Thursday, April 30, 2015



The Sounds/Sensibilities, and of (Ancient) Egypt too that is.



This post, does very much have to do, and with just whom or who in all, BiK (Link), and over at 'Nairo' too and so to say, is, and when he does in all even decide, and to put forth, a call, and into Counter 'Nairo', and in his now said perhaps, seeking out Vic / V.O , or even Hosea, Litiku, or add me to this list too that is, and in his now wanting to 'hang out' for a while or more, and before his moving on to something else that is. That this in all, now does very much speak and of the very word/term of Retro that is.

What is Retro though? In speak of Development now, and of Kenya too, now speak too, and of Colonial History and in Kenya that is. That Colonialism, and as with it all even said Victorian in its ways, now does arise, and with speak and of the Colonial, and as said seeking out an Audio-Visual Experience in all, and that is best said Sensory too, and as now furtherly said accommodating just about all Senses given and to Man that is, and in far off / distant Africa/Kenya that is [and as including here, speak of Sensibilities and in themselves too that is]. In saying that, this is what the Colonial Experiment in Kenya is said to be all about, and with Kenya too, often defined and as said a Nature Paradise of a kind, is to now speak too perhaps, and of just whom/who in all, BiK, is said to be, and in Nairobi / 'Nairo' today too, and as said even, a backward fella of a kind that is. That 'Nairo', and in speak of the Audio-Visual (and of Sensory Perception too, and as said to speak too of Incessant Daydreaming for instance), is said built around the Acoustics Model, and a Model too, believed by some, olden, and in its ways that is. This though, would never sound disconcerting and to a person like BiK in all, and in speak now and of his being said here perhaps, unable to let go in all, and of the very fact that, Nairobi, is not the city in all, it once was, and as said to speak too of the 80's that is.

In understanding better, what Audio-Visual Experiences, and as said Sensory too (and if not in speak of Dream in itself too that is), are said to be all about, is now speak too, and of Jewish/Jew Culture, and of their being said too, alienated, or vilified peoples that is. That Jewish/Jew people in all, and in speak now of Freud in himself too, and as having been said one of them that is, are a people, having Historically in all, defined themselves, and in speak of Ritual, Celebration or Festival that is, and in a said Audio-Visual manner in all, and such that, they are the kind of people, and in speak of a Happy Hanukkah too for instance, to in all even only associate themselves, and with certain said Sounds/Sensibilities that is. In all, this does speak too, and of the very rise, and of the Jewish/Jew Intellectual that is.

In saying that, Kenya, and as said Developing today, now does perhaps in all even, speak of the Jewish/Jew Intellectual too that is, is to now speak perhaps, and of Vic. / V.O (Link), and as said too perhaps, looking rather glum, and in the Photo/link just posted that is, and in his now perhaps said, being rather unhappy in all, and with speak too of the Audio-Visual, and if not of Sensory Perception too, and of Sensibilities truly, and in Kenya/Nairobi today that is. That Nairobi toady, is simply said a Chaotic mess of a kind, and that any talk of Uhuru or Independence today, is simply said nonsensical in its ways perhaps, and in now saying that, those said fighting for Independence, were actually said acknowledged in all, and to be actually fighting for Uhuru that is.

What is Retro though? To put it all, and in a rather straight forward manner in all that is, is to now put forward in all again, the very question in all, and of what Sounds in all again, or of Sensibilities too, one would in all even want to be acquainted with truly, and in now saying that, Nairobi today, and in speak now perhaps, and of Sensibilities only, makes for the most dismal of experiences that is. In all, where is Development and in Kenya today too, said headed that is? In speak of the Audio-Visual, and of Sensibilities too, the very attempt by some to make Kenya in all, Modern, Contemporary, Western, American, Islamic, but if not in speak too and of the Traditional, African, and of the Colonial in itself too that is. That this in all, now does speak too of BiK / B.K, and as said here, having run away from home, and to faraway England too that is, and in his search perhaps, and for the most pleasant or beautiful of Sounds, and if not of Sensibilities too, and upon his making a request, taking a rest, that said surprising knock on the Door, his seeking out re-address in all, and as with it all even believed, said to speak and of Shakespeare in himself that is. In saying that, 'Nairo' in all, does speak of Acoustics (Link), and in Memory too (Audio-Visual / Sensory Perception), is to now speak too and of Africa, and favourably too, and in speak now of Sensibilities that is, and in Memory too, and as said to speak of Stereo in itself that is [Link]. In saying that there is more to all this, is to also speak of Hi-Fi (Link), and which does in all even speak of Italy and as said as such, but in speak truly and of what Kenya has lost, is to speak of the Colonial, and as said not truly Victorian, but more or less said Vic. (Victorian-Colonial Piano) that is (Link), and in speak too now of it all said to basically speak today too, and of the KWS (Kenya Wildlife Service) na Kadhalika so to speak, but in speak of Counter 'Nairo' now, and as targeted too, and towards a glum looking Vic./ V.O that is (and as said looking somewhat British too), is to now truly perhaps, speak now and of associating oneself, and with the Retro Sound that is, and in truly helping one have their Faculties, Mental too, remain intact in all that is, and in speak now and of one and as said not going Crazy, and in speak of the Swahili word of Kusumbua too, and which does not truly speak of one and as said Disturbed that is [but more or less and as said targeted in their ways too that is].


