Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The African Internet

The African Internet.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with the perceived said in all, best manner in all again, and of going about solving, said everyday problems in all, and in Africa/Kenya too that is. That Africa, and in its said problems, can be said approached in all, and in speak now of the Religious, the Cultural and of the Political too that is [and with each of them, perceived said even, Mutually Exclusive and from each other that is].

In saying that, Africa and in speak of its Problems, or they said truly Troubles actually, does speak of them all, said best centered in all, and around speak of a said Working Model, Prototype or Paradigm too that is, is to now and in all even say, it could very well speak too, and of the Computer, Email/Database and of the Internet in itself too that is.

In speak of Africa as such then, then now is to speak, of approaches made in all, and in speak of solving Africa's / Kenya's problems that is and as such, and in now associating the Religious in all, and with speak of a Generic/Specific approach, in speak of the Cultural, speak now and of a Competence/Ineptude approach, but in speak of the Political, speak now, and of a said Situation/Circumstance approach that is.