Thursday, March 26, 2015



This entry, now does attempt to differentiate, and between, speak now of 'Nairo' (Link), Counter 'Nairo', and of Anatolia in itself (Link) too, and in a now said somewhat Legitimate manner that is [and in speak now, and what in all Counter 'Nairo' does actually mean, or at the very best too, imply that is].

In helping see it all, and as it is, is to now speak and of African Identity, and in speak too now, and of Africa, and as perceived, and in speak too and of Dress, Custom & Manners that is. That this in all, now does speak too and of Africa and in speak of its Tropical Rainforests, and as said now defining Africa, and in Geography, and as said existing in all below speak of the Nigerian-Cameroon Border, and onwards and to speak too of the South African Border that is.

In defining Africa as such, is to now and in all even, speak too, and of it all and as perceived, and from speak too and of its Religious Affiliations so to speak. That it in all, and in Custom that is, does speak of it and as said Bantu, and in Dress and as said Congolese, but in speak of Manners, now said Nguni/Ngoni too that is. That this in all, is believed said a rather good manner in all, and of viewing Africa, and as described above, and in speak of its peoples that is, and as said defined and in speak too of Religious Affiliations that is. 

That this in all again, the above, now does speak too of Africa and in Atrocity, and in now associating Congolese Identity, and with speak too of the Belgian Congo, speak of Apartheid in South Africa, and of the Bantu Experience in many a way, but in speak of the Nguni/Ngoni, speak now, and of the often termed Maji Maji Uprising for instance, and if not speak too, and of the very term Mfecane, Nguni, and of the Zulu-British Wars too that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, the very question of Religious Affiliations, has often been termed controversial in some ways, and in speak now and of the Maji Maji Uprising for instance, and in Africa too, and as often said speaking and of those Africans in all, and who do in all even accept, outside Influence and into Africa, and as often simply said described Commercial, and by the Arab/Portuguese World too, and as said accepting in all Christianity, and as versus those said opposing it all that is. While Bantu Identity, and in speak now and of the Bantu and as said fearing, losing whom/who in all they are, and in Custom too, does now speak too and of Missionary Christianity and in Africa, while that said Congolese, does in all even now speak of Africans, and in Shame/Fear too perhaps, and as said referring to the Belgian Congo, and in further speak too of African Dress (and as now said lacking in all), and in further speak too now and in all again, and of Western Christianity in itself that is. In all again though, the Nguni/Ngoni, and in Manners too in all, simply speaking of African Christianity, and as often said associated, and with speak too of the Bible and in many an African Language too, and if not in speak of Africa's many Bible Schools too that is.

In all, the Bantu, and as now said associated, and with speak of 'Nairo' (and in speak too of African Markets), the Congolese, and with speak too of Counter 'Nairo' (and in speak too of African/Kenyan Industries), while the Nguni/Ngoni in all, now does speak too, and of Anatolia in itself that is [and in speak too of African Community Work/Projects that is].

In all, speak now and of Africa too, and as defined above that is, and as housing many another group/population in all, and that does approximate the three forementioned groups above in all again, and in speak now and of Bantu Identity and as said Somalian too for instance, or that said Nguni/Ngoni, and as said Arab/Portuguese too, and in further speak now, and of those in Africa, and as said defined above, now said Western/Modern in all truly (and if not that said Islamic, Hindu, Sikh, Popular etc.), or speak too and of Rome/Italy and of Vatican Media too, but that in all even, Identity and as said Arab too that is, now merging in many a way, and with American/Victorian Identity in Kenya, and in speak too now of Arab Scholarship too that is [and in speak too for instance, and of the very names of Hugh Kennedy, or Barnaby Rogerson too that is].


