Monday, June 29, 2015

Media Literacy

Media Literacy.

When we do talk here, and of Media Literacy, we are in all even attempting, to simply tell many a person, what Media truly is. That in understanding all this better, Kenya/Africa, and in Identity, does in all even struggle, and in defining itself, Politically too, and in regards and to speak too and of what does pass for Legitimacy, Validity/Validation, and if not of Verification too that is, and in our very said lives too that is.

In saying that most Media today, and as often said Modern, Western or Contemporary too, and as said to speak too of Print, Film, and even Arts Media (Batik) too that is, does in all even, interfere and with our said lives, is to now speak too, and of the very said manner in all, it does attempt to redefine us all, or African Identity, and in regards and to speak of Legitimacy, Validity/Validation, and if not in speak too of Verification that is [and as simply said referring here, and to speak too of African Custom that is].

In now saying that, the above, does speak of African Identity, and in regards and to speak of Ethnicity, Tribal Identity, Tribes, Professionalism, Heritage etc., is to now speak too, and of the very manner in all, Internet Media, and in Africa too, is very much said redefining that is, African Ideas or said Concepts too, and on Legitimacy, Validation/Validity, and if not in speak too of E-Government, and in speak too of Verification that is. In all, African Identity, and as simply said now defined, and in speak too of the Collective that is [and in further speak too here, and of the said presumed end, and of Tribe, and in Africa too that is].

USA for Africa:

This entry though, now too, does very much attempt to claim, that Kenya, is a Country in all, and that does too very much struggle, and in dealing, and with the above said issues/matters too that is. That Kenya, and in speak of Indigenous Identity, is not believed said Kenyan truly, for said Indigenous peoples in Kenya, are simply in all even too, classified, and as said Nilote, Cushitic, and if not Bantu too. That Bantu Identity, and in Kenya, is simply said too Swahili, and if not Southern Africa, or as simply said Azanian too that is. That said though, Nilote/Nilotic, or even Cushitic too, is in all too, simply actually said Ethiopian/Sudanese, and Somalian too that is. In all, the very belief here that, the very use of Arts & Crafts, and in creating said Indigenous Identity, and in Kenya too, can in all even be said truly, and to speak truly, and of Kenya's said Safari tradition, and which does too speak, and of Kenyan Identity and in Africa that is. and in regards, and to speak of Legitimacy, Validation/Validity, and if not of Verification too that is.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Spheres of Influence

Spheres of Influence.

This entry, now too, does propose to claim that, said Efforts in all, and in regards to speak of Development, said Modern or Western too, and if not that said Contemporary (and in speak too of the Fashion Industry for instance), has in all even failed in its ways, and with such Development, often too, simply termed Global, International, and Worldly too that is [and with Africa's input on all this, simply said to speak of Internationalism, and as said too referring, and to speak of the Global Village for instance].

This entry though, does claim, other manners in all, and in regards to speak of Development that is, do in all even exist, and with one of them, simply now said and to speak of Spheres of Influence that is. That this all, can too be said to speak but of Community driven approaches for instance, and towards Development, but that in all again, and now too and in the very least, it all can be said associated, and not only and with speak of Scholarship, but with speak truly and of Readership, and as with it all even simply said to speak and of what some do term the Avante-Garde that is.

However, what we are trying to say here, and in speak of Readership too that is (and not Viewership truly either), is that, there is a manner in all, and of viewing the World today, and that does in all even explain to most, just whom/who in all, the Wealthy, are simply said to be, and in speak too now and of Forbes Magazine for instance, and if not of Fortune Magazine too that is. That the often termed Western World in all, can be said centered now, and in speak and of England, Arthurian England that is, and of Queen Elizabeth II for instance, and in now pointing out that, Ottawa, and which is in all even said to be the Seat of Government in Canada, and if not in North America too [NAFTA], does in all even truly possess, Arthurian Architecture to it all that is. Africa, and outside speak of Kenya in all, is now too, said centered, and in speak of South Africa, British South Africa, for European styled Architecture in Egypt today, can too, be simply said classified British too that is. Readership though, is believed something said truly Victorian, and in spirit too, and in now saying that, the Victorian World, and in Imagination, Inspiration and Aspiration too, and as said referring to speak of Victorian Scholarship that is, did in all even find a home in Kenya, and in now simply even saying that, Victorian Architecture, does in all even truly find its place (a home), and in Kenya too that is [for said even European styled Architecture in the Middle East, is more or less said even truly Victorian that is]. Finally, speak of the Australian, but in now saying that, India, would benefit truly, and in speak of the Interpretation of Ideas, and not in speak of Readership truly either (Compilations, Victorian), and via the engaging of the Victorian, and as versus speak of the Australian too that is.

The Australian:

Old Africa Magazine

Old Africa Magazine.

Of Impressions. Of History. Of Events.

In a said referral to, and to what could too be as said of, and of the said Colonial too that is, of Colonies, of Colonialization, and or if not of its said Impact too that is, of Impact, of Virus, of Disease, of Viralism, is to now refer to, and to talk too of, and of the said Colonial Era too that is, of Old Africa Magazine, of Kenya Colony, of Colony, or if not in a said referral to, nowly, and of what could too be as said of, and of the said Colonial World too that is. 

Of the said Colonial World too that is, of its said Subjects too that is, of Subjection, of Influence, or if not of said Morality too, of Morals, Colonial, of Ethics, the Ethical, or if not in a said referral to, nowly, and of what could too be as said of, and of said Colonialism too, of Coloniality, or if not of the said Colonial Officer too that is. Of Colonialism, of Africa, of African Colonialism, or if not in talk too of, and of said Africa too that is, of Africa, of East Africa, and of said India too that is, of India, of South,Southern India, of Africa, (-), of India, of Oman, the Arabian Peninsula, of Streams, of Consciousness, of Streamings, of Conscious States. Of Coloniality, or if not of said Modernity too, or if not in a said referral to, and to what could too be as said of, and of said Materials too that is, of Textures, of Conditions, or if not of the sad State too that is, of States, of Shapes, of Dispositions. Of the said Colonial Officer too, of the said Colonial Office, of Colonization, of the said Colonialist too that is, or of the said Discrete too that is, of Discretion, of In-Discretion, or if not of the said Colonized too that is, of Colonialism, the Pre-Colonial, the Colonial, the Post-Colonial.

