Friday, April 24, 2015



Many out there, and who do in all even love to talk Development that is, are believed said too, often unaware, and of simply where in all again, many a place in all, and such as the United States of America too that is, are said to be, and in regards to all this. That most do in all even associate Development in all, and with speak of Education too that is, and if not speak truly, and of Communications in themselves, and as truly helping in all, or serving and as a said springboard of a kind too, and in truly helping one in all, solve just about any problem that is.

The United States of America though, is believed to be progressing or advancing in all, it can be said, and in speak too, and of what one could term Computer/Mathematical Modeling in the very least. That this in all, now does speak too, and of the said merging for instance, and of Industry, Academia, Filmmaking/Hollywood, Entertainment, Science & Technology, Classical Arts, Liberal Arts etc., and such that, what we are in all now, trying to say here is that, this all, now does speak too and of what some too, do in all even call the Military-Industrial-Entertainment Complex that is, a merging of the three said, and in the attempt now and to in all even simply, expose to one, the possibilities or probabilities too in all, and of bringing together many a differing thing, and in the name of Taste too that is, and as said in the very least too. Something, not too difficult, to in all explain to many, and as it does in all even speak of a Room, a Platform and such as Microsoft Live Studio too that is, or speak truly in all, and of Modeling, and that does in all even simply refer, and to speak too of Screening, and Labeling that is.

In saying that, the CIA, is too often involved in such activity, is to now though, present to those in Counter 'Nairo' in all, similar Spirituality, and such as that stated above, and that does in all even now, speak truly, and of the very terms/words of Theater/Stage, or of Theatre truly. That Theatre in all, or of the Stage too, now does speak of a setting/platform in all, and which can be said too, and in speak of Lighting and Acoustics that is, to simply speak and of the Mind, or of Imagination and of the said Third Eye too, and as simply said Projected in all, and into a Physical Setting that is. That Theatre in all, can simply be said to speak of a thin line drawn in all, and between Enactment and Dramatization too, and such that, it does in all even now speak of the very kind of Communications in all, needed to survive that is, and in speak too of Fright in itself too for instance.

In now saying that, hopefully the above was understood, and that one in all, can simply choose to involve themselves and in a Spirituality, and that does in all even speak of Modeling, and of the Mind, and if not in speak of Enactment and Dramatization too in all, is to now associate the old World, and in Imagination too, and with Theatre that is, and that did in all speak too of Shakespeare for instance. In saying that, the Dickensian world now does arise, and in a Revolutionary Europe so to speak, is to not only say, it does speak too of Shakespeare and in Turmoil, but that in all again, the very unknown world of Dickensian Theatre, and as said arising too, and with the Moor, now does speak too, and of the very kind of Imagination in all, needed to in all even be said to speak and of one as Creative, and in the World today, minimally too, and in speak now of Projection in itself, and as said Reality too, and in further speak too of Fright, and as now said to speak of that, not said Enacted, or of that too, not said Dramatized that is [but in speak now and of the said thin line in between that is].