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Political Science

Political Science.

This entry, will in all begin, and by simply calling upon, or truly asking in many a way, and of the Government, and in Kenya, and of whether in all, they have truly heard, and of the so termed Super Kiosk that is. That Kenya in all, and in its Economics, and if not in speak too of Fiscal Policy, does in all even surprisingly enough, see to it all, truly in all even associated, and with speak of the Kiosk that is, and in further speak too of the very term/word in all, and of Transaction in itself too that is. In all, what is been said here is that, Kenya, and as said uncivil in its ways, does in all even speak of its failure, and in fathoming in all, what a Super Kiosk is said to be [and as said to speak too of Kenya, and in the Transactional too, and if not in Design too that is].

In having said that, is to now speak of the very subject/topic of Law, and as it does in all even apply, and in speak now, and of the Field of Political Science that is. That Law, and in speak now and of Political Science, can be said to speak of General law, Customary law, Common/Family law, Traditional (Local/Regional, Democratic, Republican, Proletariat etc.) law, and if not in speak too now, and of Islamic law that is.

In saying that, Kenya today, does in all even struggle, and with the creating of a General law framework, and that does speak too of the Constitutional in all, is to now say too, that Kenya today, is believed said to function primarily in all, and in speak now of Customary law that is. For while Customary law, is believed in all even, and to rise and to the very said level, and of the Treaty too, most of the said Developed World in all, is believed said in all again, and to in all even function, and in speak now truly, and of Common/Family law that is. The very rise of Democratic Ideals, and in Kenya, is often believed said truly, and to speak of the Swahili world and in Kenya too, and in speak now too, and of the late President Jomo Kenyatta, and if not of the late Hon. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, and of their in all, been said associating themselves that is, and with Swahili symbolism, and that does speak too and of the Swahili Kofia that is.

In all, the Swahili world, and alongside speak too of Southern Africa, and as collectively termed here too, Azania in all, and said in all even to operate, and along similar lines that is, does speak too now, and of African Traditional law that is [this however, is not true of the Swahili world and on the Kenyan Coastline that is, and who have in all even and in the past, incorporated Islamic law, and to whom/who in all, they are said to be that is].

In all, despite all the above said, Kenya, and in its full Potential, simply believed in all, and by some too, to only be able to attain its highest Goals or Aspirations, Kenya that is, and in speak now of Law, and of Political Science too, and that does in all even speak of the Oath in itself that is [for the Oath, is believed a said complex law and to itself, and that can in the very least be said too, and to speak of the Law of Hippocrates for instance].

** in a said further note here, it must be said that, Nairobi, and as defined in a previous post (Link), and as said too, defined in all, and by speak of the Thornbush Tree, is believed said a place, bigger and than most do in all even acknowledge it to be, and in saying that, there are those who do view Nairobi and as said a unique place to itself, and in speak of the very word of Kenya in itself too, and in now probably saying that, the rest of Nairobi out there, probably does speak of the Super Kiosk, and in speak now and of segregative mentalities/attitudes that is.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

of Japan

of Japanese.

The East African Passport

The East African Passport.

Mr. Hosea L

Mr. Hosea L.

(Hosea L. - 2nd from right)

Hosea, Jambo. How goesz it? For some reason Hosea, you were one of the last persons I did imagine, I would find on the Internet, and in speak too now and of a said Picture profile that is. But here you are, and look at you, apparently now, probably seeking out too, to be at the very helm, and of the Botanical Sciences too, and in far away out there Europe that is.

So, what more can I say Hosea? The reason I am writing all this though, I, Allan W.G., could very well have to do, and with whom/who in all we once were, and once upon a time too, and when I did get to school with you, and at Strathmore School in Lavington, Nairobi too, and, what I do remember in all and about you, does speak and of a simple said Swahili Custom, and that did speak too of Kusalimia, or in speak too perhaps, and of 'U-salimiaji' in itself that is. That 'U-salimiaji' so to speak, does not actually speak of greeting another, but in all even, and of readily even befriending another, and at the go too so to say, for it does in all even speak of the very reason many a person, would be attracted to African culture, and in speak now and of the said here American phrase, 'You made my day .. man'.

So, once more, what does go on in Europe? And other than you and as said readily or truly now, concentrating in all, and on studying the Botanical Sciences that is. I say this, and in now probably too, asking the very question, 'How much of you Swahili, have you Forgotten?', and as versus asking in all, 'How much of your Swahili, do you Remember'? For the former in all, now does speak of one too, and as probably said living in America, while the latter, would probably refer, and to those said living now, and in Europe too that is. After all Litiku, you are probably thinking that, one of these fine Summers, I will save up on the Money I have made, and simply fly out to 'the States' so to speak, and whereupon and on your arrival, you will simply enjoy yourself and to the max, and in now associating Africa in all, and as it is, and with speak too of Administration, Management and Bureaucracy too that is. In many a way though, and in your you doing this, it all is said not a question of Identity and as one would think, and in speak now of my being in Nairobi too and as it is, but one too, and of Consciousness perhaps, for I am truly aware in all Hosea that, Consciousness, is not something you have ever truly studied, and in speak now and of your being in Europe, and a place too and which to this very day, is said embroiled, here too, and in many an issue/matter in all, and as having to do with Consciousness, and not Identity truly either [or speak too now, and of your being said still possessing, a Kenyan Passport that is].

