Tuesday, April 14, 2015


of Projections.

This entry, now does have to do, and with the very best manner in all, it is believed, is best in all again, and in living out a life, and in Africa today too that is. That it in all, now does refer in all again, and to speak too of one said Vic. (Link), and in speak too of the Blogger here, Al. G (or AWG, GAW, WAG, GWA, W.G.A etc.), and in speak too now, and of what they do call Projections (Psychological, Personal/Future, Astral), and in further speak now and of a previous post, and that did  in all associate Counter 'Nairo' in all again, and with speak too of Prediction that is [Link].

In however saying that, most in Africa today, do in all even continue, living out lives, and that do in all even speak of defining oneself truly, and in speak of Sympathy, Empathy, and Apathy too, it does in all again now, speak too of those, and who do in all even too, believe, and in going to a better World, and when they do die that is [and as with it all even said Ancient Spirituality too that is].

This entry though, will attempt to show to one, that life in Africa today, is perhaps best said lived out, and in speak of Projections that is. That Projections, and as said here too, Psychological, Personal/Future or even speak too now, and of Astral Projections, are not too hard to understand, for they do in all even speak, and not of what some do term a Conscience that is, but in all truly, what some do term a Clean Conscience in all, or in speak of Ifa, African Religion, what they do term 'Ori tutu' that is [and as said too, to speak of one, and as said possessing a calm Head that is].

In all, in saying that Astral Projections, do in all speak of one and as said having many a thought, bewildering, but believed to be true in all, is to now ground speak of Projection in itself, and in speak too of what they do term Composure, and such that, Africans today, and as said best surviving in Africa, can be said in all again, defined, and in speak now of Projections, a Clean Conscience ('Ori tutu'), but in speak truly again, and of Composure in itself that is.