Monday, May 25, 2015

Proto- Africa

Proto- Africa.

This very entry now does have to do, and with what is believed, to speak of the very nature in all, and as often said problems too, but situations or troubles truly, that do in all even face or plague, many an African that is, and in speak now and of the often said belief that, African problems in all, are not recurring in their ways, but are truly in all, said repetitive in their ways that is. Repetitive in all, and such that, there are those who would ponder in all, if there does exist, a said quintessential, archetypal, essential etc., Situation, and not Problem truly either, and that can in all even be simply said to help explain, many another said Situation truly, and not Problem truly either, and in Africa that is.

The answer to this, now does lie too, and in speak of the said prefix, and of Proto- too that is. That the Proto- in all, does very much go along in all again, and with the very view that, there is said and in the very least too, a form of methodology in all, and that can be used, to in all analyze/solve that is, most situations/'problems' said African that is. Something in all again, not provable to most, but in speak of it all, and from religious terms in all, speak too now, and of what some do too term in all again, the Proto-ancestor that is.

That the very world of the Proto-, and if not of the Proto-ancestor too, is believed in all even, to at the very least, have Man questioning himself, and in evolutionary terms too, and in speak now and of what, the Psyche/Self in all, and in speak too of the Primal that is, is simply said to be. For those in Africa though, it all now, is believed said to speak of an Ancient Spirituality in all, and that does in all even associate the Proto-, and with speak too of Improvisation/Versatility in itself that is. For most today though, the Proto-, simply asking of one, and of the very manner in all, they do define (Genetic, Communal, Individual, Gender, Cultural etcetc.) Make-up/Profiles that is.

In all, the very belief here that, Africa's problems in all, situations truly that is, are in all even said repetitive (and in speak too of Situational Analysis that is), and not recurring truly either (and in speak too of Standards/Ideals for instance), and such that, the very belief that Africans in all, are said always talking about their problems that is, now does have the Field in all it is said here, and of African Journalism/Criticism, African Review, and African Literary Journalism/Criticism too, and as perhaps said, simply paving the way, and in helping one truly make out, what the Proto-, is simply said to be that is, and as with it all even simply said, to have Communications to it, and that do in all even simply speak of one term/word: the Cipher.