You living in Europe Hosea, will in all even, transform you, and in speak too of the Experience that is. For I don't truly think, you do remember Kenya, and as you did fondly know it, and in now asking the very question in all, 'Who does get to go first?', or 'Who did come by secondly/", or speak too perhaps, and of 'What does pass for the third?'. I say this though, because, the more you live in Europe, the more you will in all become involved and in speak of Consciousness too, and as versus speak of Identity that is. For I know you Hosea, when you did travel to Europe, you probably did think, you would be a part of European Identity somewhat, and as said too coming in and from Kenya that is, but that would never truly happen Hosea, for while in Kenya, you were never truly said Identity actually, for Kenya and as said in Chaos, does speak too of it and as said lacking in Identity, or in Constitution too, but that in all again, you were truly said 'U-salimiaji' that is, and with it all even said too, not such a terrible thing as such, or as it is, living out a life of 'U-salimiaji' that is, and as it does in all even and in the very least, speak too of Holidaying, and on the Swahili Coast too for instance.

Kenya today, is simply said a useless Country in all, and in said speak too of Experience that is. For 'U-salimiaji' in all, is simply now said inexistent too, and one of the very reasons and that does speak too and of your not returning to Kenya and in any said time too, or soon, but that in speak of this very Blog, it does in all even speak of the attempt to create Identity, and said in all even African/Kenyan too, and by which, I would eventually learn how to define my very own Success so to speak, and alongside speak too of Africa that is.

In saying Hosea, that, you are not actually said a part of African/Kenyan Identity, is to now say too perhaps, it does not actually speak and of one and as said possessing a Kenyan Passport that is. for there is actually more to it, and in speak too of this very Blog that is. However, while in Europe, and probably thinking, there is absolutely no one out here, to in all even Salimia so to speak, is to now speak of you, or one, and as said losing their very nature in all, and in speak now, and of you in Consciousness that is. That while in School in Kenya, one was in all even made to Identify in all, and with speak of ones Parents, the Kenyan Flag, the Loyalty Pledge, ones Classmates etc.,, and as with it all even very much said too, and to speak of Catechesis that is. For while in Europe, and probably still very much knowing your self as such, in Catechesis, the said now realizing in all that, Europe, is actually not what it is, for an African Consciousness, is actually said to very much exist in Europe, or is simply said existent as such, and with it all said too, and to simply speak of one word/term: Stereotype.

Hopefully Hosea, I did not put a damper on your spirits, for Success in Europe, African, is simply said too Nigerian/Ghanaian that is, and you are now simply said, to be 'the kind of fool', and who would in all even now, associate Success, and with speak now and of the United States of America too that is. In now attempting to introduce one though, and to Consciousness and in Europe, is to now perhaps, throw in the very word of Loggerheads, and in speak now and of whom/who in all, Europe are/is said to be, and with speak of America too that is, and in your said here, falsely believing in all that, Europe and the United States of America, do actually make for the best of Friends that is.

In having said the above, in speak of Loggerheads that is, is to probably in all ask, just whom/who in all, are you, and when it all does come down now, and to speak and of improving and on oneself that is. For I don't believe Hosea, you did ever find yourself, and as said Kenyan, and in Psychology too, for while most of the World, does associate Healing, and with speak of Improving on oneself in all, Kenyan Psychology, does actually speak of the Mending that is. That hopefully, all this is understood, what a Mending is actually said to be, for Mending in all, now does speak too and of the Approach in itself, and in speak of Relationships, Friendships, and if not Manhood too, and as versus speak truly, and of one and as said in Trial/Taboo that is. Hopefully again, this was all understood, for if you do in all feel, that you are not making it, and in a Consciousness driven Europe that is, and in speak of the past too in all, it does now call upon one, and to actually Mend, ones Relationships, Friendships, or ones Manhood too so to speak, and in simply knowing what I am talking about, and as versus speak of healing oneself, and as said Wounded too that is. To help you understand all this better, is to probably say that, while in Europe, you could associate yourself, and in Mending too, and with a Media, and that does speak too of Icons, Fashion/Models or speak too and of Manliness that is [Link]. Hopefully again, this was understood, for it won't actually solve your problems anyhow so to speak, but actually will, and in a said here Consciousness driven Europe that is, and which does in all even refer, and to Consciousness in Europe, and as said to speak truly of Peers, and of Peerage in itself too that is [hopefully this is understood Hosea, that to make it in Europe, you simply have to ask, whom/who in all, are your Peers said to be, and that in all again, that is simply whom in all you are said to be, all the time that is].

Hopefully, the above did not scare you, a Man of 'U-salimiaji' so to speak, and as now said driven too, and in Mending ones ways in all, but in ending all this in a fine note, is to probably tell one that, you probably don't actually see yourself, and as you are, and in Europe too, and in taking the above posted image of you into account/consideration, for in Consciousness Hosea (Horse - air), you should not actually buy into any said Kenyan Consciousness in Europe, and that could be said to speak of one and as said speaking Kiswahili almost all the time and if one can/could, and just tujiweza so to speak, but that in Consciousness Hosea, for you are believed never to have actually fully heard yourself talk/speak, you are actually said Catholic, and if not Katoliki too actually [you understand Hosea, you are actually a Catholic and in speech and manners too, but, that won't actually save your Butt either, for I don't believe you do actually know of the History of Catholics, and in Europe too that is][and other than in speak now, and of Beethoven, or of the Arc de Triomphe too, and in France too that is].

