Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mr. Hosea L

Mr. Hosea L.

(Hosea L. - 2nd from right)

Hosea, Jambo. How goesz it? For some reason Hosea, you were one of the last persons I did imagine, I would find on the Internet, and in speak too now and of a said Picture profile that is. But here you are, and look at you, apparently now, probably seeking out too, to be at the very helm, and of the Botanical Sciences too, and in far away out there Europe that is.

So, what more can I say Hosea? The reason I am writing all this though, I, Allan W.G., could very well have to do, and with whom/who in all we once were, and once upon a time too, and when I did get to school with you, and at Strathmore School in Lavington, Nairobi too, and, what I do remember in all and about you, does speak and of a simple said Swahili Custom, and that did speak too of Kusalimia, or in speak too perhaps, and of 'U-salimiaji' in itself that is. That 'U-salimiaji' so to speak, does not actually speak of greeting another, but in all even, and of readily even befriending another, and at the go too so to say, for it does in all even speak of the very reason many a person, would be attracted to African culture, and in speak now and of the said here American phrase, 'You made my day .. man'.

So, once more, what does go on in Europe? And other than you and as said readily or truly now, concentrating in all, and on studying the Botanical Sciences that is. I say this, and in now probably too, asking the very question, 'How much of you Swahili, have you Forgotten?', and as versus asking in all, 'How much of your Swahili, do you Remember'? For the former in all, now does speak of one too, and as probably said living in America, while the latter, would probably refer, and to those said living now, and in Europe too that is. After all Litiku, you are probably thinking that, one of these fine Summers, I will save up on the Money I have made, and simply fly out to 'the States' so to speak, and whereupon and on your arrival, you will simply enjoy yourself and to the max, and in now associating Africa in all, and as it is, and with speak too of Administration, Management and Bureaucracy too that is. In many a way though, and in your you doing this, it all is said not a question of Identity and as one would think, and in speak now of my being in Nairobi too and as it is, but one too, and of Consciousness perhaps, for I am truly aware in all Hosea that, Consciousness, is not something you have ever truly studied, and in speak now and of your being in Europe, and a place too and which to this very day, is said embroiled, here too, and in many an issue/matter in all, and as having to do with Consciousness, and not Identity truly either [or speak too now, and of your being said still possessing, a Kenyan Passport that is].

You living in Europe Hosea, will in all even, transform you, and in speak too of the Experience that is. For I don't truly think, you do remember Kenya, and as you did fondly know it, and in now asking the very question in all, 'Who does get to go first?', or 'Who did come by secondly/", or speak too perhaps, and of 'What does pass for the third?'. I say this though, because, the more you live in Europe, the more you will in all become involved and in speak of Consciousness too, and as versus speak of Identity that is. For I know you Hosea, when you did travel to Europe, you probably did think, you would be a part of European Identity somewhat, and as said too coming in and from Kenya that is, but that would never truly happen Hosea, for while in Kenya, you were never truly said Identity actually, for Kenya and as said in Chaos, does speak too of it and as said lacking in Identity, or in Constitution too, but that in all again, you were truly said 'U-salimiaji' that is, and with it all even said too, not such a terrible thing as such, or as it is, living out a life of 'U-salimiaji' that is, and as it does in all even and in the very least, speak too of Holidaying, and on the Swahili Coast too for instance.

Kenya today, is simply said a useless Country in all, and in said speak too of Experience that is. For 'U-salimiaji' in all, is simply now said inexistent too, and one of the very reasons and that does speak too and of your not returning to Kenya and in any said time too, or soon, but that in speak of this very Blog, it does in all even speak of the attempt to create Identity, and said in all even African/Kenyan too, and by which, I would eventually learn how to define my very own Success so to speak, and alongside speak too of Africa that is.

In saying Hosea, that, you are not actually said a part of African/Kenyan Identity, is to now say too perhaps, it does not actually speak and of one and as said possessing a Kenyan Passport that is. for there is actually more to it, and in speak too of this very Blog that is. However, while in Europe, and probably thinking, there is absolutely no one out here, to in all even Salimia so to speak, is to now speak of you, or one, and as said losing their very nature in all, and in speak now, and of you in Consciousness that is. That while in School in Kenya, one was in all even made to Identify in all, and with speak of ones Parents, the Kenyan Flag, the Loyalty Pledge, ones Classmates etc.,, and as with it all even very much said too, and to speak of Catechesis that is. For while in Europe, and probably still very much knowing your self as such, in Catechesis, the said now realizing in all that, Europe, is actually not what it is, for an African Consciousness, is actually said to very much exist in Europe, or is simply said existent as such, and with it all said too, and to simply speak of one word/term: Stereotype.

