Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Challenge

The Challenge.

For those in Counter 'Nairo', or in speak too of Kenya/Nairobi, is to now ask truly, and of what is believed said, and to speak of the Challenge, and in our very lives too that is. That the failure in all, and in defining oneself in all again, and as such, now does speak too of those in Kenya, and as said Downtrodden, Disenfranchised, Persecuted, Subjugated, Victimized etc., and in now saying that, the forementioned said descriptors in all, do actually speak and of one and as said failing in all truly, and in defining oneself, and in the Challenge too that is.

That in saying that the Challenge too, now does speak too of one, and in speak of Relationships, Time or Money too, is to now simply describe Kenya/Nairobi in all, and in speak too of the term/word and of the Enclave that is.