Thursday, April 30, 2015



This post, does very much have to do, and with just whom or who in all, BiK (Link), and over at 'Nairo' too and so to say, is, and when he does in all even decide, and to put forth, a call, and into Counter 'Nairo', and in his now said perhaps, seeking out Vic / V.O , or even Hosea, Litiku, or add me to this list too that is, and in his now wanting to 'hang out' for a while or more, and before his moving on to something else that is. That this in all, now does very much speak and of the very word/term of Retro that is.

What is Retro though? In speak of Development now, and of Kenya too, now speak too, and of Colonial History and in Kenya that is. That Colonialism, and as with it all even said Victorian in its ways, now does arise, and with speak and of the Colonial, and as said seeking out an Audio-Visual Experience in all, and that is best said Sensory too, and as now furtherly said accommodating just about all Senses given and to Man that is, and in far off / distant Africa/Kenya that is [and as including here, speak of Sensibilities and in themselves too that is]. In saying that, this is what the Colonial Experiment in Kenya is said to be all about, and with Kenya too, often defined and as said a Nature Paradise of a kind, is to now speak too perhaps, and of just whom/who in all, BiK, is said to be, and in Nairobi / 'Nairo' today too, and as said even, a backward fella of a kind that is. That 'Nairo', and in speak of the Audio-Visual (and of Sensory Perception too, and as said to speak too of Incessant Daydreaming for instance), is said built around the Acoustics Model, and a Model too, believed by some, olden, and in its ways that is. This though, would never sound disconcerting and to a person like BiK in all, and in speak now and of his being said here perhaps, unable to let go in all, and of the very fact that, Nairobi, is not the city in all, it once was, and as said to speak too of the 80's that is.

In understanding better, what Audio-Visual Experiences, and as said Sensory too (and if not in speak of Dream in itself too that is), are said to be all about, is now speak too, and of Jewish/Jew Culture, and of their being said too, alienated, or vilified peoples that is. That Jewish/Jew people in all, and in speak now of Freud in himself too, and as having been said one of them that is, are a people, having Historically in all, defined themselves, and in speak of Ritual, Celebration or Festival that is, and in a said Audio-Visual manner in all, and such that, they are the kind of people, and in speak of a Happy Hanukkah too for instance, to in all even only associate themselves, and with certain said Sounds/Sensibilities that is. In all, this does speak too, and of the very rise, and of the Jewish/Jew Intellectual that is.

In saying that, Kenya, and as said Developing today, now does perhaps in all even, speak of the Jewish/Jew Intellectual too that is, is to now speak perhaps, and of Vic. / V.O (Link), and as said too perhaps, looking rather glum, and in the Photo/link just posted that is, and in his now perhaps said, being rather unhappy in all, and with speak too of the Audio-Visual, and if not of Sensory Perception too, and of Sensibilities truly, and in Kenya/Nairobi today that is. That Nairobi toady, is simply said a Chaotic mess of a kind, and that any talk of Uhuru or Independence today, is simply said nonsensical in its ways perhaps, and in now saying that, those said fighting for Independence, were actually said acknowledged in all, and to be actually fighting for Uhuru that is.

What is Retro though? To put it all, and in a rather straight forward manner in all that is, is to now put forward in all again, the very question in all, and of what Sounds in all again, or of Sensibilities too, one would in all even want to be acquainted with truly, and in now saying that, Nairobi today, and in speak now perhaps, and of Sensibilities only, makes for the most dismal of experiences that is. In all, where is Development and in Kenya today too, said headed that is? In speak of the Audio-Visual, and of Sensibilities too, the very attempt by some to make Kenya in all, Modern, Contemporary, Western, American, Islamic, but if not in speak too and of the Traditional, African, and of the Colonial in itself too that is. That this in all, now does speak too of BiK / B.K, and as said here, having run away from home, and to faraway England too that is, and in his search perhaps, and for the most pleasant or beautiful of Sounds, and if not of Sensibilities too, and upon his making a request, taking a rest, that said surprising knock on the Door, his seeking out re-address in all, and as with it all even believed, said to speak and of Shakespeare in himself that is. In saying that, 'Nairo' in all, does speak of Acoustics (Link), and in Memory too (Audio-Visual / Sensory Perception), is to now speak too and of Africa, and favourably too, and in speak now of Sensibilities that is, and in Memory too, and as said to speak of Stereo in itself that is [Link]. In saying that there is more to all this, is to also speak of Hi-Fi (Link), and which does in all even speak of Italy and as said as such, but in speak truly and of what Kenya has lost, is to speak of the Colonial, and as said not truly Victorian, but more or less said Vic. (Victorian-Colonial Piano) that is (Link), and in speak too now of it all said to basically speak today too, and of the KWS (Kenya Wildlife Service) na Kadhalika so to speak, but in speak of Counter 'Nairo' now, and as targeted too, and towards a glum looking Vic./ V.O that is (and as said looking somewhat British too), is to now truly perhaps, speak now and of associating oneself, and with the Retro Sound that is, and in truly helping one have their Faculties, Mental too, remain intact in all that is, and in speak now and of one and as said not going Crazy, and in speak of the Swahili word of Kusumbua too, and which does not truly speak of one and as said Disturbed that is [but more or less and as said targeted in their ways too that is].