Of the said Technological too that is, of Technology, or if not of its said Effects too, of Technology, of Technologism, of Tech, -->, of Modernity, of Modernization, or if not in talk too and of, and of the said Technologic too that is, of Technology, of Continuance, of Continuation, of Repercussions, of Circumstance, or if not in a said referral to, nowly, and to what could too be as said of, and of said Noise too that is, of Nerves, or if not of the said Focused too that is. Of said Noise too that is, of Noise, the Noisy, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Distorted too, of Distortion, of Confusion, or if not of the said Tuner too that is, of Tuners, of Tunings, of Filters, of Amplifiers. Of the said Neural too that is, of Nerves, the Nervous System, or if not of said Nerve too that is, of Nerves, of light, of Nervings, of sound, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Taping too that is, of Tapings, of Tapes, Technologic, Magnetic, of Materiality, of Television, & of Video Technologies. Of the said Focal too that is, of Focus, of Focusing, of Foci, of Loci, or if not of the said Concentrate too, of Concentration, or if not in talk too of, of Film, of Focusing, and of what could too be as said of, and of said Photography too that is, of Photography, the Focused, of Cameras, of Film, of Lenses, of Shutters.

A said here, History of East Africa /Kenya, and as said too perceived, and from speak of Modern Time that is, of the Modern Times, and as versus speak too now, and of Kenya in all, and as said as often perceived, and from speak too and of, and of said Western Time too that is.

Western Time / Kenya.



The International Community

The International Community.

Many have heard, and of what they do call, the International Community, and in Kenya too that is. The said History though, and of the said International Community in Kenya, is not one easy in all, to document, or in all even, account for in all, for it is in all even said a History, and that does speak too and of the said term of Occupation, and not that of Political Interests truly either. For Kenya though, and in History, is not said to go along in all, and with speak of British History, and as said even referring and to speak of Occupation, and as that of South Africa does, Botswana too (and as said Protectorate), India three, and if not of the History, and of Lawrence of Arabia, and in Saudi Arabia too that is.

That the very term of Occupation, now too, does have multitudes of meaning to it all, for it too is said best associated, and with speak of the vying of Interests, and in regards truly, and to speak of Potential in itself that is. That Kenya now, is too, and from the very said perspective of the International Community in Kenya (and if not of the name of the late Smith Hempstone too for instance), is said to have lots of Potential to it, but it all said even a derailed process, Kenya, and in its manifesting of its Potential that is, and from speak too, and of a said even acrimonious History in all, and that does in all even ask, who does truly belong, and in Kenya that is. That Kenya, and from the very perspective of Colonials into Kenya, Victorian too, is said, to house no peoples to it truly, or those simply said to have a true or genuine/authentic culture to them, but that in all again, Kenyan History and as stated as such, becomes intertwined in all, and with that too said Swahili, and as with it all even now simply said colluding too, and with that said British, and in speak now, and of what does truly pass for Motive, or for Intent, and in Kenyan History that is [or speak too, and of the very manner in all, Kenya, did come to be, and as it is]. 

In saying that, Kenya, does have a complicated History to it, and from the said even perspective of Occupation, is to now too, perhaps associate it all, and with works too, and such as 'Englishness and Empire', and by one Wendy Webster too, and if not of the name too, and of G.K. Chesterton that is. That the History of Occupation, and in regards to Kenya, and in further speak of the name of Lawrence of Arabia, and of Saudi Arabia too, now too, does speak and of what they do term Englishness that is, and as said even something Coveted, for the Images in all, and if not Symbols too, associated with Englishness, don't only speak of the British Union Jack for instance, but Images too, and if not Symbols, and as now too said Coveted truly, for Englishness,  does too, have a said even African Memory to it all (or does evoke Africa and in spirit too), for these said Images/Symbols, and that do speak of Englishness, are believed truly even, to speak of Custom, and that does in all even steer towards speak of Africa, and in Custom too, and that could too best speak here, and of what one too could term, 'Kenyan English' for instance [and as with it all too, 'Kenyan English', simply said evoking the very name of G.K. Chesterton, Victorian, that is].

Hopefully, the above is understood, in a certain said context, and from speak too of Covetousness, for it too, is a term truly, and that does refer, and to the very rise of the International Community in Kenya, Post-Independence that is, and as with it all even simply said, and to speak too of the said History of Land-grabbing schemes in Kenya, Ethnic Cleansing, and in speak now and of those, and who have always truly tried to covet it simply can be said, Kenya that is, and in regards and to their truly knowing perhaps, what Potential in all, the place (and as said region too), is believed to hold that is. A History too, and that does in all even refer, and to said American Political Interests in Kenya too, and if not of the name of President Barack Hussein Obama that is, but that in all again, speak now too, and of the very term of Mortification, and in regards and to what Kenya has come to be, simply said despoiled that is, and in speak now and of the Struggle for Independence, now too, not said to speak only of Oath, Kikuyu, but in all truly, speak now best it can be said, and to speak and of Kenya's National Languages, Post-Independence, and as simply said being English and Swahili too that is [that it is in all it is said/believed here, that it is Swahili Ideology, and that is too, believed said to be at the very heart of Theory/Doctrine it can best be said, and as having to do, with the very argument of Occupation, and against said White Settlers, and in a Black Africa, and as with it all now simply put, to speak of the role/position, Post-Colonial too it can be said, and of the Attorney General in Kenya, and if it all not simply put too, in speak now, and of the very name of Amos Wako too that is].

the Koh-I-Noor Diamond

the Koh-I-Noor Diamond.

