Saturday, June 13, 2015



The said word/term, Zulu, is often believed said to simply mean, Heaven that is. It in many a way too, and in speak and of the said favoured nature, and of the Zulu in Africa, it in all even is believed, to speak truly, and of the very manner in all, Africans, do often view themselves, and as said different, and from others and as said not African too that is. That it all, does too refer, and to the very belief that, all Africans, are said to have originated in all, and from a said here too, Great Heaven perhaps, and not simply Heaven either, and to which, they will in all even return, and on having their Time on Earth so to say, come to a said full end that is.

In helping though, put some logic or said even, reason, and to all this, is to now too, perhaps, simply say that, the Keys to living a said Successful African life, do not merely speak and of one, and as said even differentiating theirselves in all, and from others, anything out there, fully, but in all even, a said Succesful African life, does often hint at, and at just what is said left, and of their Child Self so to say, and if not of the Inner Self too, and that does in all even hint at, just what Happiness, is simply said to be that is.

However, this entry, does pertain to speak and of a said Great Heaven, and from which all Africans are believed, said to emanate from, those too, simply said of the Zulu mold that is, and that this Great Heaven in all, and in regards and to speak too of Evolution on this Earth that is, can best be said perceived, and in speak truly perhaps, and of the said even Earth Experience, and as said in all even deciphered, and from speak truly, and of only one word/term: Incognito.