Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Private Institute

The Private Institute.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with what is believed to speak of History, and in Kenya/Africa too that is. That most are unaware of that, History in all, and as said African too, is actually never said Recorded, and as it is in most other parts of the World, but is in all again, actually said Documented that is. For those in Counter 'Nairo' though, is to tell one that, Counter 'Nairo', can best be said to exist, and in the very form in all, and of the Private Institute that is. That this in all, has to do, and with speak and of simply how best, to go about Documenting our very lives. That Political life in Kenya, is now believed said too, and to speak of many an issue/matter in all, and that does have to do, and with Verification, but in speak and of the said known belief that, Government in Kenya, has in all even failed to better on the lives of the people, or simply in all again, deliver on their said promises, and if not speak of simply improving on living conditions everywhere in Kenya, now does in all even have to do, and with the following:

1. The very said fact that, Kenya in all, has no proper Documented History to it.

2. That Documentation, is needed to survive and in Africa in all again, and that does in all even simply speak, and of what Political Discourse, is simply said to be.

3. That Documentation in all, is now believed too, and to speak of the Private Institute, and in speak too of said Human Intrinsic value in all, African, and in regards and to the creation of Wealth for instance, African, or in speak truly even, and of a life truly lived in ease that is.