Wednesday, April 15, 2015

African Piano

of African Piano.

Meatloaf - I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)
Live (November 14th, 1993)

This entry, will in all attempt, to introduce those in Counter 'Nairo' in all again, and to what does in all even speak of Civility, Civilization, and if not in speak of Evolution too, and in Africa/Kenya that is. That most in Kenya in all, do in all even view speak of Developing Kenya that is, and from a Constructionist view in all, and which in all even, is often said associated and with speak of Energy issues/matters in all, and not in speak truly of Resource, or Strategy either that is.

In saying that Constructionist views in all, and of Africa, are not what they are often said to be, is to now and in all even, question, the very manner in all again, Africans/Kenyans, do in all even perceive Energy in all, and as with it in all even said a Force (and in speak too of Guardian Ancestor Worship for instance), a Timetable/Schedule, Fuels (Bio-Fuels), Contract/Agreement etc. In all, while the above is said to speak of Energy, it can all be said African too, and in speak too of Africa today, and in speak too of the Contractual in itself that is.

In now saying that, the Contractual, now does speak too of African Customary Law, is to now too, say it all, a lowly way/manner in all, and of living in Africa, but one often believed not too problematic, and in speak now and of Africa, and as perceived, and from speak of Nerves too that is (and of the Autonomic/Visceral Nervous System, Limbic System and Somatic System in all), and in further speak too here and of the Solar Plexus that is, and in Sensitivity too, but that in all even, the Customary (Law) in all, does now speak of the Human, and as perceived and in all even, and from speak of Organs, Systems and Networks too in all, and if not truly, and of the Kidneys, Liver and Spleen too, and in Health too that is, and as with it all even said centered, and in African definitions in all, and of the Heart too that is [or speak too and of the Swahili word of Moyo in all].

Africa, and in Nerves, is believed said too, and to speak of Civilization and as said Egyptian too, and in Spirit that is. In helping one understand, what we are attempting to in all even lead one to and so to speak, is to now ponder or ask, and of the very manner in all, Civilization, has always been known to exist, and in speak and of the defining of the Human Experience that is [and in speak too of Healing, and of a said injured Lion too for instance]. That unknown to most, Africa, is often said the harbinger in all, and if not the bringer too in all, and of change, and that does in all even herald for instance, the very rise or birth too, and of a said here, New Order that is. In understanding all this better, is to now say that, most societies out there, have evolved, and in a manner in all, and that does ask of them, whom/who in all, they are, and in speak of Taint/Tarnish too that is, and in now saying that, Civilization is now said believed to arise, and in speak of Humans, and as said defined, and in speak not of Innocence truly, but of Godliness truly perhaps, and in speak now, and of Man too, and as said Fallen, and of Fallen Angels too, and of Man again and as said having lost his Innocence in all, his ability to Love for instance, but with it all, not truly acquainted, and with speak and of lost Intelligence in itself, but that in all again, and with speak of his inability to Dream for instance, and if not of his inability to gain Happiness in all, and in most or all ways too that is [in all, the very world of the Pyramid Builders of Egypt, and in further speak too and of what they do term the Lifeforce that is, and as believed said to speak of Civilization, and as simply said described above that is; in Tarnish/Taint that is].

History, and as now said meeting that African, and in speak too, and of African like Behaviour out there, now does speak too, and of what they do term the Behavioural Sciences, and as compared, and to speak too of the Physical Arts that is [and such as speak of Capoeira, or of Drama and Theater, and its Psychology too that is]. That Africa now, and in speak of the Behavioural Sciences too, is now simply said acquainted in all, and with speak, and of what some do term the Human Condition, and as said in all even, speaking and of one in all again, and in Perversion too, and if not in speak of Debauchery too that is. In saying that, the Human Condition, now does speak too of Asian, South Asian that is, History, and as simply said meeting Africa too, is to now and in all even speak too, and of the very term of Instinct that is. That Instinct, believed said something truly African, and in speak of its Nature / Wildlife too, is actually said believed truly Egyptian, and in saying that, Egyptian Civilization, and as now said influencing the World, now does in all even speak of it, and as introducing the Human, and as said Instinct too, and to the rest of the World that is, and as with it all even simply said Instinct, Evolutionary Instinct, Fear Instinct, Death Instinct, Survival Instinct etc. [and with it all even furtherly said too, and to speak and of the very world and of the Pharaohs of Egypt too that is].

Africa on the otherhand, is believed said truly, a Mystical place of a kind that is. For Africa in all, is believed said associated, and with speak and of what they do term Natural Selection, and if not of Evolutionary Theory/Psychology/Games too in all, and which are often interpreted by most, and in speak solely, and of Instinct too that is. That what is been said here is that, Natural Selection, does best approximate speak of Viruses, Disease and Bugs/Germs too, while Evolutionary Theory/Psychology/Games, does in all even refer, and to speak of the Hunter, African, and if not in speak of Injury in all, and not in speak of Wounds truly either (and such as the Mortal Wound too for instance), and in speak too of its Psychology that is.