This entry, will attempt to shine a light, and on what is believed said, to pass, and for many a said even, Terroristic Act, and in Kenya too that is. The Koh-i-noor Diamond though, is said a Diamond, believed said mined in India too, and before it was in all even appropriated that is, and by speak now, and of Britain/England, and if not of the British Imperial Crown too that is. An act and that in time it is believed, did lead to said even turbulent relations in all, and between India, and Pakistan/Kashmir too that is.

However, what we are trying to get at here, is speak truly now, and of the very manner in all, we do perceive that is, Spaces, and as said now, truly a Political issue/matter that is. That in the wake of said recent Terrorist attacks in Kenya, Al-Shabaab, one cannot in all even, fail to see, a similar sentiment, and in regards to these attacks, and as seen found too, and in Indian/Kashmir History too that is. That what we are trying to get at here, is that, the said struggle for Independence in India in all, and in speak too of 'Gandhism', is believed too, to go along in all, and with the British in India, or speak too of the British Imperial Crown too, and as said too attempting, to interfere, and in the daily lives of Indians that is, and in speak too now, and of simply re-defining them, and in speak of Spaces, and if not in speak of Racial/Caste Integration too for instance.

In all, what we do see here is that, India, is said even, a society, truly defined, and by speak of Spaces, and which the British, do in all attempt to re-define, and which does in all even give rise, and to a said even wave, and of Terrorist like attacks that is. Hopefully, it is for one to understand, we are not talking Infrastructure here, but Spaces truly, and in now saying that, for many in Africa, and India too, their ability to understand their World, Universe, Relationships, History etc., is said too, grounded in all, and in their very Perceptions, and if not Understanding too, and of what Spaces, are simply said to be that is. In many a way, in saying that, Spaces are many a thing, is to now attempt to ground, African and Indian too, Perceptions that is, and of life in itself, and in speak now and of what, one could term a Neutral Space for instance, and in now saying that, speak too and of what some do term 'Internal Affairs', and in African Government Circles too, is believed too, to speak, and of simply how best to define society, and in regards to Spaces, and as simply said not truly Public, or/and Private too that is. In all, below, is an attempt, to in all introduce certain Spaces, and into African society, and in reminding most that, for most Africans, a basic knowing/knowledge of anything, does too, often arise, and with it all said too grounded, and in their Perceptions, of Spaces that is.

1. Personal Spaces
2. Shared Spaces
3. Gender Spaces
4. Ritual Spaces
5. Common Spaces
6, Sacred Spaces

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Freuds Id

Freuds Id.

This entry, now too, does have to do, and with our said perceptions in all, and not of History truly, but of Time in itself too that is. That Time, and from a said too, Freudian perspective, is now said acquainted in all, and with speak too, and of what some have termed, the Hunger, Humour, Sleep and Sex instincts, and as simply often said or termed, Necessities too that is.

In all, Freud it is said, did too, in all even envision it can be said, his Id, and in speak too of the above mentioned, and said Necessities too that is. However, what we are trying to get at here, is that, Time in all, and if not History too, is often perceived by many, and from a said even perspective, and that does speak too of the Id that is. That in attempting to put all this and into a clear said perspective, and as said even here, referring, and to a said Planar view of History, the belief that, History, is believed to have to it, a Trajectory in all, and that does in all even arise, and with speak of Archaeology, and onwards and to speak of Anthropology, Politics, and of Communications too. A said here, Planar view, and in speak now too, and of associating History, and with speak too of Expansionism that is.

In saying that, Man, and in speak of his said Innate Nature too, can too, be simply said defined, and by the 4 said Instinct above, and as deemed Necessities too, now too, does see to it all, History, and as perceived even, and from speak of said here Parallel forces, and that do in all even define any, and of the four said Instinct above too that is. That it is not enough, to claim or say that, History, does arise, and with the Hunger Instinct for instance, but in now saying that, all four said Instinct, do in all even interact in differing but said too, harmonizing (parallel) manners in all, is to now perhaps, attempt to perceive History, and in a manner too and that does accommodate speak of Africa, and in now saying that, the Planar view, now too, does in all even speak truly of (Ancient) Egypt that is. However, another view, and that does speak of Parallel forces, and in regards to Evolution in all, now too, does have or place a said Trajectory to it all, and that does refer, and to speak of Sculpted/Sculptural works, Music, Literature and Art too that is. Hopefully, what is been said here is that, most do in all even believe, Art, something old, and as now said even replaced, and by Science too. This view though, is not supported in all, and by the said Blogger here too, Belini, and in now saying that, Man, has always known Sculpture in all (African Masks), Music, and even Literature, but that Art, is something yet, to be truly known, and by Man that is [that Man too, is simply said referred to here, and from speak too, and of his said even, Individual Nature that is].

In all, in now saying that, the above does speak of Egypt and Africa, a third view here, and that does too speak of Spain, now does associate speak of the Id, and with speak of certain said Symbols in all (for they are in all even believed more than that), and in speak too now for instance, and of the Ankh that is.

Spain and in History:

Friday, June 26, 2015

The African Response

The African Response.

Do all East Asians / Chinese, look the same? Do all Indians, smell the same? Do all Middle Easterners / Islamics / Arabians, talk alike? These are the very questions pondered in all, and in regards too, and to speak of the African Response, and as said too, and to speak of African Health (Somasis/Response, Homeopathy/Homeostasis, Well-being/Wellness/Welfare), and in now saying that, Disease/Poverty, and in Africa, does not appear in all, and to take a Probabilistic, Statistical, or even Linguistic Quotient to it all, but one too, simply said even rather, truly Individual that is.



