Friday, May 29, 2015



This post, does in all even have to do, and with speak now of Vic., and if not of Bik too and over and away and in 'Nairo' that is, and in now attempting to ask in all, and if and if not, life, does continue to matter, and not, if life, does actually matter. That life, is simply said here, an ongoing situation that is, and one too, and that does in all even speak, and of associating life in itself, and with speak too now, and of a Psychology, often said Black too, and that does speak now, and of the Grandiose, Aggrandization, and if not of Entitlement too that is. That this does in all even speak of the said ongoing Political situation in Kenya today, and in speak now, and of the said best manner in all, and of simply viewing life that is.

That America in all, and today too, is believed said to still to possess to it, a Psychology, and that does in all even speak of Instinct, Aim, Goals, Ambition, Motive etc., and which does in all make for all the excitement in life, and in Success or Failure too that is.

Romanesque on the otherhand though, can in the very least, be said a term too, Italian too perhaps, and that does associate life in itself, directly too, and with speak too of Doubt that is [and not of Narcissism truly either]. That Doubt in all, and to Vic. and Bik too that is, could be said a better manner in all, and of viewing life, and as compared in all again, and to that which does speak of Instinct in itself, or that too said Black, and in further speak of issues/matters in all, and as pertaining to speak of Entitlement, and in speak too of Fairness in itself that is. That what is been said here Vic., is that, you might in all even truly consider, moving to Saudia Arabia (and not the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia truly either), and in speak too now of Bik, and as said moving to Oman, and with I or Me on the otherhand, now said moving, and to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Probably in all, such moves, said to speak of Doubt in itself, but in saying that, the future does not bode well for most out there (a belief held by some), is to now say too, it actually does not bode well, and for all (a belief held by few), and if not for any of us that is (a belief held by many). However, who is to say what the future does hold, but in saying that, Doubt, does conquer all, is to not in the very least speak the truth, for in overcoming Doubt, is to now say it all too a moment, and one too, not to waste either that is. And thats it.