There is another manner in all, and of viewing Evolution in Africa, and that does in all even speak of the Swahili lands, and if not in speak too, and of the Island of Pemba that is. That Africa, and as said meeting the Swahili lands, does in all even speak of the Islands of Kiswani and Funzi, while speak of the Middle East and of the Swahili lands in all, does speak too of Zanzibar, but that in speak now, and of the Swahili lands, and as said associated, and with their very own Evolutionary Theory so to speak, or in speak too of Evolution in itself that is, now does speak too and of the Island of Pemba in all [and as with it all even said housing such Eco-diversity, and as unseen in most other places of Africa, and in speak now and of Black Mambas, Cobras, Adders, Owls, Bats, Hounds and if not in speak of a said unique Marine in all, and not Sea or Ocean truly either, Habitat, and that does in all even surround Pemba that is].

In having said the above on Pemba, is to now associate it all, and with speak too of Evolution in all, and as said referring and to speak too of Arab Civilization that is. For it does all speak of Evolution in all, and as said to speak too of Repetition, and in Theory, and if not in speak now of Genetic Sequencing, and as said Repetitive in its ways too that is. That most in all, do falsely perceive Africa, and as said to be home too, and to Evolution in itself and in speak too of Gene Sequencing (and if not in further speak too of Hominids that is), and when it can in all even it is been said here, speak truly, and of Pemba that is. That in speak of Repetition, and as said Theory too, is to now also say that, the Human, and in Enactment too for instance, or in Understanding/Knowing, in Memorization too, and if not in Running in itself too, now does in all even speak of him in all, and as said truly defined, and in speak of Repetition that is. That in speak of Repetition, now is to speak of Civilization, and as said referring to Africa too, and as now simply said defined in all, and in speak too of Art (Egyptian), Masks & Artifacts (African), and if not of Literature too [Indian-Sanskrit / South Asian]. That in understanding all this better, and in speak too of Repetition, now is introduce here, the African term in all, and of Oriki too that is. That Oriki, is said a kind of Poetry in all, and that is believed truly descriptive of life, and in Repetition too that is. That what is been said here is that, Oriki, can in all even be said truly associated in all, and with Pemba too that is, and as said not intrinsically African either, for Oriki in all, now does in all even associate, the very world of Magic, and with speak of what is believed said to constitute and for Repetition in itself, and in speak too of Order that is, Natural Order, and in now saying that, Science, and as versus speak of Art, is best said grounded too in all, and in speak now and of the Social Sciences that is, and which do in all even speak of the Field of Science & Technology too. In all, while the Oriki tradition in Africa, and as now simply said associated and with speak of Hadith and of Art and Egypt too, and if not of Mantras, and South Asian / Indian Literature too, is said too best associated, and with speak of matters in all, and of Consciousness that is, its Altering, or in its Changing too, while that which does speak of Pemba, is in all even associated, and with speak of what some do term Maandishi for instance, and is actually truly believed and to speak of Magic in itself that is.

This entry though, does actually deal, or was intended, and to in all deal, and with speak too of African Piano in itself. For African Piano, now does in all even, probably best approximate that said American too, and not that said Italian or European either. For African Piano in all again, is best said categorized in all, and in speak too of the Solo Performance, and if not of the Soloist too, for the Soloist in all, can best be said here, and to go along in all again, and with speak of Greek Civilization, and of the very word/term in all, and of Motif too that is. That this in all again, now does speak too of Evolution, and as said not speaking of Natural Selection, or of Evolutionary Theory/Psychology/Games too, but in all even, in speak now, and of the very name in all, and of the Tsavo that is. That the Tsavo in all, and as said speaking of certain regions in Kenya, and as including speak of the Nairobi National Park too that is, now does in all even have Nature to it, and if not speak of Wildlife truly, and that can in all even best be said, and to differ, and from that which does speak of both the Maasai Mara, or of the Serengeti too that is [and with the latter two, best said too, and to speak of Natural Selection that is]. That in all, what is been said here is that, the Lions of the Maasai Mara / Serengeti, are in all even best said/termed Lions that is, while in the Tsavo, one and in all even does come across, what one would term a Simba that is. In having said all that, is to now speak of Evolution and in the Tsavo, and as now differing, and from that seen in the rest of Africa, for it now does too have to it all it is said here, Evolutionary Theory, and that does in all even speak of African Textures, African Style/Aesthetic, and if not in speak too of African Tongues/Surfaces that is (and with the very world of African Language too, believed said highly diverse, and in speak too of Parlance, Verbiage, Slangs, Vernacular, Lugha, Dialects, Proverbial Speech etc.), and as with it all even now associated, and with speak of Evolution, and as said to refer too, and to speak of Type/Fit and in (Intelligent) Design, Adaptation and in Myth too, and if not of Acclimatization, and in Song/Spirit too that is. In all, and surprisingly enough, the very manner in all, most do view Africa that is, and in speak too of Intellectualism, and Africa, but in now saying that, this Africa, is not actually rather common and in Africa in itself too, having been made rather popular, and by the Victorian World in all, and via speak too and of Victorian Piano perhaps, and as said truly African too (Meatloaf), but it does in all even though, speak of this very Blog, Counter 'Nairo', and in speak too of the Soloist, and as simply said here Virtuoso, and if not Specialist too that is.