The very said term here in all, and of Perjury, can best be said equated, and in regards to this very Blog, and to speak too of Propaganda that is [Link]. That Perjury in all, now too, can be best be said to speak too of Media, and as said acquainted, and with speak too of Brazil that is. That Brazil, is a place or Country in all, and which is believed even, to have a History to it, marked in all, and by speak and of what they do term Colonisation (and not Colonization either), for Colonisation, now too, does speak of Perjury in itself, and if not of the very Act, and of directly coveting, ones Neighbours goods, and in further speak too of Theft in itself, and as versus speak now of Thievery that is.

In all, what we are trying to say is that, Brazil too, is often simply said a State, unequal in its ways, for Perjury in all, and if not of Colonisation in itself too, does appear in all, to very much say it can too best be said here, that those in all, and who do hold Power today, have in all, held it in the past, and will continue to hold it, or/and wield it too, and into the considerable Future too that is. 

In all and again, the very reason why this is mentioned, is because, alot of Media out there today, and as said even targeted towards those said excluded/poor in all, and from society too, does very much have to it, Colonisation, and in mind too, and in speak now and of societies today, or of Media today truly, simply said not held to account truly, and for any News Item/Piece told, and in now asking, where the validity or proof (and in said too small amounts), can be said found, and in regards and to speak now of what in all, is said here been promulgated that is.

In all Colonisation too, and as said even best perceived, and from speak too and of the history of Capoeira in Brazil too, and which does in all even speak of Capoeira, and in its attempts to take on Colonisation that is, and in regards and to the very manner in all, Colonisation, and as said Media too, does attempt to redefine (Ritual) Spaces, Physical Bodies (Cosmetics), Land/Environments, and in regards too, and to the attempt to in all even, dominate it all it can be said, and if not simply disempower, those said associated with the above three forementioned for instance, and in speak now, and of the use of Populism, and as said to refer, and to the 'Selling-Out', and of ones said very Soul too that is.


of Enigmas.

We do live in a World today, said too, simply best defined, and by the very word/term of the Masses that is. A World too, and that does in all even attempt to define itself very much, and as said still very much standing too, and in speak and not only of World Media in itself, but in further speak too and of the said belief that, stability in our lives, does too, very much go along in all, and with many a shifting, and in opinion/views too that is.

However, there does exist another belief, and that does say, World Media, is not what it appears to be, for it in all, does ask of us, to define ourselves and in Agency, and in speak too of being Informed/Informants, but that in all again, the rise of said World Media here, and if not that said too National in all, has very much led to a said even general belief, and that does say, such Media, does in all even, invalidate, most of our said experiences, everyday too, in that, such Media, does in all even tell of us, which and which not, and of experiences, we should be seeking out, and in now too saying that, it does invalidate our said experiences, or feelings too, and by simply categorizing us, and by names too for instance.

In all though, what we are trying to get at here, is that, the creation of the Masses, and the rise too of World Media, has in all even led, and to a Psychology, and of what they do term Individuation that is [and not Individualism either]. For Individuation in all, now too, does directly even, infer, that our said problems today, to be in all even directly linked, and to speak too of Mass Psychology for instance, but that in all again, World Media, now too, does offer us, said even, Symbols in all, and by which we can in all even learn to free ourselves, and from a said even, Mass Psychology, and that does too define the World today, and if not from the Masses in themselves too that is. In what they do term the Western World though, such Symbols, are too and in all even said to speak, and of Sex Symbols that is, and in further speak here too, and of Neo-Colonialism that is, and in Africa too. While the Middle East, does very much continue to proclaim, Islam, and as said even the answer to all these said problems, and as dealing with Individuation too, and of the name of Mohammed too that is, in Asia, Mass Psychology, does in all even take the very form and of what they do term Affluenza that is, but with Asia though, still very much said struggling to define itself, and in Symbols too that is, and a struggle too, very much even equated here, and to speak too for instance, and of the said known, Afrocentric/Eurocentric Debate that is.

In now saying that, Africa, is very much like Italy in all, is to now too, state that, in a World driven by a World Media, and in regards to speak too of Taste, Monetary Rates, and if not in speak of the Luxurious/Luxury, and as said defining Modernization/Westernization too, is to now say that, Italy, and as said even a member of the G8, has in all even attempted to define itself in Success, and in speak now and of what they do term the Enigmatic [or in speak too here, and of the Questionable that is]. Africa though, and as believed said even relegated to the backwaters so to speak, and if not the backyard too, should in all even realize that, the above, and in regards to speak of Africa, does truly ask too, and of Africa, and in simply defining themselves, and in speak of the Enigma in itself too that is [or of the Question Mark, ?, too].

Thursday, June 25, 2015

the 3 Superpowers

The 3 Superpowers.

Most have heard, and of the often used term in all, and of Superpower that is. It all though, and in the said even most ignorant of definitions, is believed in all, and to speak of a said Country's Currency, and as believed said even, more potent in all, or worshiped too, and than many another said Currency too that is. However, the very said term of Superpower, is believed even, to speak of more than this, Currency that is, and as with it too now, said even associated, and with speak too of the very best of products (affordability), goods (availability) and if not of services (efficiency) that is. However, there is believed more to all this, and in speak too of Management and Governance practises in all, but in all, the throwing in here, and of the very word/term of Guarantee too, and in regards to just about anything, does bode well, and in helping define what a Superpower is said to be, and in now furtherly throwing in too, many a belief, and as having to do, and with Military Superiority too for instance. In all and again, the very belief that speak of a Superpower, does in all even go along, and with the most educated and talented too, and of folks/peoples, and of a said Country too that is [and if not of superior lifestyles / ways of living that is].

However, the above definition, is believed said even long-winded in its ways that is. It in all even, does not truly tell us, what a Superpower, is truly said all about, and other than speak now, and of the Symbols or Images, and that do in all even go along with it all that is.

The coming or arrival, of the Internet, was in all even believed, said too able in all, and to spearhead that is, many a said too incredible change, and in regards too, and to speak of Human relations/relationships for instance. In better understanding the true Potential of the Internet though, is to not associate it all, and with speak of Commerce, Business, Education or even of Management in itself too, but in all truly perhaps, and in speak and of said even Superpower Status that is. That the Internet, when measured up now, and in Potential, and to speak too of Superpowers that is, does in all even refer, and to just how in all, the Internet, is believed said to be redefining Wealth in itself, and if not in speak too, and of our very concepts in all, and of Community/Trust and in itself too that is.