In finality/finalite, if I do ever get my act right, my now creating an Identity for myself, I could very well now be said to become a part of European Identity too, or speak too now Hosea, and of whom/who in all you are, and when you do actually flip through any European Magazine that is, for thats whom I am and not you either, but it won't/doesn't in all actually matter to me, for I do believe African/Kenyan Identity, and not speak either of Consciousness (Stereotype), or of Catechesis too, and of the said Obedient that is (and not of Catechism/Katekismu truly either), that African/Kenyan Identity, does in all even triumph over all the rest out there [and in a World too, and that does often define itself, and in speak truly of Country, and if not of Administration, Bureaucracy or Management too that is, and not in speak of Identity truly either].

Goodbye Hosea, and in now saying Kwaheri ya Kuonana too.

St. Mary's, once upon a time -------- Link



A.W. Gicheru

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Jacques Ellul

Jacques Ellul.


Of Kifo.

The very word/term of Kifo, often said Swahili too, does not actually translate, and into speak of Death in itself, but could be said and to refer and to speak of Dearth in itself too that is. The very reason why Kifo is an important word/term, does not only have to do, and with Media today, and as said to speak of the World in itself, and if not in speak of the Internet in itself too, but it does in all even speak and of the very manner in all those in Counter 'Nairo', and as said part of a Private Institute too, do in all even perceive Africa today that is.

That Africa, is believed said truly a troubled Continent, and in speak too of Ethnic/Tribal/Indigenous/Native Affiliations in all, and such that, for Counter 'Nairo' in all to work, they in all, those in Counter 'Nairo' that is, cannot create Identity, and as said to speak of Kenya, and as it is today, and as probably said African too. That the Future is here, and that it does not in all even refer, and to one, and as said having an Apple iPod to them, or speak too of a broadband Internet connection, but that in all again, it does speak in all truly, and of the very manner in all, one does create Identity, and as said to speak of Consciousness, and if not truly of the Semiconscious that is, and that does in all even, span History, the World, Travel, Ancient Egypt etc., and in speak now, and of the attempt, to in all even defeat in all, the obstacles or barriers, that Media today, does actually impose on one, and in speak furtherly now and of not only what does in all, pass for a Competitive Advantage, Edge & Strategy too, but that in all again, speak now, and of the very best manner in all, and to in all even Measure or Gauge Success that is, and as with it often simply said, American or Western too that is.

In having said that, Identity and for those in Counter 'Nairo', now does speak too of Kifo, is to now attempt to define in all, what Kifo does in all even mean, and in speak now, and of Ethnic/Tribal/Indigenous Identity and in Kenya too that is. That Kifo, is believed said a term/word, and that does in all even span, the following topics/subjects in all: Normalcy, the Advisory, Ethos/Ethic, Dreams/Boundaries etc., and such that, it does now speak of those in Counter 'Nairo', and as simply said studying just about anything, and from speak of Kifo too that is, and in the attempt to in all even create an Ethnography/Identity that is, and that can in all even be registered and by the Kenyan Government, and in speak too and of what does pass for the African/Kenyan and in Inferiority/Identity too that is [and in speak too for instance, and of what does actually pass for an African Education that is][Link].

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Private Institute

The Private Institute.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with what is believed to speak of History, and in Kenya/Africa too that is. That most are unaware of that, History in all, and as said African too, is actually never said Recorded, and as it is in most other parts of the World, but is in all again, actually said Documented that is. For those in Counter 'Nairo' though, is to tell one that, Counter 'Nairo', can best be said to exist, and in the very form in all, and of the Private Institute that is. That this in all, has to do, and with speak and of simply how best, to go about Documenting our very lives. That Political life in Kenya, is now believed said too, and to speak of many an issue/matter in all, and that does have to do, and with Verification, but in speak and of the said known belief that, Government in Kenya, has in all even failed to better on the lives of the people, or simply in all again, deliver on their said promises, and if not speak of simply improving on living conditions everywhere in Kenya, now does in all even have to do, and with the following:

1. The very said fact that, Kenya in all, has no proper Documented History to it.

2. That Documentation, is needed to survive and in Africa in all again, and that does in all even simply speak, and of what Political Discourse, is simply said to be.

3. That Documentation in all, is now believed too, and to speak of the Private Institute, and in speak too of said Human Intrinsic value in all, African, and in regards and to the creation of Wealth for instance, African, or in speak truly even, and of a life truly lived in ease that is.

The Challenge

The Challenge.

For those in Counter 'Nairo', or in speak too of Kenya/Nairobi, is to now ask truly, and of what is believed said, and to speak of the Challenge, and in our very lives too that is. That the failure in all, and in defining oneself in all again, and as such, now does speak too of those in Kenya, and as said Downtrodden, Disenfranchised, Persecuted, Subjugated, Victimized etc., and in now saying that, the forementioned said descriptors in all, do actually speak and of one and as said failing in all truly, and in defining oneself, and in the Challenge too that is.

