Friday, May 8, 2015

African Identity

of African Identity.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with speak and of what Identity, is believed said to truly be. For unknown to most or many that is, most of the World, does not actually operate and as based on so to speak, Identity that is. That the World in all, can simply be said here, Egyptian, African and Indian too in all.

That the Egyptian World in all, is simply said Socialized that is, and in speak too now, and of the very term of Entity that is. That the Egyptian World in all, does not speak of Social or Political Identity truly, but in all truly even, and of Social, Religious or Political Entity too that is. In having said this, is to now and in all even say that, the very World in all, and of the Entity, is not what it appears to be, for it is the very World in all again, and that does truly accommodate, speak now and of Social Elitism ('No Africans') for instance, Racism/Racialism ('Whites Only'), the Bourgeoisie ('No Blacks'), the Aristocracy etc. In all, in speak now of simply telling one what an Entity is, is to associate it in all, and with speak truly perhaps, and of Racialism that is, or in speak too now and of simply adjudging another, and by their very Looks, Physical too that is.

India, does differ from most of the World, in that, while the Egyptian World is simply said Socialized, and that said African said Politicized, the Indian World, can in all even be said as Economized that is. That this in all, now does speak too, and of one and as Identified so to speak, and in speak of Name that is, and in further speak too and of what some do term Separatism, Segregation, and if not of Seclusionism too that is. 

In saying that, the Indian World, and as said Economized, is believed said defined in all, and by speak of Name truly, is to now speak of it all, and as often said associated and with speak of the Warrior, and in further speak truly of Alienation in all, is to now speak too, and of most of the World, outside Africa, and as often said not Egyptian too, and in speak now of the Americas for instance, to in all even speak of Isolationism, or of Ostracization in itself too that is, and in speak too now, and of what does pass for a Street Lynching for instance.

Africa though, does differ from the rest of the World in all, in that, the African World, is in all even said Politicized that is, and such that, it does speak truly of Identity in itself, and as said a term too, but that the African World in all, does in all even struggle, and with defining Boundaries, and if not Partitions too, and in regards to Behaviour too for instance, and such that, the African World, is best said too, associated, and with speak of Thievery too in all.

While the Socialized in all again, and in Egypt, did in all grow, and to speak now too, and of the Freemason for instance, India is considered to very much be home, and to Sociology in itself, while in speak of Africa, speak now truly of Psychology, but in speak and of most of the World said not Egyptian too, speak now truly and of the Medical tradition too that is.