Wednesday, April 8, 2015

This entry, will attempt in all, and to speak and of what does stand for in all again, and for change in Kenya/Africa, and as with it all even said to speak of National Agendas too for instance. That it in all, will attempt to speak of change or development, and away too, and from speak and of many a said too Mathematical function, formula or equation too that is.

That it in all, will now speak too, and of what for instance, does pass for Nigerian Nairas and as versus speak too of Kenyan Shillings, and in now attempting to ask many a person in Africa/Kenya, why in all, Development, is said best associated, and with speak of Mass Media (and as often said National too), and not with Multi-Media either that is.

In having said this, is to now speak too, and of the very manner in all, many a society, is simply said organized that is. That the most basic in all, and of organization, now does speak too, and of Rules, and of Instructions too that is. That both in all, can be said meshed too, and in speak too and of the Hybrid/Paradox, or speak too, and of the attempt to create a perfect society in all, best said here Axiomatic too, and that is said free in all, and from both Rules and Instructions in themselves that is.

In better understanding organization in all, and as said to speak of Rules, and as versus Instructions in all, speak now too, and of the following:

1. Supplier vs. Provider

2. Content vs. Composition

3. Payment vs. Charge/Fee/Bill

4. Distribution vs. Allotment

5. Access vs. Deployment