Thursday, April 16, 2015

the Silo

the Silo.

We do in all, live in societies today, said inundated in all again, and by a Media, Western/Modern and in its ways too in all, and which is simply said rather prevalent in its ways, or rather prolific too, and such that, it is believed by some, Media today in all that is, to be the very cause, and of the destabilizing, and in speak too of Social Cohesion, and of Families just about everywhere that is.

In saying that Media today, can best be described, and in speak now of Mediums/Channels, and in further speak too of Television, Radio, the Internet, Telecoms/Mobile systems, Audio/Video Security Systems etc., or speak too of it, lots of Media today, and as simply said Tabloid in itself, now does speak or refer to in all, and to our said being disconnected, or said too disengaged, and from just about anything, and in regards and to simple speak of proper conduct that is [that Media today, does attempt to in all define us, and in speak too of the proper and improper too that is].

In having said all this, now the very belief that, those living in the World today, do in all even find themselves, seeking out what one could term/call a Confidante that is, and in speak now of one and in the very least, now simply said attempting in all, and to find oneself in all again, and in speak of the proper and improper too, but that in all again, life today, and in speak of religion and if not spirituality too, simply believed in all, and to speak of us all defined in all again, and in speak only and of one word/term that is: the Suggestion. For the Suggestion in all, now is believed, and in speak too of psycho-dynamics that is, to truly speak in all, and of whom/who in all, we are, and when we do simply internalize just about anything that is.

Counter 'Nairo':