounded in all, and in speak too of Egyptian definitions of Ori, and which do pertain, and to the defining of an African/Egyptian, Conscience that is. That it all too, does speak of a said well-read/learned Man for instance, and in a Historical sense too, but that Ori in all, now does truly ask of us, to be the Judge that is, and in regards, and to any said issue/matter faced that is. That Ori too, is said Nigerian, and in speak of it all defined that is, and from the very perspective and of (Religious) Art that is. Ori too, is said Congo, and in regards and to speak and of said even demonic possession, and in speak too of an African Theology, or in further speak here too, and of the very said word/term of Elenini that is (and as often said Yoruba too). Ori though, is known too, outside Africa, and as with it all even referred to, and in speak now and of our definitions of Awareness, Conscious States, and of Consciousness too that is. In Ifa, Ori, said now defined, and in speak too of Ori (Character), Ori Inu (Inner Self), and of the Iponri ('Higher Self'). There is another manner in all though, and can be said to speak of Ori, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Perception in itself that is, and if not of Disease too, and of life too, simply said perceived, and in speak too of Access that is.

In all, what we are trying to hint at here, is that, the World today, and in the defining of Success, is simply said too American in its ways/manners in all. and that for those too said of African descent, the said now defining of Success as such, and as said American too that is, is now too believed to speak, and of Ori in itself that is.

In now saying that, Kenya in all, is often not perceived, an African Country by most, and in regards and to speak too of its Religious Beliefs, Tribal, and as simply said not African truly, is to now hint to at, and at a said differing manner in all, and of defining Ori, and that does in all even it is believed, simply speak, and of everyday life in Kenya, and as perceived too, and from the very direction of the Horn of Africa that is. Ori too, and that does in all even speak, and of the said developing, and of a said here 'sense of self' that is. That it all, now too, does speak and of the work posted above, and which interestingly enough, now too, does furtherly speak, and of the United States of America, and as it did in all even, it can be said, come to be that is [or as said recognized, and as it is today that is]. A History too, and that does in all even refer, and to speak of African Slaves in Florida, and such that, what we are trying to say here is that, those who do create Identity in all, and from speak Primarily of Ori, African, and not Intelligence / EQ or Intellect either, will in all, find themselves, dealing, and with issues/matters in all, and as pertaining to speak of Africa, and in regards and to speak of Slavery, and if not of Colonialism too that is. That it all now, now does too, speak of the very said fact that, those who do in all even attempt, to define Success, and as said referring to Ori, and as said to speak too, and of a said 'sense of self' that is, and as furtherly said too American that is, now too, will in all find themselves defining Success, and that does speak too of African Slaves in Florida, and if not in further speak too now, and of the name of Sojourner Truth for instance. However, and in concluding all this, speak now, and of American History, and as said even perceived in all, and from speak too of American Literary Anthologies that is.