That in saying that the Challenge too, now does speak too of one, and in speak of Relationships, Time or Money too, is to now simply describe Kenya/Nairobi in all, and in speak too of the term/word and of the Enclave that is.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Egyptian History

Egyptian History.

Egyptian History, and in speak too now, and of an authentic/genuine African Chronology that is.



Many out there, and who do in all even love to talk Development that is, are believed said too, often unaware, and of simply where in all again, many a place in all, and such as the United States of America too that is, are said to be, and in regards to all this. That most do in all even associate Development in all, and with speak of Education too that is, and if not speak truly, and of Communications in themselves, and as truly helping in all, or serving and as a said springboard of a kind too, and in truly helping one in all, solve just about any problem that is.

The United States of America though, is believed to be progressing or advancing in all, it can be said, and in speak too, and of what one could term Computer/Mathematical Modeling in the very least. That this in all, now does speak too, and of the said merging for instance, and of Industry, Academia, Filmmaking/Hollywood, Entertainment, Science & Technology, Classical Arts, Liberal Arts etc., and such that, what we are in all now, trying to say here is that, this all, now does speak too and of what some too, do in all even call the Military-Industrial-Entertainment Complex that is, a merging of the three said, and in the attempt now and to in all even simply, expose to one, the possibilities or probabilities too in all, and of bringing together many a differing thing, and in the name of Taste too that is, and as said in the very least too. Something, not too difficult, to in all explain to many, and as it does in all even speak of a Room, a Platform and such as Microsoft Live Studio too that is, or speak truly in all, and of Modeling, and that does in all even simply refer, and to speak too of Screening, and Labeling that is.

In saying that, the CIA, is too often involved in such activity, is to now though, present to those in Counter 'Nairo' in all, similar Spirituality, and such as that stated above, and that does in all even now, speak truly, and of the very terms/words of Theater/Stage, or of Theatre truly. That Theatre in all, or of the Stage too, now does speak of a setting/platform in all, and which can be said too, and in speak of Lighting and Acoustics that is, to simply speak and of the Mind, or of Imagination and of the said Third Eye too, and as simply said Projected in all, and into a Physical Setting that is. That Theatre in all, can simply be said to speak of a thin line drawn in all, and between Enactment and Dramatization too, and such that, it does in all even now speak of the very kind of Communications in all, needed to survive that is, and in speak too of Fright in itself too for instance.

In now saying that, hopefully the above was understood, and that one in all, can simply choose to involve themselves and in a Spirituality, and that does in all even speak of Modeling, and of the Mind, and if not in speak of Enactment and Dramatization too in all, is to now associate the old World, and in Imagination too, and with Theatre that is, and that did in all speak too of Shakespeare for instance. In saying that, the Dickensian world now does arise, and in a Revolutionary Europe so to speak, is to not only say, it does speak too of Shakespeare and in Turmoil, but that in all again, the very unknown world of Dickensian Theatre, and as said arising too, and with the Moor, now does speak too, and of the very kind of Imagination in all, needed to in all even be said to speak and of one as Creative, and in the World today, minimally too, and in speak now of Projection in itself, and as said Reality too, and in further speak too of Fright, and as now said to speak of that, not said Enacted, or of that too, not said Dramatized that is [but in speak now and of the said thin line in between that is].

The British Commonwealth

The British Commonwealth.

A said in all, Commonwealth that is or so to speak, and that does in all even offer a problematic view of Kenya today, for the British Commonwealth in all, is said defined in all again, and in speak of Ceremony, Ceremonials, and of Gatherings too, and with Kenya on the otherhand, now simply said and in regards to the three forementioned that is, simply said Nilotic too that is [and in speak now too, and of Kenya, and in the Political Address in all].

Roger Rabbit

Roger Rabbit.

Catholic Media.



T.F.C :

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

National Interests/Security

of National Interests/Security.

When we do speak of National Security/Interests, and of Kenya, we are now speaking too, and of Identity, Kenyan, and that does in all even stem back, and to speak too of Family/Families that is.

In attempting to in all though, to in all even detail out National Security/Interests and in Kenya now, is to first of, speak, and of what they do term Obligation, and as said defining Family too, and in speak now of Protection, Preservation and of Security (Defense/Offense) too that is. In speak of Kenya, and in Defence, is to now speak too, and of Family, and of Surveillance too that is. To speak though and of a higher level and to all this, is to now speak and of the Guard, but in speak of Family too, speak now, and of the Observance that is.

In saying that, Family, and as in all even detailed above, and in Kenya too, is simply in all even believed said non-existent in all (and in speak too of Slums, Squatter Camps etc., and as seen/found all over Kenya too), is to in all even speak too, and of Kenya, and as said having a failed now, National Security Policy / Foreign Policy to it, and in further speak too now, and of those who do base Kenya's Economic opportunities in all, and in speak too of Foreign Policy that is.

