Saturday, April 18, 2015



This entry, and as with it all even probably perceived out of place here in all, will attempt to set many a soul in Counter 'Nairo' in all, and including now, speak of Vic., or BiK too, pals of mine from a place/time back, and, all I am going to do here, is in all throw out at one a Theory of a kind, and that does in all even speak and of what does for Potential, and in Counter 'Nairo' too that is [or in speak of those said too visiting in all].

In getting started on all this, now the attempt to give life in all, and in Theory too, and to what is said to pass for Destiny in the very least, and in speak now, and of one and as said having a full understanding of life, and in speak too now, and of what does pass for Optimism, and not Positivism truly either. That this does not only speak of Attitude, but of Deportment too, and in speak truly now, and of what does pass for Precedence, and in our very lives too that is.

In saying that, the World today, could be said ruled over, and by ones knowing in all, or understanding too, and of Precedence (and if not Rank), is to in all again, speak and of what does constitute for Optimism, and as versus speak of Positivism too that is [and in speak now of the Beatitudes for instance].

In having said that, now is to speak and of one and as said too Human in all, and as said Identified/Recognized as such in all, and in speak now too perhaps, and of what does pass for Rank/Seniority/Priority, and in our very lives too that is. That Nairobi, or Kenya in all, does appear to have many a problem to it and in regards to all this, just how in all that is, to in all even perceive Rank/Seniority/Priority, and in speak too, and of what does pass for Kenyan Communications that is. That it all, now does speak too it is believed here, and of what does pass for Repression, Suppression and Oppression, and in Kenya today, and if not of it all said to speak too of Depression, and as said a Psycho-Somatic/Somasis Disease too that is [hopefully, this is well understood, and in now saying that, it is believed that Brainwashing in Kenya for instance, now does speak too, and of one and as said fooled in all, and in regards and to speak too and of what does pass for Rank/Seniority/Priority too that is].

In having said all this, is to now define the Human, and in Optimism truly, and as said defined, and in speak of the following: Genes, Blood and Lifeforce too that is. That most in all, do know of Genes and Blood, but of the Lifeforce, the most obvious and of things said not obvious, and as it does in all even speak, of a said beating Heart, and if not of us, and as simply said Awake too that is.

In having said all that, is to now ask, what does in all even pass for Genes, Blood or for the Lifeforce too that is. Perhaps now, the most unsaid of things in all, and in now saying that, it does in all even speak of ones Perceptions, and of Human Health that is. In speak of Genes for instance, now speak of difficult Theories, and that do in all even say that, our Genes, are not said shaped by our environs in all truly, but in speak truly now, and of whom/who in all we are, and in Rite/Ritual, in speak of Discipline (and of Disciplinary Mechanisms too), and if not in speak furtherly now, and of said Theories, Egyptian too, and that do speak too of Light/Sound that is. In speak of Blood, the most complex of things in all, and in many a way, for it does in all even now refer, and to our definitions of Community/Communes/Communals, of our definitions of the Inter/Intra/Trans (and in speak too of the Personal that is), and if not in speak now, and of Family/Marriage/Government too that is [for most of the World, is in all even ruled over by the Governmental, and as said taking several Cultural, Religious or Political formations to it all that is]. In speak of the Lifeforce, and as often said to speak of us, and in spirit too (or as said spirited), and if not in speak of what one could term ubiety/presence (and in speak too of detection, and of intruders too), and in now saying that, the Human and as discerned as such, and as simply said truly Lifeforce that is, and in everything one does, does in all even bring with it the most interesting of connotations in all, for the Lifeforce, and in speak of History too, has in all even been directly associated, and with speak of Symbolism, Commercialism, and if not of Herbalism too that is. Hopefully, what has been said, is well understood, and in speak of names, and such as that of Albert Churchwood here, and in speak too now, and of certain said Symbolism, Primordial too, capable of in all invoking and in saying the very least, Terror, and in one that is [and if not in basic speak here, and of a said Religious person, terrorized to a certain degree it is said here, and by the Religious Symbols of an alien Religion so to speak].

In saying now that, the above, does speak truly, of Genes. Blood and of the Lifeforce too, and as often recorded in History too, now is to speak, and of what does pass for one, and as said One too that is. That it in all, the One, can be said in all and to speak of Individuality, of the Individual, and of Individualism too that is. For while Individuality and by some, is now said too, and to speak of (Civil) Liberties, (Civil) Rights and of Freedoms too, while speak of the Individual, does now too speak of Personas that is, it is in speak of Individualism though, and simply where in all again, one can be said best described in all, and as said Distinct, Unique or Singular too that is.

In now saying that, one could forego the above said, on Genes, Blood and of the Lifeforce too, and as often said too, and to speak too of Sexuality, Eros and Sexualism too, and in the constructing of societies in all, that one could forego it all that is, and in favour now, and of one and as said simply speaking of Individuals in all, is to now perhaps ask, if Counter 'Nairo', can be said to exist, and in a said simple form, the One, and as said something small too perhaps. In asking of as such, and as with it all even now simply said Gene, and of the Individual, of Individuality, and of Individualism too, and of British/Western Scientists, and who do in all even claim that, and in speak too of Genomes that is, that Rats, are very much at home, and in any home, occupied by Humans too, is to now too, promote here, the said African/Kenyan Wild Dog, and as simply said too, One of us that is.