Monday, May 4, 2015

The Hunt

The Hunt.

What can be said to in all, speak and of the very Meaning/Purpose in all again, and of life in Africa/Kenya today that is? In speak of the very belief that, the very origins of life in Africa/Kenya, do in all even go along and with speak too of the Adventurer, is to now associate life in Africa/Kenya today, and with speak too of the Inquiry/Search that is.

Those in 'Nairo' though, Bik and his other said friends, might be said to be of the very belief that, life in Africa/Kenya, might in all even truly speak of the Seeker/Saint that is, or speak too of the attempt in all, and in defining our very lives, and in speak of Normalcy in itself that is. That this too, now does speak too of the Normal, and as said to speak to of the very word/term of Location/Locating, and of the Abnormal, said now too, and to speak of the very word/term, and of the Point that is.

In speak though, and of Counter 'Nairo', and of Vic., and as simply said in place, speak now and of the very belief that, life in Africa/Kenya, could in all even be said, to speak of the Hunt, the Pursuit, the Chase, the Quest, the Scramble, Game etc., and as with it all even said too now, and to speak of the Monk in himself too that is.