However, the very world of Kenyan National Interests, is difficult to explain to most, but does in all even lead back, and to the very reason, and of why Colonialism in all, did in all exist in Kenya too that is. That the very world of Power-Grabbing and in Kenya, now does speak and of the very manner in all, Kenya, does in all even define National Interests, and something too, and that can be in all even said and to speak too of a said secret History of Kenya, and if not one said to have to it, many a said politically motivated killing or murder to it all too, but that in all even, a History in all, and that can in all and in the very least too, be made out, and in speak now and of Kenyan Museums, and of the National Archives too that is.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015



If this Blog in all, can be said to speak too and of the Psychology of Dreams / Dream Interpretation, and if not speak now truly, and of one and as said simply defining themselves, and in speak too of Boundaries, then in speak of Webnet now, is to in all even speak of the Psychology of Escapism, and if not in speak now of defining oneself, and in speak too of the Top/Climax, and of the Bottom/Dearth that is.

a Thief in the Night

a Thief in the Night.

When we do speak of the phrase 'A Thief in the Night', we are in all even referring, and to Christianity and in Kenya, and as said summarized too, and in a sentence too that is. That in understanding all this better, is to now associate Popular Christianity and in Southern Africa too, and with the very phrase of 'As I Walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death', and as with it all even said too, and to speak of City violence and in South Africa too that is.

In making all this too clear, is to now associate, the Blog 'Nairo' (Link), and with the Social History of Nairobi/Kenya that is, while speak of the Government in Kenya, does now refer, and to the Political History of Kenya that is, in speak too now though, and of the Kenyan State, speak now and of a Peoples History in all (Link), and of Kenya / the Horn of Africa that is, while in speak of this Blog Counter 'Nairo', now does in all even speak too, and of the Cultural History of Kenya in all, and of the very phrase too of 'A Thief in the Night' that is.

Monday, April 20, 2015


of Vigillance.

For those in Counter 'Nairo', now is to in all, even, ponder, and for what does make for a difference, and in speak too of a life lived out that is. That in all, we are referring to the very fact that, most do in all even truly think of life, and from speak too of Importance/Significance, and as versus speak now, and of the Finding/Seeing of oneself that is.

That for many in all again, life, and as said perceived from speak too of Obedience/Discipline in all, and as with it all even said, to speak of the Planning out of life, and in further speak now, and of what is believed said to be of Importance/Significance, and in regards too, and to living out a life in Kenya today too that is.

This entry though, does in all even truly believe that, life is in all best lived out, and in speak now of Vigilance, for it does in all even speak too, and of Finding/Seeing oneself, and as one truly is, and in speak too now and to speak of life and as said deciphered from Contemplation/Reflection that is, or speak too of the very belief that, it is those Thoughts in all, and that one does hold in their Minds too often that is, and that do in all even eventually become manifest, and in a said Nominal manner in all, and if not that said Minimal/Maximal too, and such that, it does in all even refer and to Spirituality in all, and as perceived and from speak too of Requests that is (and of one and as said Prepared for life), and as versus that which does in all, speak of the Query, and in speak too now of Obedience/Discipline too that is.

In all, the very question put out, and in regards to Kenya today, and as said in all even designed, and in speak of the Query, and of Illiteracy too, and as versus speak of the Request, and of those too said Indiscriminate in their ways that is.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Masks of God

The Masks of God.

The Masks of God series, and by Joseph Campbell too, and as now helping give one an idea, and of what Dream(s) in all, have in all meant and from the very past times too, and such that, speak of Dream(s), and of Boundaries too (Link), now does speak too, and of the very best manner in all, and of truly viewing, simply how in all again, the World and as it is today, did come to be that is.

the Guiding Principle

the Guiding Principle.

When most in all, are called upon and to reflect in all perhaps, and on Death, the very best of answers given, do in all even speak of Displacement that is. That it in all, Death, is simply too perhaps, viewed in all again, and from speak too of Social Displacement, and of Heaven and as perceived as such too, but that in all again, hints too in all, and of a Heaven, and with the most perfect of Tensions to it all that is.

In now saying that, for most, visions of Heaven, are in all even probably associated, and with speak of the Cinematic in all, is to now say that, most are in all even, not said truly understanding and of what Death is all about, and as said a process too, but that in all again, it all probably does come down, and to speak too of Belief, and of us all and in Belief too that is, and if not speak too and of the very word/term of Flesh, and in further speak too of the Utmost that is.

In speak of Heaven now though, and of Death too in particular, and in speak too of Africa, the very belief that, the understanding of such things in all, does in all even speak of the very word/term of Literacy that is, and not of the Literate in particular, and if not speak too of what they do term too the Literati in all. In saying it all now Kenyan too perhaps (Link), speak now and of the Soloist, and as with he in all even truly driven in all, and by the Metaphysical that is. However, it does all get better, and with a said third level to it all, and which does in all even speak too now, and of the Guiding Principle [for the Guiding Principle, now does speak too, and of the said here too, best of Heavens too that is, for it does in all even speak of a place, so perfect in its ways, and that nothing actually does go wrong, and that actually will that is]. In all, the Guiding Principle, and in speak too of Death, now said to speak of the End in itself, and not the terminate either, and in further speak too here, and of the very word/term of Orchestra that is.

Little Media

Little Media.

What in all, is Little Media said to be? It can be said, to speak of the Little people, and as versus those too, said Big that is. Little people, and as said Hobbits too, and if not Dwarves either, but that in all again, Little Media, has nothing much truly, and to do, and with Dwarves or Hobbits that is.

