Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wilbur Smith

Wilbur Smith.

This entry, now does in all even pose, the very query in all, and to Bik, Hosea, Vic., and if not Pat. too, and if in all, they do believe, the very contents of this Blog, to in all even embody Potential that is, and not as simply said realistic in its ways/manners either. For all four of you, Bik, Hosea, Vic., and Pat. too, have been mentioned on this very Blog, and that, the very question to it all now does have to do, or lay/lie, and with speak, and of whether or not, you actually do mind my doing as such, and in speak now and of one said thinking, 'these are not too bad of many an Idea that is'.

If you do read this very Blog, and while holding said similar sentiments in all, and to the last said thinking that is, above too, then in all, one would probably, come to very much See/Find themselves in all, and in said speak too now, and of Notions, and Notions too, and that do in all even speak of Superiority-Equality-Inferiority, Similarities & Differences, and if not of Semblance/Resemblance too that is. Notions too, and in regards now, and to speak of Media today, and which does in all even make for a life lived, and in said speak too now, and of Wilbur Smith too for instance.

However, this entry, can be said directed truly, and to wards Me/I, Vic., and Bik too, and in now telling Pat., and Hosea, they can in all even seek to read Wilbur Smith that is, and all they like too.

In speak of I/Me, Vic., and Bik too though, speak now, and of Identity created in all, and in speak too now of Potential, and if not of Notions too (and as said even simply defined as above that is), and which do in all even free one, and from a said even here, Superiority-Equality-Inferiority etc., mind-trip that is. That in all Vic., and you too Bik, and in further speak here of the Birds in the Sky/Air, what we are trying to say, is that, there must be a manner/way in all, and as said even truly Mechanical too that is, and of simply Finding/Seeing oneself in all, or creating Identity too, and via which, one does deal and with speak of Potential in itself, and in regards and to what has been said above in all, and if not in speak too of Media today, and as said very much defining us in Success that is.

In claiming now that, the above does speak of Finding/Seeing oneself in all, and as said even truly African, and in truly enjoying living out life in Africa, is to now attempt, to present such Identities, and as said even to speak, of Pigeons, Parrots/Parakeets, and even Crows/Magpies too that is.

That in speak of Vic., now, and of Crows/Magpies too, how would you in all even define, what they do term Method (Link), and as said even, rather Mechanical in its ways that is? Here in all, is said a probable answer:

Method := Timing (Documentation) + Control + Feedback

In speak of Bik now, and of Pigeons too, Mechanical Identity, not said what it is believed to be, and other than speak, of Doubt/Libido that is (Link) [by the way Bik, white Pigeons are not Doves either, for Doves too, are said truly Italian].

In speak of I though, and in speak too of Parrots/Parakeets that is, perhaps now, Mechanical Identity in all, and as said embodied too that is, and in speak now of Tongues (Mediums), Speech (Masks) and Language (Artefacts) too that is.
