Tuesday, May 5, 2015


of Cricket.

Why is Cricket, believed a said Game here, and not Sport or Recreation truly either, and of said Importance or Significance that is? In starting of on all this though, is to now associate 'Nairo', and with speak of Rugby in all (and if not in speak of Anatolia too), while Counter 'Nairo', would in all even speak of Cricket that is.

What though is Cricket believed said best to be? It can in all even, be said to go along, and with speak too of Picador Books (UK Publishing) and in the UK too, for Picador Books, and alongside speak of Cricket, are in all even involved, and not in speak of Educating one truly, or making one Learned, but speak truly, and of Coaching in itself, and if not of Tuition too, for it is in all even believed that, Coaching, is simply what is needed and in succeeding in all, and in Kenya/Africa too that is. 

In saying that, Cricket, is in all even believed said of Importance and Significance, is to in all even say that, it can all very well come, to shape our very lives, and in speak of the Political Event that is. That the Colonial world in Kenya, and as said Victorian too, did in all even define itself, and Politically too, and in speak too of the Bibliographical that is, and as versus speak of a Kenya today, simply said driven, and Politically too, and by speak of Siasa that is, and which is in all even said a low level form of Politicking in all [but one too, believed said even rather Violent in its ways in all].

In all, and in speak now of Vic., BiK, or even of Pat. too, what to say or do, and about Kenya's future that is? That Kenya to this very day, does still remain driven, and by speak of Siasa, and if not of Kiswa too (or Kiswahili and as said even Slang that is), and that in all again, in speak of Vic., his probably thinking, 'Let me move to the States or something', and not the United States, or America, or the United States of America too either. That Vic., it is been said here, your being hateful, of Siasa in all, now does have you probably thinking, the States, to be the very place you would want to hang out in, and in probably thinking, you will get there, get to befriend a couple of pals/friends, and whom in all, sporadically that is, you will reject, and on their making advances in all, and on your hanging out with them, and your thinking, 'Another time probably'. What of BiK? For it is known that, the best said thing about 'the States', does in all even speak of Johnny Depp that is, but BiK, he said simply being a funny guy of his own kind or ilk in all, and as with he the kind to want to truly move to the UK, and then simply, begin or start to believe in all, and in speak now of a life lived, that all the Beautiful Women in the UK, said English too, and if not Keira Knightley in herself, will actually take an active interest in him that is. What of Pat.? Who knows of Pat., or of 'this Guy' truly as some would call Pat., but, in saying that he does in all, Pat. that is, believe Kenya has a said mtindo to it that is, going on, and in speak of the very word of Biashara too, is to now too, probably associate any one said carrying such beliefs, and with speak of organized crime in Kenya, but, in speak of his said Preferences, probably the kind of person, to simply want to hang out in Canada, and for all Time too that is [and as probably even said a Hitman of a kind that is].

I though, and on the otherhand, and as simply said truly tired of Siasa in itself, and as said a word too in all, my believing that, it would be best to make out for Norway in all, in the Scandinavia too, but, I do not intend to actually attempt to live out the/a good life so to speak, but that in all again truly, my now believing that, all that is left of the World, is the very said attempt, and in truly becoming/being or acting, and in a said Upright, Steadfast and if not Staunch too, manner/way in all, and as with it all even now regarded, and as said the last of Religion acknowledged or simply known by Man that is, and in a World today, highly defined by a Media, and that does in all even ask of us, to simply ponder in all, whom/who in all we are, and in speak too of Belonginess that is (Link), and not in speak of Support truly either.

Of Norway:
