Friday, April 10, 2015



The very issue in all, and of Language, and in Kenya, still does in all remain, a troubling problem of a kind that is. That Kenyans in all, and as said even believed a backward people, and from speak too of presenting Kenya, and as said to now have two National Languages to it, do in all even fail to realize that, Kiswahili, and as said Kenya's second National Language in all, does fail in its ways, and in helping spearhead Development, and in Kenya, and that is said to speak truly of Commercialism in itself for instance, and not of Retail/Wholesale either that is.

That most in all, don't often see Swahili History and as it is, for it does in all even, speak and of what they do term Dwellings, and as versus speak too of Settlements or Existences too that is. In having said all this, that Kenyans in all, do often see themselves as Civil folk, highly too, and due to their in all even, speaking Kiswahili, is to in all even now associate Swahili History, and with speak too now, and of the very manner in all, one does in all even define Ties & Bonds and in their very lives too that is. That Swahili History, now does speak too, of Swahili Religion, and as said to speak and of the very manner in all, one is believed said bonded in all, and to their very environs that is, and such that, it does in all even go along in all again, and with speak too of Jinns for instance, and if not speak of Rabid Dogs too that is. In saying that, Kenyan Identity in all, has come to be defined, and by speak too of Kiswahili, is to now attempt and to in all even speak on just how, influential Kiswahili has been, and in speak too of Impact that is.

That Kiswahili, is believed said many a thing, and in speak now and of the very manner in all, most do know it, and as Kiswahili that is, and in speak too, and of it all said associated and with the word/term Siasa that is. For Siasa in all, now does speak too and of Politicking in itself, or of the very word/term of Usaidizi too, for it does in all even speak of the attempt, and in redefining Community in all, and in Ties & Bonds too, and that does in all even speak of Development, and as said minimally Western too that is.

Kiswahili though, does exist in another form, one could call Kitenzi, and which is often taught in most said here, Kenyan Schools that is. That those in all and who do speak Kitenzi, do in all even develop a view of Kenya, and that does in all even speak, and of the very term of Demographic that is [and in speak now of Kiswahili too, and as believed said to help sow, what some would term the seeds of tribalization, and in Kenya too, and in speak basically now, and of whom/who in all, is said Swahili in all again, and who is not, and in speak too of Swahili Identity, and as said extending and into Oman that is].

Swahili and as said a Tongue/Language and in its own right though, and as said to speak of the Swahili people in themselves, now does too speak of Hierarchies and in the Swahili world in all, and that do speak and of the term Shiraz/Shirazi for instance, and that does in all even speak and of Wealth Disparities and amongst the Swahili in themselves, or speak and of those too, and who can in all even be said, to associate the speaking of Kiswahili in all, and with Concept or Idea, and as said too and to refer and to Religion, Theology or in speak too and what they do simply call Lugha that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, Kenya and in Prospect, is nothing at all, and as the UN (United Nations), would spell out for one, and with the exemption here perhaps, and of talk of M-Pesa too for instance, but that in all again, Kenya, and as said facing many a Language issue in all, and with its said Indigenous Languages too, simply said to speak perhaps, and of Kenya, and as said truly defined and in speak of the word/term Archetypal that is, is to now and in all even say that, only English remains, and in the form of Lugha/Vernacular too perhaps, and on how best to think of Development and in Kenya too, and that Kenya now, and as versus many another part of the World, and as including speak of Africa too, now does have many a challenge to it, and in simply defining Prosperity or Abundance in all, and as said either said to speak of English, Kiswahili or of the Indigenous too that is.