Wednesday, April 15, 2015


of Matrices.

Many out there, have in all even heard of Matrices, or of the Matrix in particular too. For those who do have an introductory knowledge in all, and of Matrices or of the Matrix too though, perhaps now, their viewing it all, and as said too, a Square Matrix, and as furtherly said too now perhaps, filled with Zeros in all. For those though, and who do in all even think a Matrix, and as said too, to consist of Columns and Rows, perhaps now the shocking discovery, that the Matrix in all again, can simply be said to be filled only, and with one single entry that is; and in speak of the following for instance : [0].

For those though, and who do have a working knowledge in all, and of Matrices too, speak now too in all, and of the popular view in all again, and that does say that, Matrices in all, are in all even simply said best perceived, and as said a 3*3 Matrix that is.

The reason in all though, and for speaking on Matrices here, very much has to do, and with speak of Counter 'Nairo', or of Nairobi too, and as said in all even, a Technology driven City that is. That this in all, now does associate the mastering of Technology, and with a Napolean Hill formation, and that does in all even speak too, and of Endurance, Persistence, Perseverance, Patience, Perspiration etc. However, what we are trying to get at here, is that, before one can think Technology, one has to in all even develop in all again, a said Disciplined Mind of a kind, and which in all even, is believed here, to come rather quick too, and in speak now, and of the studying and understanding of Matrices that is.

However though, the above is not enough, the studying of Matrices in all, for it does in all even now, speak truly too, and of 'Mathematical tools', and as often said to speak too, and of Modes, Medians and Means too that is.

In however now, and in speak too of Vic. / V. O for instance, and in the attempt to in all speak too, and of the very purpose or role in all, and of Technology in our very lives, is to now too, approach it all, and from a Hobbyist approach/perspective that is. One too, and which does in all even associate Technology, and with speak too of Moderation in itself, and Moderation too, and as now said too, associated, and with speak of Hallucinations in themselves too, and in speak too of the following three terms: Deserve, Reserve, and Observe.