Saturday, April 18, 2015

the Guiding Principle

the Guiding Principle.

When most in all, are called upon and to reflect in all perhaps, and on Death, the very best of answers given, do in all even speak of Displacement that is. That it in all, Death, is simply too perhaps, viewed in all again, and from speak too of Social Displacement, and of Heaven and as perceived as such too, but that in all again, hints too in all, and of a Heaven, and with the most perfect of Tensions to it all that is.

In now saying that, for most, visions of Heaven, are in all even probably associated, and with speak of the Cinematic in all, is to now say that, most are in all even, not said truly understanding and of what Death is all about, and as said a process too, but that in all again, it all probably does come down, and to speak too of Belief, and of us all and in Belief too that is, and if not speak too and of the very word/term of Flesh, and in further speak too of the Utmost that is.

In speak of Heaven now though, and of Death too in particular, and in speak too of Africa, the very belief that, the understanding of such things in all, does in all even speak of the very word/term of Literacy that is, and not of the Literate in particular, and if not speak too of what they do term too the Literati in all. In saying it all now Kenyan too perhaps (Link), speak now and of the Soloist, and as with he in all even truly driven in all, and by the Metaphysical that is. However, it does all get better, and with a said third level to it all, and which does in all even speak too now, and of the Guiding Principle [for the Guiding Principle, now does speak too, and of the said here too, best of Heavens too that is, for it does in all even speak of a place, so perfect in its ways, and that nothing actually does go wrong, and that actually will that is]. In all, the Guiding Principle, and in speak too of Death, now said to speak of the End in itself, and not the terminate either, and in further speak too here, and of the very word/term of Orchestra that is.