For the World today, is believed said dominated, and by Big Media that is. Big Media, and as said not only referring, and to the Big people too, for they in all, are not judged in their ways, and in speak now truly, and of Stature, or of Height too, but to what in all again, they do in all even that is, seek out in all [and in speak now and of the Seeker, and as perhaps said today in all, whom/who in all we are, and in speak of the pursuit, or in the search, and for (Inner) Peace in itself too that is].

Big Media though, is not something too difficult to explain. For it in all, actually, does now speak too, and of only one thing: Esteem. That the World today, is in all ruled over and by the seeking out in all again, and for Esteem, and as versus speak now of Little Media, and of the Little people too perhaps, and which does in all even speak of, and of Confidence in itself that is.

That this and in all now, does lead us and to the very world so to speak, and of Child Psychology, and in speak too now, and of our Child Selves, and if not of our Inner Child too that is. That in speak of our Child Selves, speak now and of whom/who in all, we are, and with Sensitivity in itself, but in speak of our Inner Child, speak now truly, and of what one could term Relational Dynamics [and in speak now too, and of one and as simply said rather obedient that is].

In now saying it all, and as said Little Media too, speak now, and of our Child Selves, and as truly said acquainted in all, and with speak too of Limits and in themselves too, while speak of ones Inner Child, now does speak too of Relational Dynamics, and of Limitations in themselves too that is.

So, one more time, and for the road too:



This entry, and as with it all even probably perceived out of place here in all, will attempt to set many a soul in Counter 'Nairo' in all, and including now, speak of Vic., or BiK too, pals of mine from a place/time back, and, all I am going to do here, is in all throw out at one a Theory of a kind, and that does in all even speak and of what does for Potential, and in Counter 'Nairo' too that is [or in speak of those said too visiting in all].

In getting started on all this, now the attempt to give life in all, and in Theory too, and to what is said to pass for Destiny in the very least, and in speak now, and of one and as said having a full understanding of life, and in speak too now, and of what does pass for Optimism, and not Positivism truly either. That this does not only speak of Attitude, but of Deportment too, and in speak truly now, and of what does pass for Precedence, and in our very lives too that is.

In saying that, the World today, could be said ruled over, and by ones knowing in all, or understanding too, and of Precedence (and if not Rank), is to in all again, speak and of what does constitute for Optimism, and as versus speak of Positivism too that is [and in speak now of the Beatitudes for instance].

In having said that, now is to speak and of one and as said too Human in all, and as said Identified/Recognized as such in all, and in speak now too perhaps, and of what does pass for Rank/Seniority/Priority, and in our very lives too that is. That Nairobi, or Kenya in all, does appear to have many a problem to it and in regards to all this, just how in all that is, to in all even perceive Rank/Seniority/Priority, and in speak too, and of what does pass for Kenyan Communications that is. That it all, now does speak too it is believed here, and of what does pass for Repression, Suppression and Oppression, and in Kenya today, and if not of it all said to speak too of Depression, and as said a Psycho-Somatic/Somasis Disease too that is [hopefully, this is well understood, and in now saying that, it is believed that Brainwashing in Kenya for instance, now does speak too, and of one and as said fooled in all, and in regards and to speak too and of what does pass for Rank/Seniority/Priority too that is].

In having said all this, is to now define the Human, and in Optimism truly, and as said defined, and in speak of the following: Genes, Blood and Lifeforce too that is. That most in all, do know of Genes and Blood, but of the Lifeforce, the most obvious and of things said not obvious, and as it does in all even speak, of a said beating Heart, and if not of us, and as simply said Awake too that is.

In having said all that, is to now ask, what does in all even pass for Genes, Blood or for the Lifeforce too that is. Perhaps now, the most unsaid of things in all, and in now saying that, it does in all even speak of ones Perceptions, and of Human Health that is. In speak of Genes for instance, now speak of difficult Theories, and that do in all even say that, our Genes, are not said shaped by our environs in all truly, but in speak truly now, and of whom/who in all we are, and in Rite/Ritual, in speak of Discipline (and of Disciplinary Mechanisms too), and if not in speak furtherly now, and of said Theories, Egyptian too, and that do speak too of Light/Sound that is. In speak of Blood, the most complex of things in all, and in many a way, for it does in all even now refer, and to our definitions of Community/Communes/Communals, of our definitions of the Inter/Intra/Trans (and in speak too of the Personal that is), and if not in speak now, and of Family/Marriage/Government too that is [for most of the World, is in all even ruled over by the Governmental, and as said taking several Cultural, Religious or Political formations to it all that is]. In speak of the Lifeforce, and as often said to speak of us, and in spirit too (or as said spirited), and if not in speak of what one could term ubiety/presence (and in speak too of detection, and of intruders too), and in now saying that, the Human and as discerned as such, and as simply said truly Lifeforce that is, and in everything one does, does in all even bring with it the most interesting of connotations in all, for the Lifeforce, and in speak of History too, has in all even been directly associated, and with speak of Symbolism, Commercialism, and if not of Herbalism too that is. Hopefully, what has been said, is well understood, and in speak of names, and such as that of Albert Churchwood here, and in speak too now, and of certain said Symbolism, Primordial too, capable of in all invoking and in saying the very least, Terror, and in one that is [and if not in basic speak here, and of a said Religious person, terrorized to a certain degree it is said here, and by the Religious Symbols of an alien Religion so to speak].

