Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Third World Religion

Third World Religion.

What in all, is a Third World Religion, simply said to refer to, or speak of that is? It in all, is often summarized truly, and in speak and of only one said term/word: Outreach. In saying that Outlook, and Outcome are in many a way too, often believed said a part of a Third World Religion, is to now too, associate it all, and with said Historical Perspectives in all, and of the termed Third World that is, and which in all even have led, and to a said Multi-Media approach in all, and in attempting to solve often said Third World problems that is, and which in all even are often said associated, and with speak of a fall or a lack of Religion, Culture and if not of Economy too, and amongst those termed Third World in all [and in further speak now, and of the Industrial Revolution, and as said redefining Man in all, and in speak of Religion, Culture and Economy too that is].

In now saying that there are those who do in all even believe a Third World Religion, to in all even speak of an Information/Data/Knowledge Exchange Network in all, and in speak too of the Internet in itself, and in further speak too of the very word/term of Access that is (and as said too a Third World Consciousness in all), it does not in many a way, touch or reach, and at the said root cause in all, and of the problem so to speak (often said too, and to refer and to a Third World Conscience that is), for speak of a Third World Religion in all, now does speak too, and of one said term/word that is: Taboo. That speak of a Third World Religion in all it is believed, should in all even concentrate its efforts, and in speak in particular, and of Taboo, and as said referring and to speak too of Cleanliness (Physical), Sanitation (Mental) and of Filth (Emotional) too that is, and in speak now of the creating of Images in all, and that do in all even denote Success that is [in many a way too, it all too believed, to speak of the very manner in all, the Kenyan Government, has often approached its role, and in helping solve often termed Third World problems in all that is]. In all truly even, and in speak too of the Swahili term of Afya here too, perhaps in all again, the attempt to explain the very Language of English, and to those in the Third World, and as often said a Language now, Imperialist in its ways. but in said Evolutionary terms too, the very Language often used today, and in dealing in all, and with these very issues/matters in all again, and of Taboo, and as defined above that is [and in basic speak here now, and of Positive Thinking in itself too that is, and if not of Notions too, and of Superiority-Equality-Inferiority that is].