Friday, May 22, 2015



Those in Counter 'Nairo', might in all even have a difficulty understanding in all, what does actually go on in life today that is. That in the most minimal of senses, speak now and of why there is a said Apathy, Lethargy or even Meaningless view too, and to many a thing, and if not most of them, and in regards now, and to speak and of what does pass for Excitement in all, and as having to do and with Success for instance. That in speak now of a glum looking Vic., too for instance, or of a 'over-enthusiastic' Hosea too, perhaps now, speak truly, and of whether in all, Kenya, does have a Future to it in all, and that does in all even speak of Repute, and not of Reputation truly either.

Hopefully, this is all understood, and in speak too now of the Kenyan Psyche, and as most would recognize it, the search for Repute in all, and as said even truly a Motivator, and in regards and to speak too, of always receiving a great welcome in all, and on visiting your favourite Restaurant for instance.

That the above, is what drives Kenya, and in speak now and of a Kenya said falling apart, and in further speak and of most of peoples in all and so to speak, and in Kenya too, now said too, not caring to know each other too much either that is.

The World though, is not what it appears to be, and in speak and of what does pass for Success or Status, or in further speak too, and of it all viewed, and in regards to History in itself, and of what is believed to truly Matter, and what does not that is. That the World today, and in speak of Theory, now does too, very much in all work along in all again, and in speak too of Complexity/Chaos Theory that is. That most of the World, said Western too, and if not in speak of the United States of America in itself, and of Japan too and to many an extent, does in all even thrive, and in attempt to in all even design or define societies in all, and that do in all even incorporate Complexity/Chaos Theory, and into their ways that is, and in speak too now, and of Time in itself, and as said deciphered, and from speak truly of Time Sequencing/Series that is.

Africa though, does in all even have its own Theory, and in regards to all this. For while Chaos Theory in all, can too, be said Egyptian, Complexity Theory on the otherhand, does truly deal with the rest of the World, Africa, and in its perception of History, or in speak and of the re-defining of itself, and in speak of Success or Status too, can in all truly even, be said associated, and with speak and of Set/Graph Theory that is [or the ability in all, to bring many a differing idea/element, together and in harmony/spirit too that is].

For those in Counter 'Nairo' though, now is to tell them that, the very world in all, and of Repute, and as versus Reputation too (and in speak too of Western Identity, and as most do know it), does in all even continue, to exist, and in speak now, and of what they do term Combinatorics that is. The very belief here that, first off, those in Counter 'Nairo', should in all even concentrate, and in studying History in itself, but that in speak now and of the defining of Success or Status, and as said Unique in all, speak too perhaps, and of the very world of Combinatorics, and as perhaps said too now, and to not only speak of Repute in itself, but of the very fact that, as the World continues to change or redefine itself in all, and as said even by some, as averse and to History in itself, perhaps now, the very separating of oneself, and in Attitude too, and from viewing Europe, Italy, the Western World or the United States of America too, and as perhaps said places in all, and with many a great Idea to it, but that in all again, the very region of Japan, China and Korea (and as said grounded and in speak of the Koreas truly), now does present itself in all, and in a said manner that is, and that is said to speak of interesting manner in all, and of viewing our World that is, and in speak now of endless talk about Progress or Advancement in all, and in America or Europe too that is, and as said to refer and to what is believed said to matter, but that in now saying that, it is Combinatorics, and that is believed here, 'the Science of our Times' (and something those in Counter 'Nairo', would fully understand it is believed here), the very belief that, a study of Korean Culture, and as said meeting that said Chinese or Japanese too, now does present an offset, and in speak and of what is believed, or of what does go on around the World, and as versus speak too, and of what should be going on, and in Africa/Kenya too that is [and all this said too, and in regards and to what is believed said to Matter, and what does not, and in speak too and of History in itself too that is].