In now attempting to define, what a said Superpower, is, and alongside speak of the Internet here, is to now speak too, and of Knowledge and as said even a Commodity, and in further speak too and of Internet Technologies perhaps, and as said in all even re-defining, Knowledge in itself, and in regards too, and to speak of Cross-Referencing, and if not in speak of Networking in itself too that is.

In now saying too that, the Internet, does too go along in all and with speak of Internet Tools/Applications that is, is to now simply attempt to speak, and on the very manner in all, the Internet, does in all even influence our said World, and in regards and to speak of Valuation, Securitization, and if not in speak too of Transaction in itself too that is.

Finally, speak now too, and of the Internet, and alongside speak of the Superpower, and in now pondering, the very manner in all, the Internet, does in all even minimally it is said, re-define, Authority, Power and Might too, and in society that is, and of the said too Steeping of Power, and from one said end to another, the Overthrow of Might, and by said even unforeseen forces, and if not of the Stripping down of Authority, and by said even popular sentiment too that is.

However, what we are trying to get at here, is that, the said need, Human too, and for Credible, or even Crucial Information/Knowledge, is believed said today, paramount in all, and in Surviving, or in speak too of the re-defining of Success/Status in itself, and such that, the belief that Ownership, is said everything, and in speak too of Esteem, does not appear in all even, to warrant, said even Public Approval that is, and in regards to Influence too that is, and in now saying that, the Internet, now too, does attempt to truly redefine society in all, and in regards truly, and to speak of Public Outcry, Public Sentiment, and if not in speak of Public Policy in itself too that is.

In conclusion though, and in regards now, and to speak of the very said Header, and of this entry, the said belief here that, the Internet, and as said even simply an Instrument, and by which all is made possible, now too, does coincide, and with speak of Superpower Status, and in regards, and to speak of life in itself, and as viewed from speak from said even Gamble, Ploy or Bet too that is. That in all, only three said Countries in the World, are believed said even to represent for a Superpower and so to say, and in alignment now, and to speak of the Internet too, and as said a part of it all (or as said too, at the very center of it all that is), and with they said being the United States of America, India, and China too. However, this Blog, does in all even propose, and in a said World here too, and simply where, Information/Knowledge, is believed said even more Instrumental in all, and in getting any said Task done, and in comparison, and to speak too of Equity in itself for instance, then the very belief that, it is India, and that this Blog in all does propose, and as said winner too, and in the long-run, and in regards to all this that is [and in speak now too, and of said even, Public Perception for instance].

Tuesday, June 23, 2015



This entry, now does have to do, and with speak and of those too, and in Counter 'Nairo', and as now said too, perceiving themselves, and from speak too of the Surmountable that is. In all, where does our true Potential lie, and whom/who are you all, and when you do read this Blog, and wonder if its Contents, do in all even simply hold any promise that is. That the Surmountable, could in all even be said encoded, and in our very genes too that is, and such that, it does in all even refer, and to speak too of Ancestors, and in said here, Remorse, and if not in Defeat too that is.

There was a Time on this Earth, and when life in all, was simply said perceived something Simple in its ways. A Time, and that does too speak of the Ancients, and in now truly pondering, what did in all even, define them, and in Instinct too, and in now truly asking, and of what said good reason is said given that is, and for living out life truly, and other than speak truly now, and of the Surmountable that is. That Man, is simply said too, a Beast of Burden of a kind, and in regards and to speak of the very forces, and that do drive Evolution too, and as with he even said, driven to anger or panic, and by the very same forces too, and that could in all even be said, to have driven, his very said Father too for instance.

A Time on this Earth, and whereby, Man in all, and in Instinct too, is not believed said truly driven and by a Fear of an Almighty God that is, but in all truly even, in his said now perhaps, perceiving his very said Physical Body in itself, and as something said even, Feeble or Weak, and if not Vulnerable, and in his now too, perceiving his World, and in speak now, and of the said Sense/'Emotion' of Touch that is, and such that, Man does in all even view his World, and from speak of Breathe for instance, a Smile, the Solar Plexus and as said even defining Feebleness too, and if not and in the referring of the Groin, and as said the Loins too that is. In all, Man too now, said even, defining himself truly, fundamentally too, and in speak of the Heartfelt, and of the Heart too, and as said too guiding him, and towards what is believed said Worthy in all, but in his now said too realizing, that Touch, is not what it appears to be, for it too can be said Deepfelt, and in speak too of a Nightmare for instance, and if not in his now claiming that, that he did in all, have a Vision, and of a said Angel too for instance. This was the very World though, the Pyramid Builders of Egypt, did in all live in actually, and in saying now that, beliefs or notions in all, and of Human Accomplishment today, and as versus those that do speak of the Ancients, are not what they do truly appear to be that is.

History though, does in all even progress, but in said ways and manners in all, most don't truly anticipate. That Man in many a way, is believed said to have lost in his Innocence, his inability to experience, the Deepfelt for instance, and in now saying that, Man, is believed said even, driven, and by speak too, and of Accumulation, and of Wealth in itself that is. That Accumulation, now too, does give Man, a said Idea, and of himself, and of what to do with his Time too, but that in all even, it can be said, it all does lead to society now, said Man-made too, and as said even defined, and by speak of Passion in itself that is [and if not of the Impassioned, the 7 Vices to boot, and if not in speak of Italy too that is]. Man in all though, is said yet, to truly uncover, what Passion, is simply said to be, for this in all, is what is believed said even, to bring about, the fall Italy, and to ruins, for Passion, and in speak of the Impassioned too, does now tell us too that, Reason, Rationale, or even Logic too in itself, are believed said something, said not to speak of a life lived, and as lived by the Moment too that is. Passion though, and in the name of Accumulation, or in speak of the 7 Vices truly, does in all even lead Man to discover Commerce in itself, and as said a Science too perhaps, and such that, Man does erect society, Man-made and as he does calls them, and by which and as said driven by Passion, or the 7 Vices too, he now does too, very much realize the Insubordinate nature of Man in all, and in speak too now, and of what did pass for War, and in Italy too for instance. 

