Thursday, May 14, 2015

Child Psychology

Child Psychology.

What in all, is Child Psychology said to be? To say that it does in all even speak of our said Facing, Disappointment in all, and if not Disillusionment or Disorientation too, and as our lives continue to unfold so to speak, is to in all even, say the very least of it all. For Child Psychology, it does appear to one, is believed said even a true or strong determinant in all, and of African Lives that is, and as compared truly, and to speak of Teen Psychology, and of Wasted Years/Time that is [and as is often common in all, and of lives lived, and outside speak of Africa that is].

In having said that, and in now associating Teen Psychology, and with speak too, and of what some do call Peer Pressure in the very least, is to now though, associate Child Psychology, and with what some would term Private Moments and in the very least too. That African lives for instance, do in all even speak of the very term/word of Cherish, and as said differing in all, and from speak too of Adoration in itself for instance.

In having said the above, is to now tell one that, it is believed Child Psychology, does in all even speak, and of the Psychology, and of Displacement in itself too. That for most Africans in all, Success, is only truly determined so to speak, and at the Child Psychology level that is. That in understanding all this better, speak now, and of our Child selves, and as said to speak too, and of what we should in all even, Retain, and Discard, and about our very lives too that is [and as said while growing up too that is]. In speak of our Child Self, speak now and of the very manner in all, we do define Gratitude and Consolation, and in our very lives too that is. In speak of our Inner Child, speak now perhaps, and of the very term/word of Rectitude that is.

In helping one though, put it all together, is to now associate growing up, and with the said defining and of Boundaries, and in our very lives too that is [and in further speak too and of Dream Psychology in itself that is]. In many a way too though, that having been said, is to now speak and of what Displacement is simply said to be, and in speak now too, and of Child Psychology in itself that is. That if one was to in all even, simply peek or look into themselves, and in a manner in all, and that does speak too of Child Psychology and as said even defined above, and in the bid too perhaps, to define oneself, and in speak too of Boundaries that is, one would in all even come across, the Psychology of Displacement, and which does in all even speak and of whom/who in all, one is, and when they do in all even, come across a Shark for instance. That the Psychology of Displacement, does not speak truly and of the ability of one, to easily in all, predict, the outcome of a said application process for instance (and if not in speak of a job interview too), but that in all again, truly does enable for one, to in all even truly get a glimpse, and into ones Future that is, and in speak too of 10 Years henceforth for instance [or in speak too of 'from now', and as they would very well say today that is]. That in all, for those in Counter 'Nairo', and in referring to Hosea (Litiku) too, the Psychology of Displacement, said only, the only thing perhaps, that does speak of life in itself, and in Africa/Kenya today too that is.