Thursday, March 19, 2015

Counter 'Nairo'

Counter 'Nairo'.

This Blog, should in all ways even, be seen, and as said adjoining, that called 'Nairo' that is [Link]. In its most basic of ways or sense too, it does in all even speak and of whom in all, I am, and with certain said figures believed said residing in Nairobi, or 'Nairo' to be exact too, and as said called Vic. (V.O), Bik (B.K), or one said Pat., and who might not in all be in agreement, and with my seeking to involve him in all, and in all this that is. In all, Counter 'Nairo', and as simply said, whom/who I am, and when not caring to know much of Vic., BiK, or Pat either.

In many a way though, Counter 'Nairo', does in all even seek, to represent or present, Nairobi, and as said a growing or Developing City, and in a said different light too in all. That this in all, now does speak too, and of Nairobi and as envisioned as a Core City (Link) perhaps, and as with it all even said truly International or Worldly too, for 'Nairo' in all again, is believed said to speak of Nairobi, and as said a truly interesting African City that is [or speak too of Drama & the City, and in speak now and of 'Nairo', and as simply said Totemic too that is, and in further speak too of Mixed Media that is].

In all, Nairobi now, and as said envisioned and in a three-fold manner in all, and that does in all even, and in speak of the Commercial, associate Nairobi in all, and with what they do call a Depot that is, and as versus speak too of Nairobi, and as said 'Nairo' for instance, and which does in all even speak of African Markets that is.

In having said this is to present an alternate or countering view of Nairobi in itself, and if not of 'Nairo' in particular too, and that does in all even say that, 'Nairo' in all, does actually speak of the Hero in all, while Counter 'Nairo' on the otherhand, does speak truly of the Anti-Hero that is [or speak too, and of Nairobi, and as not viewed from its peoples in all, and in speak of 'Nairo' too, but in speak now, and of it all viewed, and from its communications that is].

That in understanding the Anti-Hero, speak now and of Pictorials, and not Depictions either (and in speak too of the Hero that is), and such that, and in speak now and of it all and as simply said something difficult to fully explain in all, and of Man and as said a Virtuso, and not an Artist either, or of Man, and as said a Specialist in all, and not a Technician truly either that is [for the latter and in offering so to speak, does actually speak of the Hero that is].

In having said that, that the Hero, is simply said an Artist or a Technician truly in all, is to now and in all even associate Counter 'Nairo', and not only and with speak and of the Virtuoso, or of the Specialist too, but with certain said Technologies in all, and that do speak too, and of the following three in all:

1. Filming/Animation Technologies

2. Photography

3. Scanning/Printing/Fascmile Technologies

That Filming in all, does not actually speak too of Cinema for instance, and of the Artist or Technician too, but that Filming here, is in all even best said associated, and with speak too of a filmed Concert for instance [Link].

In having said that, and in the name of clarity too, speak now perhaps, and of the Technician, and as said associated, and with speak too of Computer Science, Computer Engineering / Scientific Computing or speak too of Computational Science in all, while the Specialist, is best said associated, and with speak of Software Engineering for instance.

In all, Nairobi here and in the now, and as said a Core City too, and as very much in all even perceived in the following three manners in all:

1. Nairobi and as said a Port, Hub or Center too.

2, Nairobi and as said a Site, Locale or Habitat too.

3. Nairobi and as said a Post, Station or Terminal too.