The World we do live in today though, cannot be said believed truly as exciting in its ways, and in comparison, and to that which did drive society, defined, and by speak of Passion too for instance. For in speak of the Impassioned, and of those too, who do equate life, and to speak simply of the Distinct, Singular or Unique too, are now said too perhaps, to want to live out life, and in a said manner in all, and which does say, Regret, does in all too, very much go along, and with speak of Man, and in a said State of Sin too for instance. That in his accepting of himself as such, and as said in Sin that is, all is then said known too, but in refuting it all, and in speak too of Politics, all is then said, truly unknown that is. The World we do live in today though, is believed simply said defined, and by speak and of what some do term, the Human Condition that is. For the Human Condition, now does tell us, that in Evolution, Man today, is simply said defined and by speak truly of Narcissism, or of his inability to in all, believe that God, and as said even an Idea too, does exist, or in his inability truly, and to Trust, and in just about anything that is. That Mans Technology driven societies today, are believed said still defined, and by speak of deep Trust issues, and such that, in Success, Failure, or in Trying, Man is said, not able to truly Trust in anything, and in his now too, associating Knowledge in itself, and as said Tangible too, and as said believed even, the only thing, that could be used to account for life in itself that is. In all, and simply said, Man, and in one term/word, or in Condition too, is simply said defined and by speak of Treachery in itself, and in now saying that, every said moment lived, is one said too, not truly accounted for in the very least, and in speak now and of it all perceived, and in speak truly of Trust in itself, or in speak of a Joke too that is.

There are those, and in speak here of Counter 'Nairo' that is, and who might in all even, have heard of the very name of Nathaniel Bacon, American. It is a name of Interest to some, for it does in all even speak, and of life, or even in speak of the Keys to life too and so to say, simply perceived, and in attempting to in all, truly discover, what said underlying or hidden forces that is, do in all even drive Man, and to do as he will. That this all, is tied too, and to speak of the very said even, Notion, and of Government that is, and as it has been traditionally known, and in now saying that, Government, and in its most pure of Senses that is and so to say, does claim that, Ambition, Motive, Passion, Interest, Endeavour etc., are not said even good enough reasons, and for why we should actually do anything that is [or in speak of the Budget, Government, and which will in all even, actually truly point it all out that is]. In all, the said laws of Government, best too perhaps, associated, and with the very names of Samuel Pepy's for instance, and if not that too, and of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. However, back to the story been told here, and that of Nathaniel Bacon so to say, and who did in all even realize, and while living in an America, and that was now too, said busy, raising itself, and in Taxes too, and in regards to everything out there, and that in all, he did in all even realize, that life, or Man too simply, is now said, simply Wretched in its ways/manners in all, and in speak too of his desire, Man, to not only own anything in site/sight, but in all truly, in his said now proposing, that Time in itself, was simply said too up for sale, and in speak now and of his bidding for Time in itself that is. However, what we are trying to get at here, is that, Nathaniel Bacon, and his said cohorts/friends too, and who did in all even seek to Rebel, and against a said Government in America now, and in their bid and to Reform society in all, and away too, and from speak of Communal Wealth for instance, and towards now, and to speak of Democratic Ideals too for instance. In all though, to make a long story short, and in asking why it is all believed said relevant to those in Counter 'Nairo' for instance, is now to say that, there is a manner in all, and of perceiving life, and that could in all and in the very least, help one retain themselves, Consciously, and in a World, simply said driven, and by speak simply, and of Consumption in itself too that is. That said even Democratic Ideals, can be perceived, and from the said retaining of certain said Conscious States that is, and which do in all even speak of Man and in his attempt to uncover, his said true Nature that is, and as with it even said, to speak of Man and God, and in Name too that is. In all, back to speak of Nathaniel Bacon though, and who it could be said, very much did realize, that there was nothing much left to life, and in a World, American too, and where by, one was expected to very much buy Time in itself, and in now saying that, and in speak of Clarinets too, and to both Bik, and Vic., too, life in all, can best be said now, perceived, and in speak too of the very words/terms of the Serenade, Promenade, the Parade, and if not of the Arcade too (Vic.), and in speak now truly, and of the Conscious States generated, and as said too, those only, deemed worthy, and in living out life that is [and away too and from speak of Democratic Ideals too that is].

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Pastor

The Pastor.

The Pastor, and as with it all even simply said Media, one said Religious too, and that does in all even ask of us, and of the very manner in all, we do define Leveling (Psychological), Subterfuge, and if not of Leverage too that is, and in our very lives too. All this said too, and in regards and to most of the World out there, simply said Asian (Asia / Central Asia), and in Media too, and as said defined too that is, and by speak of Ritualism in itself actually. However, the United States of America in all, does differ in speak of all this, for in speak of America that is, and from the very said perspective of the Pastor, and as with he even said truly African, African life now, simply said even perceived, and from speak of Trajectory in itself too that is.

Sunday, June 21, 2015



This entry, is too, now said even directed once more, and to the very said, likes that is, and of Vic., Bik, or speak too of Pat., and in now asking of them, if they do truly know, what Pastoralism does truly mean. From a said word-play perspective though, Pastoralism, now does equate too, and to speak of Kenya, and as said even truly, Pastoralist, and in speak now, and of said Kenyan Tribal formations that is. However, there is speak too, and of the Pastoral, and of 'Nairo', and if not in speak too of Roman Christianity that is, but that in all again, despite what is said in this entry, there is believed a deeper in all, existence, and to that said to speak of Pastoralism, and which does simply refer, and to speak of the Pastor in himself that is.

