Tuesday, May 5, 2015



What is Import in all, said to be? For many, the instant belief/view that, it all does speak too and of Import/Export, and as said Industry too that is, while this very entry in all again, would associate Import, and with speak best, and of the Tourism Industry for instance.

In saying that Import, is not something truly recognized by most, and as said a standstill term/word on its own, is to now associate too, and with speak of Boundaries in all, and as versus speak too of Ownership, Borders and Rights too that is. There are those who would readily associate Import, and with speak too of Labels & Stickers, for it does in all now, speak of it all, and in speak now of Popularisms/Africanisms that is, and as versus speak too now of Popular Culture in itself that is. In saying that 'Nairo', does in all even speak of the Conservatory, and of Counter 'Nairo', of the Reserve, and of Anatolia, speak now of the Nursery, speak in all again of Import, does speak truly and of the Park that is [and in speak too, and of an Industrial Park for instance].

In saying that Import in all, and as said a Culture truly, does in all even refer, and to speak of African Time in itself, is to now associate it all too, and with speak of the very word/term of Harbinger that is, and as with it all even said to speak of Internet Media, and in Africa today too that is.In saying that, Import, is believed said everything or anything but nothing in all, is to not associate it and with the very words/terms of Idea, Concept, Clue, End, Hypothesis, Sense, Cue, Flash, Hint etc., but in all truly, speak now and of Notion in itself that is.

In a Worldly perspective in all, Import, and as said to speak of Africa, and in Culture too, now said in all again referencing Canada in all, and if not Ottawa truly (and of 'Much More Music' too that is), but that in all again, speak in all and of a World ruled over, and by speak of 'the Spirit of things', and in speak too of the Kenyan Rugby Team too for instance, for speak of Import in all, does in all even talk of 'the Gist of things' that is [or speak too of Vodka for instance].

For while everyday life in most of the World, is ruled over and by speak of Transaction/'the Transactional', Import in all, does truly believe, and in speak of Negotiation in itself that is. In saying that, the Victorian/Colonial world, was ruled over, and by speak of Repertoire in all, while most of the World, and as said Civil too, does in all even speak too of Conversation, Import, does in all even aspire, and to speak too of Soliloquy/Colloquy that is [and in speak too now, and of associating Development in Nairobi/Kenya today, and with a Destruction Crew, and of many a Replacement Theory too that is].

In saying that, Import now, is best said even African and in Philosophy truly, is to now too, associate it all, and with speak of Italy, and in speak now too, and of Philosophy and as said Italian, said to speak of Mercantilism that is. For Mercantilism in all now does speak too of the Appeal Factor that is, and in Intelligence too, while Import, can in all even be said to speak of Appreciation, and which is often believed said to speak too, and of African Culture in all, and in Ingenuity, Talent or Hospitality too that is [and in further speak too and of the very terms in all, and of Vintage, Custom and Antique too for instance].

In all, Import, and as simply said to speak primarily in all, or fundamentally too, and of Censorship in itself, and as believed said something to speak of God and Africa too, and as versus speak now of the very word/term of Principium, and which does now speak too, and of God and Italy too that is [and if not of FashionTV too for instance].