In saying now that, the above, does speak truly, of Genes. Blood and of the Lifeforce too, and as often recorded in History too, now is to speak, and of what does pass for one, and as said One too that is. That it in all, the One, can be said in all and to speak of Individuality, of the Individual, and of Individualism too that is. For while Individuality and by some, is now said too, and to speak of (Civil) Liberties, (Civil) Rights and of Freedoms too, while speak of the Individual, does now too speak of Personas that is, it is in speak of Individualism though, and simply where in all again, one can be said best described in all, and as said Distinct, Unique or Singular too that is.

In now saying that, one could forego the above said, on Genes, Blood and of the Lifeforce too, and as often said too, and to speak too of Sexuality, Eros and Sexualism too, and in the constructing of societies in all, that one could forego it all that is, and in favour now, and of one and as said simply speaking of Individuals in all, is to now perhaps ask, if Counter 'Nairo', can be said to exist, and in a said simple form, the One, and as said something small too perhaps. In asking of as such, and as with it all even now simply said Gene, and of the Individual, of Individuality, and of Individualism too, and of British/Western Scientists, and who do in all even claim that, and in speak too of Genomes that is, that Rats, are very much at home, and in any home, occupied by Humans too, is to now too, promote here, the said African/Kenyan Wild Dog, and as simply said too, One of us that is.

Friday, April 17, 2015


of Shakespeare.

What in all, is Shakespeare? For those said English in all, speak now truly, and of Monarch, and not of Monarchy truly either. But why in all, should one bother studying or reading Shakespeare? In alignment and with the post titled the Ultra (Link), there are those, who do believe it does hold many a key or secret in all, and to simply in all again, reading it all, and as said Interpretation, Divination, Prediction, and if not of Geomancy/Necromancy, and of Predicament too, and as said to refer and to one and in Identification/Recognition that is, is to now and in all though, truly ponder, if it does all even matter, and in the World and as it is today that is. For others though, Shakespeare now, and as said Verse, Line or Lyric, and if not of it all simply described and in a said Poetic Stance (and if not in speak too of Stance, Posture and Pose either), and such that, it does in all even call into question, what does in all even pass for Validity or Legitimacy, and in our very lives too, and if not of the Bona Fide too that is. In speak of Europe though, and not of England here either, Shakespeare, and as now said too, and to speak of many a Mask/Masque that is.

For those in Counter 'Nairo' though, and who do in all even probably wonder, what Shakespeare in all, and as often believed said to be the sole property of the English Kings & Queens of old, is to one, is to now tell one that, and amidst talk of Media today too, that, Shakespeare in all, and as believed said relevant and to speak and of our very lives today too, it then all can be said simply summarized, and in one word/term that is: the Exit/Exeunt. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015



Many out there, and in Counter 'Nairo' too, might in all have heard, and of the very name of Cacophonix, and as said even a rather memorable figure or character, and in the Asterix Comics series too that is. That Cacophonix in all, is in all again, believed even, a said pitiful character of a kind, but in a rather said humorous manner too in all, and such that, despite no one in all, and in the famed Gaul Village, and that both Asterix and Obelix reside in, does take a liking for Cacophonix that is, he is repeatedly in all, asked to perform, and not in Jest or Play, but in speak now perhaps, and of Bemusement in itself that is.

The very reason the above is said though, does have to do, and with the very fact that, that Cacophonix, is in all even not simply accused of making Noise and as most often do believe, but in all again, for raising up in all, a Cacophony of a kind. For Cacophony, does in all even differ from Noise, and in now saying that, Kenyan society in all, and alongside speak now of many another place in Africa, and as said similar to Kenya, is in all even defined by Cacophony, and not Noise either, and with most in all simply truly failing to realize, why Cacophony, does in all even truly Appeal to many, and as compared and to speak of Noise, which does in all even repel that is.

That Cacophony, does in all even appear, to have an Order to it, and which and as said above, does appear and to appeal to many, and in speak now and of the very belief that, Noise in all, does in all even speak, and of the very word/term in all, and of Lack (and in speak too now for instance, and of a said Lack of Humour that is), while speak of Cacophony, and as said to speak too of Kenyan Music for instance, now does in all even perhaps, speak of one and as said not Lacking, and in speak too now, and of what one can could term, a Standstill that is. That Cacophony, now does appear to in all even describe, the Psychology, and of many in Kenya, and in speak too of Time in itself, and of Direction too, and as perceived, and in speak of the Standstill, and in now attempting to say that, Cacophony in all, does appear in all again, to very much have a logic to it, and that does in all even speak and of one and as said Appealing truly [that Cacophony, does not speak of one and as said Humorous or filled with Humour, but speak of one, and as said not lacking in Humour that is].

While Cacophony now, does speak of the very reason many do hate Kenya (and in speak of those with Cultural Mentalities in all), for Cacophony now, and in speak of Kenyan Identity too, not only does speak, and of Kenyan Folkmusic for instance, but in all again, now introducing, what one would call a Politic, and between those said in Power in Kenya, and those said in all Powerless, and in speak too of those in Power, perhaps now viewing Kenya in all, and from certain said Noise levels that is (and if not in speak of Disruptions too), while in speak of those in all even said disenfranchised, and in speak too of an Awakening here that is, the very belief that, Cacophony, is simply said Kenya, and in Logic too, and that with time, they shall in all even simply prevail that is.