What though, is Pastoralism, said to be? It in all, cannot be best said equated, and to said even Tribal Identity, and in Kenya truly, but that it does in all kind of build up on it all, and that being Pastoralist that is, now too, does speak and of one, and as said even, not Autonomous, or Independent truly either, or even said Self-Reliant that is, but in all even, simply said too, Self-Keeping and in ones ways too perhaps. Self-Keeping, and in speak now and of those, who do in all even, hear, or so to say too, of a great Idea perhaps, or of many a said too, feasible Idea that is, and then does decide, to make it all too real that is. 

Pastoralism though, is believed something said deeper in its ways, for it does in all even embody, many a said Idea, and of Man, and as simply said even, in a said state too, and of Soul-Searching for instance, and if not truly perhaps, said even, in search for a Soul that is. Soul-Searching too, and that does in all even, speak of Africa, and in regards and to life, and as said not deciphered in all truly, and from speak of Harmony, Salutation, and if not of Sensitivism/Sensitivity too, but in speak now truly, and of what is believed said in all, to speak of Normalcy, and in ones life too that is. That Normalcy, and when pondered out, does simply ask of us, if we do truly ever, think of whom/who in all we are, and as with it all even leading, and to said even genetic perceptions, and of whom/who in all, we all are that is. That what is been said here is that, Bik, that the very Idea in all, or Notion too, and of what one could call, a Natural Heritage, is believed said even, truly real, and when perceived too, and from said even connotations, genetic, and which do in all even tell us, that we all, are believed said even, to have a Right, a Birth Right too, and to certain forms of Happiness, Reward, Merit, and if not Accolade in itself too that is. That what is been said here Vic., is that, such said Rights, Birth Rights too and so to say, do in all even speak, and of one and as said knowing oneself as such, and then simply truly too, sitting around, and waiting for Success in all it can be said, to actually come, easily too, and ones way that is. That it all, now does simply ask of us, to think of ourselves, and as we truly are, no compromises withstanding, admitting to it all, and to the very fact too, and such that, on seeing ourselves, and as we truly are, many a thing, and if not everything, is believed said to easily, come, ones way, and if and only if, one is truly accepting in all, or admitting to the fact too, and of simply whom/who in all, they simply are that is.

In saying that, there is more to all this, Pastoralism that is, is to now too, attempt to introduce one, and to the very said even, term/word, and of Exegesis that is. That however and in all again, this potion and of this entry, does actually deal, and with what they do term an Exposition, and in now saying too that, before we do get to that, the Exposition, one has to understand, why a said Exegesis here, is believed said of importance. That the Exegesis, is said even to speak of the Church in Italy, and as versus speak of the Church in Africa, and of the Exposition too, but what we are trying to say here is that, we do live in a World today, simply said dominated, and by speak of the United States of America, and not from the said perspectives of Technology, Leadership, Education, or even Symbolism too perhaps, and truly said too, but in all again, from what one could in all term, an American Biblical Exegesis that is. That in all again, what does this all, truly refer to? It does in all even simply mean that, American Ideas, and on Death, Dying, and if not of life in itself, are not believed said even, the most Interesting of them all perhaps, but in all again, are believed too, said to simply speak, and of History in the Making too that is. In however now saying that, America, does not truly speak for us all, and in our said attempts too, and to embody life in itself, is to perhaps now, associate Africa, and with the very term of Exposition that is. That the Exposition, does too, ask of us, and of our Interpretations, and of just about anything, and in speak too of a said Mature Mind too that is, but that in all again, it does too, lead down the old path, or said known road, and of the asking of us, to think of ourselves, and in regards, and to speak of Tolerance, and if not of the Shadow Archetype too that is. That the said even old/ancient World in all, was said too, defined, and by speak of the Shadow Archetype, and the very belief that, and to this very day too, the said Mysteries, and in Astonishment or Awe too, and of Ancient Egypt, are yet to be fully known, and such that, most out there, and despite what Successes are said attained, are yet to fully truly live out their lives that is. In more recent Times though, and in speak too of the very name of Georgie Podgie, and one does in all even find/see in all, the very said belief that, life in itself, and in experience truly, now too does refer, and to our said even perceptions, and of Tolerance in itself too that is. This said entry though, or this potion of it too in all, now does ask of either of you, Vic., or Bik too, but inspeak furtherly of Pat. here though, to in all even ponder, the Exposition, or our said Interpretation and of just about everything, anything, and in regards and to the said reasons, and of meaningful existence that is. For it now too, does ask of one, to truly discover in themselves, what it does mean to be said African, and in now truly pondering, if and if not, an African Heaven, and one too, said too on this very Earth, does actually very much exist, and in simple speak here too, and of St. Augustine's 'City of God' too for instance, or in deeper speak too, metaphysical, speak now and of the very terms of Hosanna, Olorun, and if not of the Divine Mercy too that is.

