Thursday, April 16, 2015



Many out there, and in Counter 'Nairo' too, might in all have heard, and of the very name of Cacophonix, and as said even a rather memorable figure or character, and in the Asterix Comics series too that is. That Cacophonix in all, is in all again, believed even, a said pitiful character of a kind, but in a rather said humorous manner too in all, and such that, despite no one in all, and in the famed Gaul Village, and that both Asterix and Obelix reside in, does take a liking for Cacophonix that is, he is repeatedly in all, asked to perform, and not in Jest or Play, but in speak now perhaps, and of Bemusement in itself that is.

The very reason the above is said though, does have to do, and with the very fact that, that Cacophonix, is in all even not simply accused of making Noise and as most often do believe, but in all again, for raising up in all, a Cacophony of a kind. For Cacophony, does in all even differ from Noise, and in now saying that, Kenyan society in all, and alongside speak now of many another place in Africa, and as said similar to Kenya, is in all even defined by Cacophony, and not Noise either, and with most in all simply truly failing to realize, why Cacophony, does in all even truly Appeal to many, and as compared and to speak of Noise, which does in all even repel that is.

That Cacophony, does in all even appear, to have an Order to it, and which and as said above, does appear and to appeal to many, and in speak now and of the very belief that, Noise in all, does in all even speak, and of the very word/term in all, and of Lack (and in speak too now for instance, and of a said Lack of Humour that is), while speak of Cacophony, and as said to speak too of Kenyan Music for instance, now does in all even perhaps, speak of one and as said not Lacking, and in speak too now, and of what one can could term, a Standstill that is. That Cacophony, now does appear to in all even describe, the Psychology, and of many in Kenya, and in speak too of Time in itself, and of Direction too, and as perceived, and in speak of the Standstill, and in now attempting to say that, Cacophony in all, does appear in all again, to very much have a logic to it, and that does in all even speak and of one and as said Appealing truly [that Cacophony, does not speak of one and as said Humorous or filled with Humour, but speak of one, and as said not lacking in Humour that is].

While Cacophony now, does speak of the very reason many do hate Kenya (and in speak of those with Cultural Mentalities in all), for Cacophony now, and in speak of Kenyan Identity too, not only does speak, and of Kenyan Folkmusic for instance, but in all again, now introducing, what one would call a Politic, and between those said in Power in Kenya, and those said in all Powerless, and in speak too of those in Power, perhaps now viewing Kenya in all, and from certain said Noise levels that is (and if not in speak of Disruptions too), while in speak of those in all even said disenfranchised, and in speak too of an Awakening here that is, the very belief that, Cacophony, is simply said Kenya, and in Logic too, and that with time, they shall in all even simply prevail that is.