Hopefully Hosea, I did not put a damper on your spirits, for Success in Europe, African, is simply said too Nigerian/Ghanaian that is, and you are now simply said, to be 'the kind of fool', and who would in all even now, associate Success, and with speak now and of the United States of America too that is. In now attempting to introduce one though, and to Consciousness and in Europe, is to now perhaps, throw in the very word of Loggerheads, and in speak now and of whom/who in all, Europe are/is said to be, and with speak of America too that is, and in your said here, falsely believing in all that, Europe and the United States of America, do actually make for the best of Friends that is.

In having said the above, in speak of Loggerheads that is, is to probably in all ask, just whom/who in all, are you, and when it all does come down now, and to speak and of improving and on oneself that is. For I don't believe Hosea, you did ever find yourself, and as said Kenyan, and in Psychology too, for while most of the World, does associate Healing, and with speak of Improving on oneself in all, Kenyan Psychology, does actually speak of the Mending that is. That hopefully, all this is understood, what a Mending is actually said to be, for Mending in all, now does speak too and of the Approach in itself, and in speak of Relationships, Friendships, and if not Manhood too, and as versus speak truly, and of one and as said in Trial/Taboo that is. Hopefully again, this was all understood, for if you do in all feel, that you are not making it, and in a Consciousness driven Europe that is, and in speak of the past too in all, it does now call upon one, and to actually Mend, ones Relationships, Friendships, or ones Manhood too so to speak, and in simply knowing what I am talking about, and as versus speak of healing oneself, and as said Wounded too that is. To help you understand all this better, is to probably say that, while in Europe, you could associate yourself, and in Mending too, and with a Media, and that does speak too of Icons, Fashion/Models or speak too and of Manliness that is [Link]. Hopefully again, this was understood, for it won't actually solve your problems anyhow so to speak, but actually will, and in a said here Consciousness driven Europe that is, and which does in all even refer, and to Consciousness in Europe, and as said to speak truly of Peers, and of Peerage in itself too that is [hopefully this is understood Hosea, that to make it in Europe, you simply have to ask, whom/who in all, are your Peers said to be, and that in all again, that is simply whom in all you are said to be, all the time that is].

Hopefully, the above did not scare you, a Man of 'U-salimiaji' so to speak, and as now said driven too, and in Mending ones ways in all, but in ending all this in a fine note, is to probably tell one that, you probably don't actually see yourself, and as you are, and in Europe too, and in taking the above posted image of you into account/consideration, for in Consciousness Hosea (Horse - air), you should not actually buy into any said Kenyan Consciousness in Europe, and that could be said to speak of one and as said speaking Kiswahili almost all the time and if one can/could, and just tujiweza so to speak, but that in Consciousness Hosea, for you are believed never to have actually fully heard yourself talk/speak, you are actually said Catholic, and if not Katoliki too actually [you understand Hosea, you are actually a Catholic and in speech and manners too, but, that won't actually save your Butt either, for I don't believe you do actually know of the History of Catholics, and in Europe too that is][and other than in speak now, and of Beethoven, or of the Arc de Triomphe too, and in France too that is].

In finality/finalite, if I do ever get my act right, my now creating an Identity for myself, I could very well now be said to become a part of European Identity too, or speak too now Hosea, and of whom/who in all you are, and when you do actually flip through any European Magazine that is, for thats whom I am and not you either, but it won't/doesn't in all actually matter to me, for I do believe African/Kenyan Identity, and not speak either of Consciousness (Stereotype), or of Catechesis too, and of the said Obedient that is (and not of Catechism/Katekismu truly either), that African/Kenyan Identity, does in all even triumph over all the rest out there [and in a World too, and that does often define itself, and in speak truly of Country, and if not of Administration, Bureaucracy or Management too that is, and not in speak of Identity truly either].

Goodbye Hosea, and in now saying Kwaheri ya Kuonana too.

St. Mary's, once upon a time -------- Link



A.W. Gicheru