Thirdly though, now is to say, that we said here, Africans, and as said to speak too of Hosea, are said in all even, a people in Trouble, and if not one too, said even, facing, Extinction, and in basic speak here too, and of the growing popularity, and in Africa, and via speak of Nigeria and South Africa too, and of what one could term/call, Black Psychology (Link) that is [or speak too, and of our said even viewing ourselves and as said Inferior too, and from the said perspective of the Grandiose, Aggrandization, and if not in speak of Entitlement in itself too that is]. That this Psychology, and which does tell us that, our Keep, or Lot, is to be found truly, and with our said too, not only Begging for it perhaps, but in speak too, of it said acquired, and via the Patronage, and of those they do in all even term 'the Man' too, for he too is said not God truly either, but could be, and such that, what some do in all even truly term or call, 'White Worship', and as versus speak too now and of the Black, Cobra, is now said that is, paramount, and in the attempt, to very much explain, our very said existences that is. However, the very belief here that, for Africa, to in all even continue, to survive, or said surviving in its too ways that is, for it too does speak and of what Victory is said to be, and if not of Success truly either, then in all, Africans, or those said truly of African Blood, must in all come together, and in now attempting to define themselves, and in regards, and to speak now, and of a said even African Collective Unconscious that is. That in a said past post, and one too on African Music (Link) too that is, the African Collective Unconscious was briefly mentioned, but now too, does ask of Africans, to view themselves as said one, and in the attempt to truly discover in all, what said even, Experiences, are believed said even truly African, and in the name too, and of African Superiority for instance, but that in all again, and in the most said base of manners too in all, it does too, lead to the very said rise, and of the African Money Markets for instance, but that in all again, yet again, is to now say that, Pastoralism, does in some ways now, equate, and to speak of Nomadism, and of the said origins here too, and of the Coptic Church in Egypt, and which did too, give birth to the still said phenomenon, and that is in the very least said to speak of Christianity, and in Myth too, for in all again, it is to now too, claim that, History, and with it too said to progress, and in speak of Myth in itself, is too now, said believed even African truly, and in speak too of Myth, and that does in all even arise too, and with Pastoralism that is [or speak too now, and of Man and in his Ascendant, and to whom/who in all, he is said to truly be, is said now too and in the very least, to be simply said, a Messenger of God that is].

Saturday, June 20, 2015

African Vogue

African Vogue.





If one was to think Physics in all, and in Counter 'Nairo' too, then the very name of Schroedinger, would probably catch ones interest that is. This is because, the Physics of Schrodinger one could say, are very much too, African, and in Intellect too perhaps.

That the very world of Schrodinger so to say, now does in all even refer, and to the Modelling of a problem, and from the very said even, perspective, and of it all perceived, and as said an Incubator problem too that is, and an Incubator too, having to it, Time processes in all, and that can be equated, and to speak of Endothermic, and Exothermic reactions in all, but with the Problem at hand, truly said to speak, and of just whom or who in all it can be said, is believed said even, the Observer, and to such a said even Time problem that is. 

The above view though, is more or less said too, and from a said African perspective that is, to refer, and to speak too, and of Egyptian Metaphysics that is. From a said even African perspective though, speak now, and of the very world of Schrodinger, now perceived too, and from speak and of Event that is. Event too, and as said even Imaginary that is, and which does in all even lead, and to a said even resultant end, and in speak now of it all, perceived too, and from said even, or in speak of Ergodic processes in all, and if not from speak too, and of what a (Common) Cold, is simply said to be that is.

Friday, June 19, 2015



This entry, does have to do, and with the very manner in all, one does in all even, perceive change, transformation, growth, progress etc., and as said associated too, or as happening that is, and with speak of both Nairobi, and Kenya, and if not of East Africa too that is.

That what we are in all trying to say here, is that, Kenyan Identity, is still very much said Tribal that is, and in speak now, and of Kenyan lives, and in regards and to speak of change, transformation, progress, development etc. that is, now said too, said in all, associated truly, and with the said world here perhaps, and of Kenyan Tribal Identifiers/Markers that is. That in having said that though, and in speak too now, and of Kenyan Tribal Identity, and as simply said deciphered in all, and in speak now and of Introversion, and of Extroversion too, and as said defining Personality, Tribal, is to now say that, Kenya, is known to be said even, a turbulent, tumultuous, and if not volatile that is, society, and that it can too be said, a society too, where Tribal Identity is now said more or less, erased, and in speak now truly, and of Kenyans, emotionally too, identifying, and with what they do term Scars that is [they said too, physical, emotional, mental, and if not spiritual too that is].

In having said that, and in now saying too that, Kenyan Tribal Identity, and in the past, is said grounded in all, and in speak too of Ritual, and if not Ceremony too, is to now say that, speak of a Kenya today, and with Identity, said now grounded in Scars, has in all even seen in the very least, a rise or the developing in all, and of a Psychology of Withdrawal (and not Avoidance truly either), and as said coming to define many a Person/Family in Kenya, and in speak too now, and of Tribal Identity in Kenya, said even deconstructed in its ways and so to say, and with it now said too, breaking apart, and said even re-arranging itself too in all, and in a said now Counseling format that is. That Counseling, and as said to speak too of Self-Counseling, and if not of the Counsel in itself too that is, is now truly believed said even, fundamental in its ways, and in creating Identity in Kenya, and one too, very much now said centered in all, and in speak of Family/Households, and not in speak of Tribal Identity either, and which is said centered in all, and in speak of Ritual or Ceremony too that is.

In having said that, the future of Kenya, Politically, now too, does very much look, said tied down, and to speak of Family, Households, and if not Nationhood in itself too that is, is to now speak furtherly on, what is believed said, and to constitute for Family (Kenya), Households (Nairobi), and of Nationhood too ('East Africa'), for it is believed said of the Kenyan people, that despite their being said Educated in all, and in just about many a Field of Study, or Subject/Topic too, is to now say too that, the developing in all, and of society in Kenya, and as simply said African too, or as simply said even Economically, Politically, Commercially robust that is, it all too now does speak, and of Knowledge in all, and that does refer, and to speak of Trends, and Undercurrents too that is [and in comparison now, and to speak of Chaos that is].

In now saying that, the belief held here, and that does say, Kenyans seem not to be well educated, and on what does pass for Trends, and if not Undercurrents too, and as compared now and to speak now of Chaos too, is to now say that, there does appear to be a much brighter future for Kenya, and in studying Trends/Undercurrents, and in comparison, and to the studying of Chaos that is, and as with it all even now, said best associated too, and in speak of International Development that is, and with speak of the Netherlands for instance, and in Institution too, and if not in speak of Dutch Banks and as said opening up a said presence/branch, and in Kenya/Nairobi too that is. In all, in attempting to make this all to clear, Counter 'Nairo', and in Promise, said too International that is, now too does speak of Trends/Undercurrents, said Worldwide too that is, and if not of Dutch Banking too that is.