Friday, April 17, 2015


of Shakespeare.

What in all, is Shakespeare? For those said English in all, speak now truly, and of Monarch, and not of Monarchy truly either. But why in all, should one bother studying or reading Shakespeare? In alignment and with the post titled the Ultra (Link), there are those, who do believe it does hold many a key or secret in all, and to simply in all again, reading it all, and as said Interpretation, Divination, Prediction, and if not of Geomancy/Necromancy, and of Predicament too, and as said to refer and to one and in Identification/Recognition that is, is to now and in all though, truly ponder, if it does all even matter, and in the World and as it is today that is. For others though, Shakespeare now, and as said Verse, Line or Lyric, and if not of it all simply described and in a said Poetic Stance (and if not in speak too of Stance, Posture and Pose either), and such that, it does in all even call into question, what does in all even pass for Validity or Legitimacy, and in our very lives too, and if not of the Bona Fide too that is. In speak of Europe though, and not of England here either, Shakespeare, and as now said too, and to speak of many a Mask/Masque that is.

For those in Counter 'Nairo' though, and who do in all even probably wonder, what Shakespeare in all, and as often believed said to be the sole property of the English Kings & Queens of old, is to one, is to now tell one that, and amidst talk of Media today too, that, Shakespeare in all, and as believed said relevant and to speak and of our very lives today too, it then all can be said simply summarized, and in one word/term that is: the Exit/Exeunt.