Tuesday, May 19, 2015


of India.

Many today, and who do in all even come across the name of India, do in all even now, and in a stereotypical fashion too, it is said associate in all, and with many a belief, and that does say, Indians in all, are said good in Mathematics, Science, Medicine, Business, Industry etc., and as with it all even often said too, not to speak of the Indian Intellect in all, but in all truly, and of what does pass for Potential, and as said Indian too that is.

In having said that, is to now say too that, the Blogger here, does not ascribe in all, and to such thoughts of India, but from a mockingly stance, speak now and of African Identity, and as said grounded in all, and in speak too of Impotence that is, and of the very question in all, and of whom/who in all, the said here, Indian Beauty, truly is [for she is in all even, more alluring in her ways, and than that said Western too that is]. In saying that, African Identity, and as said to refer truly, and to speak of Impotence, does speak too of African Bodies, and as said Diseased too, is to also now associate, the History of Slavery and Colonialism in Africa, and Slavery too, and as said to speak of Brazil, Suriname, Colombia and Guyana too, and with speak truly, and of Diseased Bodies that is, African, and in now saying that, this is the very key in all, and to understanding said African Religion, and in South America too, and such as Quimbanda or Macumba that is, and as said to refer and to speak of Impotence truly, and not of Oppression truly either.

However, this entry, will attempt to teach those in Counter 'Nairo,' and in the very least too, and on what India, does truly stand for or represent for that is. That most in all, are not understanding and of India, and as said in all even, a place too perhaps [one must though, understand, the very use of words and such as place, region or even in speak of locales too in all, and as something said truly Egyptian in all, and with it all even perceived as such, and from a World Context too, but that in speak of Africa, speak truly only, and of the Situation that is], a place too that is, and whose Religions and ways in all, are often not well understood by many. That in all, one must place in all again, a distinction, and if not emphasis, and between India, and Southeast Asia, for Southeast Asia in all, does have Religion to it, and that does in all even speak of the Divine Goddess, and if not of Religion in Bangladesh too that is. India though, is different, for if in all, one was to be asked, what does in all even pass for Indian Religion or Custom too, it would all come down to speak and of one question in all, and which does say: "How do you feel today?'.

In helping one understand all this better, the importance/significance in all, and of associating life, and with feelings, and as versus speak of thoughts/beliefs that is, is to now attempt to put/place Indian Civilization in all, Historically too, and in a Context in all, and that does speak too of Egyptian Civilization that is. That Egypt in all, does actually differ and from India, in that, Egyptian Civilization, is believed said even, highly advanced in its ways, and in speak of thoughts/beliefs, and that do in all even speak of Charms and Amulets too, and if not of the very building, and of the Egyptian Pyramids too that is. That in saying that, Egypt is truly the home to Media in itself, is to now associate Egypt, and as versus speak of India too, and in beliefs/thoughts, and with the very name of Horus that is [and in speak too now, and of a said simple belief that, if one was at this moment, to simply say, 'I don't care to know much of Horus', one would in all even simply come to see the World and as it is, and if not on the otherhand, gain an understanding, and of Nubian 'Civilization' too that is].

However, in helping one understand, why India, or Indian Civilization too, is believed far more of interest in all, and to that said Egyptian, it now does speak too, and of the very attempt to truly understand ones feelings in all, and as with it all even said to speak of a high Intuition too that is. That Indian Religion in all, is not difficult to understand, for in speak of feelings, it is in all even associated, and with speak and of the very concept in all, and of the God-Head, and if not of Brahman too, and as said now in all associated, and with feelings in all, and that do speak too of terms/words, and such as the Atman, Dharma, Karma, Moksha, Samsara, Ishvara etc. In saying that, getting in touch with ones true or genuine, or most intimate of feelings (and if not said acting, and at a Genetic level too), is the very Key in all, and to understanding life, is to now say that, Indians in all, do differ from other peoples in the World (and as including speak of the Western World too), for India, and as a name too in all, does in all even, speak, and of the very attempt in all, to in all even truly transcend, speak of race/Creed, Religion, and if not of Divinity in itself too that is. That one, is now said to be in a highly developed so to speak, state in all, and of understanding the very nature of (ones) feelings that is, and such that, it all probably can best be explained, and in speak too now, and of the very/word term of Spark, and as said to refer, and to the most Ancient of Religions that is. In all, the end goal, and in speak too of an Indian life well lived that is, or so to speak, is to in all even truly, attempt, to enter, what they do call Shantaram for instance, and as said a place, or abode truly, and which can in all even be said ruled over, and not by speak of Kings and Queens, or of High Priests and of any other said Divine figure too in all, but in speak truly, and of those said truly Unperturbed in their ways/manners in all, or in speak too and of the total absence in all, and of Hysteria, and as said a Human Condition too that is.